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Anti-Viral Net Approaches 1 Year Anniversary

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K9NYO, Feb 25, 2021.

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  1. K9NYO

    K9NYO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    In the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a few members of the Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society (BARS) in southwest suburban Chicago established a nightly health and welfare net to keep area hams in contact with one another when sheltering-in-place was instituted. "The Anti-Viral Net" is approaching its one year anniversary on March 16, 2021. The net runs every night of the week except for the third Monday of the month--which is the night of the monthly meeting of BARS. Each night has a regular net control operator, and there is usually a question each night that prompts discussion. The BARS linked repeater system is 147.330 MHz with + offset / 107.2 Hz CTCSS and 443.525 MHz with + offset / 114.8 Hz CTCSS. The repeater can also be found on EchoLink at K9BAR-R. The net is at 1930 Central time every day. See the K9BAR website for more information.[​IMG]
    N0TZU, KD9PKQ, W9KM and 3 others like this.
  2. AA9JS

    AA9JS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    As the Friday night net control for the AV net I would welcome anyone and everyone to check into the net. We are a friendly group with a wide range of hams from high school age hams and up with a wide variety of people. We strongly welcome and encourage new hams to check in as well. Please join us, we would love to have you check in!


    Gary AA9JS
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
    W9WSS, N4GST, WD9EWK and 1 other person like this.
  3. W9CY

    W9CY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'll second that comment. The AV net is a great group of welcoming hams. Come join in!


    Jaye W9CY
    W9WSS, N4GST and AA9JS like this.
  4. K9NYO

    K9NYO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    We keep politics out of our net - it's an hour each day when anyone can come in and talk about their day and engage in camaraderie without worrying about fiery debates popping up. That is all fine for other places and other times. We are old and new friends getting together to support each other and take a breather during the day.
    W9WSS, G3SEA, ZL2TOY and 6 others like this.
  5. AA9JS

    AA9JS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We want welcome and encourage new hams as well and have had well over a dozen new hams check-in with us as their first contact. Any many of them keep coming back some almost every night. We want them to feel welcome and to keep pursuing the hobby regardless of political leanings, age, etc. As soon as comments like this are introduced to the mix it has the potential drive people away and that is the last thing we want to do.

    W9WSS, KD2TUD, ZL2TOY and 2 others like this.
  6. KC3MIO

    KC3MIO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I can understand your feelings and I do not like to get into political discussions over the air. If you have established a health and welfare net, do you allow discussion of current conditions and health guidelines, including whether those guidelines make sense and have been effective? Even with such a highly politicized virus, there is a realm of facts and hypotheses that is independent of political views.
  7. AA9JS

    AA9JS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Health guidelines are one thing which are allowed as long as they are based upon sound scientific information and not the ramblings of a politician regardless of which side of the aisle they are standing. Personally I hate discussions of politics on the air, reminds me of the trash on 75m ssb any night of the week, and if not kept in check it can too quickly devolve into something and that can be polarizing and corrosive to a group with a diverse set of people.

    Sorry and let me get off the soap box!

    Cheers! And please feel free to join us if you would like.

    Gary AA9JS
    W9WSS and VE6CLG like this.
  8. KN4EHX

    KN4EHX Ham Member QRZ Page

    There will be plenty of fiery debates in this forums about the virus. Many people have extreme feelings on the subject. As a public health professional I advocate for anything that can help to reduce risk to the community. Keep up the good fight and take care of your own.

    HA2ZB and AA9JS like this.
  9. KC3MIO

    KC3MIO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    FB. I understand that I can access distant repeaters through the internet, but I haven’t tried it. If I do, I’ll probably sit in and listen.
  10. W1LWT

    W1LWT Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is nice too read article.....I am the president of the W1NPP club in Mid-Maine Area the club is based out of Lewiston,Maine. I too started and the First to start a Weekly net. For the reasons for to have members and other non-member HAMs who can reach our repeater 146.610 Every Wed nite at 7pm. I called it from the beginning the" ANDY-20, How Goes It Net" its for all Hams to keep in touch and see how each is doing. We do it within a hours time and usualy two rounds of all check in's. We cover general interest to all and information shareing. And most important to upkeep the motivation and a outlook of a positive nature as We Care about our community of HAMs. And to see how each member is doing threw out these times.... From the Desk of W1LWT-Andy Club President and NCS for W1NPP Net.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
    AA9JS likes this.
  11. K5WW

    K5WW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great initiative, congrats!
    K9NYO and AA9JS like this.
  12. VE3FAX

    VE3FAX Ham Member QRZ Page

    How about someone schedule a COVID Lockdown , “mental health” Net ....
    FORBIDDING ALL COVID/Lockdown/environmental politics !

    (Yes, even environmental issues are now “magically” tied to Covid- so no escaping those lectures either).

    A HAM net where we are RELIEVED from the endless Media and Internet COVID /Great Reset propaganda and “wrong-think”.

    HAM radio WAS a relaxing, FUN radio electronics oriented hobby for many...Now MOST EVERY RADIO NET is like some contest; hearing about your friend of a friend who had a 90 year old uncle who died from (meaning “WITH”) COVID, while being operated on for his untreated (due to lockdown) cancer or heart condition...or all the “positive” PCR increases..(but never recovery numbers )

    A “COVID BANNED” radio-net would do MORE to help prevent the increased suicide, drinking, smoking, drugs, violence and depression that has come with the “lockdown-saving
    ” of 40 thousand Canadians -at the expense of the other 15 MILLiON....and Many are also “listening-in” to our chatter.

    Please, STOP TALKING about what we hear EVERY DAY, EVERY WHERE about the COVID dangers, fears, “environmental benefits”, and it’s “amazing opportunity” to usher in “The Great Reset” (thats Neo-Serfdom and redistributing YOUR middle class wealth to the ruling class and select monopolies that will run our “conformity score” For a Communist police state.

    Have a NET that is a HAPPY PLACE to talk to others about something OTHER Than COVID...PLEASE !

    I Am going to play ball in traffic, stick a fork in a toaster or Drink a glass of sour milk If ONE MORE PERSON tells me to “STAY SAFE”...while my own government bans me from my “informed consent” of taking proven, safe, preventative COVID treatments..(but they approve OFF LABEL use of hormones for an 8 year old Boy who “feels” like a girl....just for the asking)
    Covid Nets are OK with passing on the Horror, but don’t dare bring up “Gain of Function” research and the people funding it and the “solution” . Not referring to any one Covid Net, but sharing info can make it very uncomfortable for those interested in only spreading the dangers of leaving your house. They can’t, so you can’t. And some COVID nets are a soapbox for “the betters” .

    THIS Lifelong Hobby has gotten many people through rough and bad times in our life; as a distraction to stress and trauma. It was a healthy escape....but NOT this time. I’ve had t

    I don’t expect this To be posted, but I don’t think I am alone in my frustration with the tiring chatter from those on the air with COVID Stockholm Syndrome...and it seems we can’t escape it on HF, VHF or UHF Digital!

    Tnx es gl
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
    KA2FIR, NJ6J, N9EAW and 4 others like this.
  13. AA9JS

    AA9JS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Before you criticize the net, please check in and/or listen. I think you will find it is far beyond that the name implies.


    W9WSS and W1LWT like this.
  14. AK7AN

    AK7AN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Glad you are doing this for your community..

    Maybe the previous poster need to try FT8..;)
    W9WSS, WJ4U and K9NYO like this.
  15. NL7W

    NL7W Ham Member QRZ Page

    So, your net -- despite its name -- doesn't allow talk about covid this or covid that, along with any other hot-button topic that draws the ire of at least 50% of the population. I see...

    Is there anything left to talk about?

    I suppose the participants could talk about radio-related subjects only. The battles between which manufacturer has the best receivers, or the cleanest transmitters, and why would be good. Discussions like, "where's Ten-Tec," would be good, as are FlexRadio versus Sun SDR. Radio restoration project discussions would be fantastic.

    On-air discussions concerning radio topics. How refreshing. ;)
    NJ6J and K9NYO like this.

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