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Icom ID-50A - A new entry level D-STAR HT on the way!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LKO, May 12, 2023.

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  1. W2TH

    W2TH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You're right, but I'm not "most folks" I'm down to 3 Motorola rigs now, that picture is a bit dated.
    KQ1V likes this.
  2. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hey Chris, well I can give you two instances. First, I can drive into Boston and Moto radios do not pick up any RF noise, inter-mod, or noise from the street light switches; unlike my ICOM IC-208, V-8000, IC-2730 I had installed. Secondly, two weeks ago I was with the lads in a restaurant, one had a Yaesu, one had an Alinco, another a Boafung, and I had a Moto XTS1500; I was able to bring up the repeater and put my call out (and hear it ID back DFQ), yet only the Alinco barely-broke squelch and the others were silent silent as a grave.

    So I, personally, do not get caught up in specifications of this, that or the other. There is obviously merit, fact and logic in specifications, but to add to the old argument, debate, discourse on QRZ, I will gladly stick with performance over specifications. That is just me: Rolex, Titleist, and Motorola.

    I will add that Moto is not that hard to program, but it is different. Not crazy illogical, once you see the logic and pattern of programming Moto you can program XTS/Saber/XTL, XPR, and APX. If folks care to learn more about the programming software, there are many resources such as,, and folks who are willing to mentor, demonstrate, and share information.

    Hope that helps. If you were close, I'd loan you a radio to play with so you could compare.

    Best, H-
  3. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Back in the day, I had matching 2/440 HT220, MX340, MX350, HT1000, Saber III, MT500... all wonderfully made radios. Heavy on the belt. My daily EDC radio is an APX1000 R1... the XTS1500 (R1/R2/VHF)I use to read the mail in the living room. I am mulling putting an APX7500 VHF/R1 in home shack.

    I tend to buy these radios, build an awesome code plug, and then never use the radio, and end up trading or selling it. I like figuring the programming out, and have had many helpful hammies who are into Moto help me along the way.
  4. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gotcha. That confirms what I assumed about Motos, that their strength is operation in congested areas. My primary use of VHF HTs is simplex in remote regions where intermod and such aren't a concern (biggest source of QRM are doofuses running APRS on 146.52). I don't even turn on a mobile in town.

    As for programatic complexity, I'm not afraid of that, only that I might need to buy expensive software and programming cables (that might not even be available to a mere commoner like myself).

    KQ1V likes this.
  5. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Cables are available on eBay, such as genuine Moto BatWing-branded, and yes they do cost a pretty penny. Likewise, you can find suitable OEM cables for a fraction of the cost, for example $20.00 as compared to $140.00. I purchased OEM cables and never had a problem, and you can even find them on Amazon. Also you can set up an account with Motorola Solutions (takes a 2 - 3 weeks), and the software can be had there; the good thing now, is the account is free as it used to cost $300.00 for three years and this allows access to CPS (Customer Programming Software) library.

    Otherwise you'd be relegated to having an Elmer program for you (as I did early on), or heaven forbid, bootleg/illegal Moto programming software - a big No-No.

    Hope this helps some! Shoot me an email if you need any help. I am good on QRZ! :D
    KI4POT likes this.
  6. KD7DGK

    KD7DGK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm almost certain that you didn't contact Icom to voice your opinion as it relates to their current product line and what your thoughts are about future amateur products. Rather than logging on to QRZ and complaining here perhaps you might contact Icom directly. Icom's contact information can be found at Just a thought.
  7. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    FWIW... I was jim-jammering on the local 2m pair, and my buddy told me that the Yaesu FT-891 is back ordered due to parts availability due to covid... so, maybe there is something in the works.
  8. N2OA

    N2OA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    IC-905. There's your innovation.
  9. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    But it's the wrong type of innovation. Innovation in the AR community is more HF SSB/CW, not support for boring VHF+ bands because only HF is "interesting" or something like that. :rolleyes:

  10. WA4YIH

    WA4YIH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure, slightly modifying a mode that's near 100 years old is definitely more innovation than making new bands available to more people.
    Icom innovated HF with the ID-7300 SDR low cost radio.
    Icom innovated by introducing the first full stack implementation of a digital mode with D--STAR.
    KQ1V likes this.
  11. N6SPP

    N6SPP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    ~And SSB demod up to 60MHz or so would be nice.
  12. AD8DM

    AD8DM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I saw one at hamvention. The display looks like the one in my ID-51a. It’s a solid radio that is about the same size as my id-51a. I really like the usb c charging.
  13. NJ1S

    NJ1S Ham Member QRZ Page

    Can't wait
  14. K7BEN

    K7BEN Ham Member QRZ Page

    When I talked to the ICOM rep at Hamvention he literally said that he didn't see what the big deal was with USB C. After the shock wore off, I explained to him that it's a charger that is already in every house and business. If I don't have one I can pick one up at any drug store, gas station etc. That's a huge deal. Down with proprietary chargers!
    W6QY and AC0GT like this.
  15. K7BEN

    K7BEN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm going to guess these will release around $350 and maybe have a $50 off rebate a year later.

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