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Do Contests Need to Change? Kyle Krieg AA0Z Makes His Case

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Apr 4, 2024.

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  1. NX1V

    NX1V Ham Member QRZ Page

    I prefer QSO parties just because the lesser formalities. With contests, the special logs, serial numbers, all that stuff. Hard to get in to.
  2. KI6BTY

    KI6BTY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    And here I was, thinking he was going to say "Contest on the WARC bands". LOL! Now that would be some real change and fireworks!

    N3FJP has a website that tracks it's users and how they're ranking and there is also Contest Online Score (dot com) which does the same with N1MM logs and N3FJP logs and it looks like some others as well.
  3. K1DDA

    K1DDA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I love these new ideas for this old worn out radio sport
  4. K1DDA

    K1DDA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Isnt the key to approach the product manufacturers, like yaesu, icom, etc to create a “ new” contest?

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