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Foundation exam passed at age 5 years and eleven months old

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G7LRR, Apr 7, 2012.

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  1. G7LRR

    G7LRR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    View attachment 90508
    The Humber Fortress DX ARC is proud to Announce and congratulate its youngest new Member Miss Kayleigh Huntley,

    on passing her Foundation exam at age 5 years and eleven months .

    Also Passing their Exams today were:

    Steve Tobin

    Steve Walsh

    Linda Nielsen

    and a big congratulations to Kevin Johnson M6OZY on passing his intermediate Exam Kevin had worked very hard for this pass today.

    Full Write up will follow on the Candidates and their training that has taken place

    Andy Nielsen
    Chair Humber Fortress DX A.R.C

    Please Sign Comments on the Club Guestbook @
  2. KC0W

    KC0W Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amateur radio, so easy even a 5 year old can do it.

    Tom KCØW
  3. K6FRG

    K6FRG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am going to share this with friends who feel they can't pass the tech exam!
  4. WW7F

    WW7F Guest

    QUOTE=K6FRG;2516724]I am going to share this with friends who feel they can't pass the tech exam![/QUOTE]

    Or even that "difficult", "impossible to pass" Extra exam:)! 73,Michelle:)
  5. W0IW

    W0IW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congrats to the lil girl she did something cool...
    i wish i could get my kids excited enuff to do radio :)P.............DREAMING !!!

    Yeah yeah i know........ The world is changing ham radio ...taint... what it use to be...
    And the world has changed as well... I guess but the bands are alive tons of hams to talk to and lots of cool new radio toys are here i only dreamed we would have back in the late 70's and 80's are here now.....

  6. N1ZZZ

    N1ZZZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I wasn't even literate enough to read the questions at 5 yrs old.
  7. VK4TI

    VK4TI Guest

    A quite exceptional well coached almost 6 year old

    Well done
  8. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    what is a foundation exam?
  9. AK4PX

    AK4PX Ham Member QRZ Page

    looks like its the UK equivalent to the US Tech license
  10. KJ6VCN

    KJ6VCN Ham Member QRZ Page

    The UK has three license classes: Foundation, Intermediate, and Advanced.
    Foundation class holders are limited to 10W, Intermediate class holders are limited to 50W, while Advanced class holders may use up to 400W, the max allowed in the UK. I don't know about the band limitations, or if there are any at all.
    Just thought I'd help by adding some info.
  11. G0GQP

    G0GQP Ham Member QRZ Page

    The UK Foundation Quiz is a farce, it then gives them access to all of the HF bands, 2 Mtrs, & I think 70 Cms....With a limit of 10 watts & no incentive to continue up the ladder.
    But fortunatley there are a large number of folks that do wish to progress, but on the downside there are also a large number that can't be bothered or use the Foundation callsign to give a smokescreen to their illegal CB activities.
    A Happy Easter To All

    73 de Dave
  12. 2E0OZI

    2E0OZI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wheres your stats to back that up Dave? Mine are not extensive, but of the 10 of us that passed Foundation in November 2010, 8 have become intermeadiates, and of those I think 4 now hold a Full licence. I think the Foundation licence is an excellent way of getting people into Amateur radio and letting them have fun on the air with 10w.
  13. 2E0VDS

    2E0VDS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well done to the young lady. May she enjoy ham radio for years to come.

    The Foundation exam is not a farce. I passed my foundation in 2007 and a year later passed the intermeadiate.

    I have no intention of going for the full licence.

    I use mainly use PSK but at time use voice and can work the world on 35 watts.

    I know PSK is a low power mode, but more skill is required to work the world on low power.

    Unlike some of our european neightbours who think nothing of running 1kw and blast everybody of the band.

    Saturday I worked VK5NE on 35 watts psk though a G5RV 15ft off the ground.
    Not a linear amp in sight.

    73's and good dx

  14. WA0EMX

    WA0EMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    See Radio Society of Great Britain's (RSGB) great website at, another great national Amateur Radio organization -- the UK's ARRL!

    See webpage within the RSGB website for the details on licensing and license classes.

    Another great national Ham Radio organisation (sic) can be found at Great mates down under!
  15. G4SKO

    G4SKO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well done to the young lady in question and anything that encourages new blood into this amazing hobby can only be good.
    There are broader issues here though. Ten watts is a significant amount of power, on the HF bands especially and I wonder if there is an incentive as the earlier post suggested to progress up the ladder and onward towards the more experimental aspects of the hobby. Engendered within the ethos/spirit of amateur radio is the path of self learning and acquisition of new skills and knowledge. Do the current license arrangements encourage this self improvement or do they simply get new call signs on the air at all cost? After a break from the hobby of several years I recently returned to the bands and was confronted by a legion of new call signs, some of these operators seemed to me at least, to have the operating demeanor of CBers with little regard for procedure or indeed manners. Don't get me wrong, I've always thought that the hobby needed a kick up the ether and to shed the old boys/gentlemen's club attitude to newcomers, but I remain to be convinced that this current licensing arrangement is fit for purpose.

    We welcome this young lady to the fold and she should be very proud of her achievement. I hope she is encouraged to climb the ladder of self improvement. Who knows she may one day join the ranks of the great experimenters who have made huge contribution to the world of electronics and telecommunications across the globe.

    73, de. G4SKO
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