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Do Contests Need to Change? Kyle Krieg AA0Z Makes His Case

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Apr 4, 2024.

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  1. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    He was not called a clown here. The post in question suggested that the new contests would be clownish, and/or that those participating should wear clown shoes. Here is the link to the post.

    Kyle has been insulting to people who don’t share his vision, as many of us have noticed and as documented above. That’s obviously not a way to debate and convince doubters of the value of his ideas. With that attitude it’s just as well that he doesn’t want to discuss the merits of his ideas on QRZ.
    KE0GXN, KI5UXW, N2EY and 1 other person like this.
  2. KO4OLK

    KO4OLK Ham Member QRZ Page

    One of the things that attracted me to Ham radio is its ability to operate independent of other support... If we get use to operating with the internet and all the other tech support, what will happen when it all goes away... and we're left with nothing but our radios. If we don't use our skills independent of outside sources, we'll lose our ability to do so effectively when we really need to.
    All these tools are useful and fun to use, but we need to make sure we don't lose our basic operating skills by neglecting them. I'm new to this hobby, but I'm felling rather old school.... I want to be able to effectively communicate when everything goes south. And that happens by practice.
    W0PV, N2EY, W1YW and 5 others like this.
  3. K7JQ

    K7JQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    The above is what you responded to a comment of mine.

    First of all, Chip, I wasn't referring to you. Your assuming so was wrong.

    Secondly, you called me "foolish" for making a statement/giving an opinion. How is that different from someone calling Kyle a "clown", that you took such an offense to?

    You abhor attacks, but what would you call your comment about me? Sounds like you called me a fool;).

    While we're at it, why are you defending him? He's a big boy...he can come on here and defend himself.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024
    N2EY, K9TDW and KR3DX like this.
  4. K7JQ

    K7JQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    W1YW Chip,

    Did you overlook my question? Haven't received a response;).
  5. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    And, doubtless, Kyle would be a participant.

    Now: follow the logic stream...

    IF Kyle operates as per his idea he is 'clownish'

    IF he is clownish he wears CLOWN shoes--as shown in that post

    Those that wear CLOWN shoes are....

    Wait for it...
  6. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I haven't done anyone a disservice.

    That's the end of our exchange.
  7. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    I would add this:

    If it's mandatory that everyone be connected to the internet when contesting, uploading each QSO as it happens, plus all sorts of info such as which way their beam is pointing, what frequency they're listening to, etc. - what's the point of even using radios? Why not put the whole thing on the internet?

    73 de Jim, N2EY
    AD5HR, K7JQ and N0TZU like this.
  8. NN3W

    NN3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Can't answer a simple question it seems. Oh well.
    KE0GXN and K7JQ like this.
  9. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Exactly! Make a multiplayer online video game that simulates ham radio contesting! Then the simulated radios, antennas, propagation, and other features could be changed at will.

    Not only that, but just like other games, you could buy a better radio, better antenna, SDR “remote” receiver, etc. for $39.99 each! (Well, a K4 would be $59.99, lol) and rack up better scores than your online opponents!

    Full 4K resolution of the shack, your antenna, even the simulated ionosphere could be displayed with your signal traveling through it! Oooh!
    KO4MAO and K7JQ like this.
  10. K7JQ

    K7JQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    That wasn’t an answer to my question, but thanks for ending our exchange.
  11. K7JQ

    K7JQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Because he has no logical answer that qualifies his “great contester” statement, and he deflects to something else. Live and let live.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024
  12. KI5UXW

    KI5UXW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I dunno about y'all but I feel like this conversation has run its course. Let's just leave it be.
    W1YW likes this.
  13. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Are you familiar with these fitness apps that upload steps taken or such to the internet for some competition among friends and family? They make a game out of getting fit. I see internet connected Amateur radio contests as much the same thing. I don't see anyone claiming that there's some flawed thinking in these internet connected fitness apps, in fact they are often praised for their ability to drive people to do better from the positive and immediate feedback.

    There's all kinds of examples of how people respond better with immediate positive feedback. This is one reason why US military pilots get told their "score" on how they did with each landing. If they did well then they need to have the positive feedback while the memory of what they did is still fresh. If not told how they did until the next week then they can forget important details on the landing or get different landings confused with each other.

    Just because the scoring is made immediate with an internet connection doesn't make the use of a radio in a contest no longer relevant. I'm confused on how anyone would conclude that.
    KY4ID likes this.
  14. NN3W

    NN3W Ham Member QRZ Page

    There several assumptions that need to be cleared because the examples provided aren't relevant.

    First, when you are gaming or doing simulators or doing a fitness app, everyone is after the same goal or end-game. Everybody is using same equipment, on the same platform, playing within the same time parameters, and everyone agrees on when the game is over and who a winner is. That is totally not the same situation with amateur radio contesting.

    In amateur radio you have a contest of a set duration with set rules. That is where the similarity ends. Lets take the CQWW contest for example.

    You have a 48 hour contest. You have single ops, single op assisted ops, single band single ops, multi single groups, multi-2 groups, and multi-multi groups. Not everyone will be on for 48 hours; not everyone will be on for even 24 hours; you have different entry classes. The platforms are totally different. I run a FTDX-5000 with N1MM. Someone else runs a TS-830 with N3FJP; another runs his Atlas 210x and uses paper and pencil. Only 1 out of the 3 ops here are actually connected to the Internet. So the notion of "automatic log checking" is dead right then and there. Only 1 out of 3 (statistically speaking) even bother to send in a log. So, again, the notion of "automatic log checking" is dead right then and there. Unlike gaming where everyone is on an Xbox 360 (or equivalent), there is no unified platform in contest and you cant force the 2 out of 3 to adopt your platform. That is why when AA0Z said that “I don’t understand why every single radio doesn’t have an ethernet jack in the back of it” I had to literally control my laughter. Not everyone has a new radio. Not everyone wants a new radio. Again, I have a FTDX-5000. It has no ethernet port and I have zero intention of buying a radio simply to have an ethernet port.

    My radio jack of choice is a SO-239, not an ethernet port.
    AD5HR, K7JQ, N0TZU and 1 other person like this.
  15. KY4ID

    KY4ID XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I got an Apple Watch as a gift. When I couldn’t exchange it, I decided to use it. It got me into the gym for the first time in my life.

    One doesn’t have to use online tools/features if they don’t want to. I don’t use the online scoreboard.

    OTOH, stopping others from using things you don’t like, for no other reason than “I don’t like it”, is the exact attitude AA0Z was talking about, and the reason why the hobby has such a hard time attracting new blood.

    Even NA2AA has said that 48 hour contests and a 6 month wait for results is a non-starter with a younger crowd. He’s 100% right.
    N1EN, KF5KWO and AC0GT like this.

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