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Morse code used in phishing attack

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N2RJ, Feb 9, 2021.

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  1. KA8VNG

    KA8VNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I usually send CW when fishing, 5 dot's so the fish think it's a bunch of small ones to eat /
    once they bite they have 5 at once / good thing fish don't know code / Ha Ha .... ..
    K2NED likes this.
  2. KK9W

    KK9W Ham Member QRZ Page

    No excuses, you no-coders! If the Royal Prince of Oomplescrunch learned CW just so he could get your help to cash his lottery winnings, you can too!! ;) (HEAVY on the sarcasm)
  3. KE8NFK

    KE8NFK Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's GOT to be a ham...who ELSE uses Morse code anymore???
  4. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    I feel another advisory coming from the FCC.
  5. K6LPM

    K6LPM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well my hero image has been shattered.
    I grew up believing hams were above bar ultra honest and sincere trustworthy people!
    I guess even real hams are not immune from the sins of greed and bad Karma and evil deeds!
    What a calling card and egocentric clue !
  6. AG6QR

    AG6QR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You'd be surprised...

    I work at a large computer company. We hire summer interns who have finished their second or third year of college, and put them to work, while trying to demonstrate that our company is a great place to work after graduation. Near the end of the internship, we form them into teams of 4-6 and have them do a group project, pretty much any technical thing they can come up with that they can finish in the allotted time.

    A group in my office decided to build a Morse Code keyboard, with a USB interface that could be used by a standard computer. None of them were hams, and I didn't hear about their choice until they were done.

    After I heard about it, I brought in a keyer and paddles, as well as a straight key, and played with entering text into a text editor using their toy. They had only used it at 1 or 2 wpm, and they were happy to see it still worked at 20wpm. We had a fun demo/discussion.

    They saw Morse as a totally impractical but fun way to demonstrate their technical prowess.

    Hmmm, maybe some of our ex-interns were behind this malware?
    N0TZU likes this.
  7. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    That is exactly what the scammers want you to think. Might be Russian collusion? Anyone can use a morse code generator online and bypass all general CW knowledge.

    ... . . / .-- .... .- - / .. / -.. .. -.. / - .... . .-. . ..--..
  8. N2RJ

    N2RJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I want to know his(or her) callsign.
    N0TZU likes this.
  9. AC9XH

    AC9XH Guest

    well I have several rules about the internet.

    1.i limit the emails only from friends or other ham contacts
    2. I dont open any email not on my list of contacts that are on a notebook
    2a. if the email is generic and has slipped in, i never open it and trash it and delete.
    3. I limit my internet to about 1/2 hour a day or less.
    4. when i shut the rigs off, the internet gets unplugged,just like my radios.
    5. Anyone that really knows me will contact me via ham radio.Thats why i chose this hobby.
    6. family and true friends have my real phone number
    7.unplug it
    KA5RIO, F8WBD and WA7AXT like this.
  10. AC9XH

    AC9XH Guest

    [unplug your internet
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2021
    F8WBD and K4XJ like this.
  11. KJ7SHM

    KJ7SHM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Why does it have to be a ham? Couldn't it be someone using a morse code translator?
  12. AC9XH

    AC9XH Guest

    unplug your internet
    KA5RIO and K4XJ like this.
  13. W9YW

    W9YW Moderator Emeritus QRZ Page

    Am I the only one that actually looked at the code and noticed that it's NOT MORSE CODE???
  14. WW5F

    WW5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    It IS morse code. It's a string of HEX numbers. Probably an executable program with an ASCII URL to a malicious web site.
    N2RJ, KI5AAI and AB3RU like this.
  15. KM4OOD

    KM4OOD Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Interesting article and attack vector. Based on the article this method has not been seen in the wild, more than likely it's too new to know, but shedding light on the subject would render it useless to those that wish to use it for malicious purposes. Time to play with the code and see how it functions.

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