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14 Common Phone Mistakes

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K8QS, Mar 9, 2021.

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  1. W6DRO

    W6DRO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gentlemen. Thank you for your information. I will bring your video to the attention of the Yuma Amateur Radio Club morning net when I check in tomorrow .

    (I am continuously licensed since 1955 (CW) qualified).

    On the air since 1955
    WD4IGX likes this.
  2. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    AK5B, WE4B and K8EEI like this.
  3. KQ8W

    KQ8W Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think there's a distinct difference. Calling "clear" not only signifies end of a QSO, but also you are leaving the frequency. I've heard others end their QSO with their callsign. A few seconds later, someone calls them and they don't answer. Had they ended with "<callsign> clear", the other operator would know they are no longer there.

    It's probably splitting hairs and, at least around here, the additional traffic on a repeater isn't burdensome.
  4. WW1I

    WW1I Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    When standard phonetics are used, we don’t need to translate. “Alpha” doesn’t start with the letter “A”, but rather “Alpha” is “A”. If you use non-standard phonetics, why not just use the letter? There are zero reasons to NOT use the one global standard!
    NG1H likes this.
  5. K7JEM

    K7JEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    When I am asked to repeat my callsign, I always say: "This is K7JEM, Knight Seven Jalapeno Eight Mnemonic." That usually works. Usually.
    N4MXZ and K6MTS like this.
  6. W0RIO

    W0RIO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Another fun video, keep 'em coming.

    You guys remind me of Click & Clack the Tappet Brothers,
    maybe we should call you Click & Chirp the Tap it out in Morse Brothers.

    Instead of 73s, maybe we should say 146 or even 219.
  7. PA0MHS

    PA0MHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thats not called daft but standardization. Our entire hobby uses standards all over. We use the same Q-codes, we use the same units for voltage, current, power, frequency, time etc. So why complain about a standard phonetic aplhabet?
  8. K6MTS

    K6MTS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ha, will replace Mike or Mexico with, Mnemonic from now on, awesome!
  9. K8QS

    K8QS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks, Dave. Or you could get on the net and start using a lot of 73's and "there's" and see what happens. 10-4?

    Quin, K8QS
    Subscribe to "Ham Radio Perspectives" YouTube Channel:
  10. EA2XG

    EA2XG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, that reminds me, we use the metric system. How about you?
  11. K8QS

    K8QS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Like it. Chirp... We actually started the video series as Dit and Dah the Morse Brothers....

    Quin, K8QS
    Subscribe to "Ham Radio Perspectives" YouTube Channel:
  12. KJ7WT

    KJ7WT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    To be sure, there is no requirement for a specific phonetic alphabet. That being said, there is an advantage in communicators agreeing on some kind of standard to avoid confusion. Since I was interested in aviation, I learned the NATO phonetic alphabet, and that seamlessly carried me through my time in the military. Over my 50+ years as a ham, I have heard a variety of "cute" phonetics used, and there is always a slight mental "stutter" as I translate them, which is not the case with the NATO version. Since one of the tenets or radio communication is clarity, I (and many others) prefer to use an accepted standard for this, but if you want to use your own version, there's no law against it.
    More here:
    K0UO and NM9K like this.
  13. PA0MHS

    PA0MHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Metric, of course! As in all of Europe (except the UK).
  14. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    And where does the FCC in Part 97 say that standard is required as it relates to ham radio? You have a strange definition of "utter nonsense".

    Would mind giving us the link that indicates this "global standard for phonetics". And the list of those phonetics as it all applies to ham radio?
    WD4IGX likes this.
  15. EA2XG

    EA2XG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Indeed, except for the UK and our colleagues across the pond. Not everything should necessarily be so rigid.
    I particularly go out as xylophone guatemala or in dx xray/xylophone germany. For some strange reason, or not, it picks up better than golg. 73.
    KI7PMQ likes this.

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