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HR2.0 - Ham Radio Antennas | Base Station Antennas - What Do The YouTubers Use? YTB #19

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC5HWB, Sep 4, 2020.

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  1. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    When are you testing for your extra class? Then you can really bully people around. Think of the fun.
    W2ZF and KC5HWB like this.
  2. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Good question. The tower and mast was already up there from a previous antenna.

    the SteppIR was expensive enough that I also didn’t want to have to replace the tower.

    Eventually I will replace the tower and get it up higher. For 20m and higher bands it is working well. It would benefit from height to cut down the RFI.
    KC5HWB likes this.
  3. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Skills like this?

    N8PEM likes this.
  4. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the feedback!
  5. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Currently I also use 100WAAW - I have a Hexbeam to put up and I am hoping to get that done before the weather turns cold this year.
  6. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    What the You-Tubers use! Like they were the first people to use antennas :p I won't watch this one (I just don't watch much, my personal thing and nothing against the ops who posted it), but I'll try and help someone.

    I'm a 2-100 watts and a wire guy. (I don't want to clash with the certain power-level and a wire group)

    I have a hex beam, It's electrical elements are wire, it has very low wind loading and can be put up on a mast, I don't have a YouTube video, but there are dozens out there already if YT is your thing.

    @KI4UYA - You can work ZL JA and DL using CW or digi modes RIGHT NOW with 25w and a "wire" and the RIGHT CONDITIONS.

    To avoid waiting for sunspots to rise, keep your 160 or 80m dipole 35+ Feet up AND:

    1. Get a directional (beam, yagi, whatever you want to call it) antenna with SIGNIFICANT gain over a dipole. Study the different types of directional antennas, their cost vs gain benefits. a HEXagonal beam is a great and inexpensive start, can't recommend one more!
    2. Put it 25+ feet up on whatever sturdy thing you can afford THAT IS SAFE, SAFETY FIRST! (tower or mast, guys, grounding, etc.) Please exercise caution and get a friend to help if possible.
    3. Speaking of safety, please ensure you ground your station properly. It's a huge topic and honestly, skip YouTube and read up. Diagrams are more powerful than some yackety-yack, like-and-subscribe-and-donate crap.
    4. Add a rotator! Turning your antenna allows some new tricks like working short or long path.
    5. Study propagation a bit. the weak signal modes using Joe Taylor software are a great learning and QSO-getting tool box. WSPR and the FT-8 modes are popular using WSJT-X. DX maps is a good live-propagation web site.
    6. Use CW or weak signal digital modes if you can't get through using phone. (above tip) If you must use phone, get a 600W amplifier. The HEX is resonant on all bands it covers. (usually 20-6m)
    7. Try operating different times of the day (yes, even at 2AM), different seasons, different points in the sunspot cycle... In other words, operate often! Learn what bands are doing WHAT-AND-WHEN! It's part of the discovery and fun!

    8. Speaking of FUN... Don't forget to HAVE FUN. Film your favorite on air moments if you must, but the thrill simply can't be filmed... You feel it INSIDE YOU!

    To everyone, cheers!
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2020
    KC1ILH, KG7HVR and KI7HSB like this.
  7. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Like this... [​IMG]
    N3FAA, K0UO and KF0BMD like this.
  8. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Same here. Run 80mtr sloper, 40mtr delta loop, 20 mtr vertical and on the rotator 5 element M2 for 6, cubex scorpion 88 for 2 and 440 ssb , 5 element 2mtr for FM and a discone along with a beverage for the SDR rspdx. Only amp is for 2mtr ssb. Everything else below 100 watts. I'm on small lot so instead of radials I laid down 1/2" galvy mesh with the ground system Have very good conductivity so only needed 4 ground rods. Took a lighting strike that killed one of my trees but no damage to equipment or antennas. Grounding is important and most ignore that.
    KC1ILH likes this.
  9. KI4UYA

    KI4UYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Josh.......Answers my question for sure. Can't blame you for using what you had already. That extra 10 to 15 feet would definitely help you with the RFI.
    KC5HWB and KI6NAZ like this.
  10. KF0BMD

    KF0BMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    It pretty much goes by freq and how much room you have.
    I got a basic 17 foot vhf/uhf Tram 1481 on the roof and a Arrow dual band yagi for ISS and other directional RF adventures.
    Now just have to figure out where to put a dipole rig up into the trees. :)

    Yagi.jpeg Ham gear.jpeg Tram1481.jpg Tram1481.jpg
    KI6NAZ and KC5HWB like this.
  11. KG7OG

    KG7OG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    All hail the use of a ladder!!

    seriously though.. when did antenna use become a pissing contest? Is it a lifted truck thing?
    N8PEM likes this.
  12. KG7HVR

    KG7HVR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just because some is on youtube posting content doesn't mean they know anything, or that you should copy them. Sadly most are after youtube $ or fame and attention. Do your own research, try your own experiments, learn how it works and why. Live within your means. Decide what you want your station to do and what bands you need.
    Reach out to the older hams that know what they are doing, help out at the local club. Then when you get older you can help pass it on.

    I'm sure some might wonder who I am or what do I know or use. You'll have to guess...
    I suggest to everyone I talk with. antenna is #1
    For HF I suggest and run a wire loop 370 feet of 12ga stranded wire up on fiberglass pushup poles 20-25 feet fed with 300ohm ladder line into a 4:1 current balun to a tuner. its got gain over a dipole so I rarely need to use my amplifier.
    its cheap and easy and outperforms most antennas at even low heights. works 80-10 all bands. its cut for 3.9mhz and has a 2.1 swr there without tuner.

    For 160m a mfj g5rv shorted out into a marconi antenna works decent and doesnt take up alot of room. they have the instructions on their website. But your basically shorting out the ladder line and driving it against ground.

    The hustler 4btv 5btv and 6btv antnnas are a amazing value and can be good for dx but not an amazing antenna but but simple and no tuner needed. dont expect to do much on 80m with it. its very narrow banded up there. however every other band works great.

    My other favorite is the off center fed dipole. But I always go back to a loop!
    your mileage will vary.
    K7CB, G7DAZ, W0AQ and 2 others like this.
  13. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    All excellent antenna choices and I'll add my vote for a loop as well. Broadbanded, omnidirectional on some bands, gain on others vs a dipole. My horizontal loop was my favorite loop to date and I'll be erecting another one this fall.
    KC5HWB and KG7HVR like this.
  14. N4STC

    N4STC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm using a JK Navassa 6 band 2-element beam and I wanted to keep all of my antennas on my tower so I added a Hustler tri-head mount with 30M, 40M, and 80M coils mounted horizontally off of the aluminum mast above the beam and below the Diamond X-50A vhf/uhf, so I have 440mhz, 2M, and 6M through 80M all on the tower. Working DX with the Hustler coils, they work better than expected, tuned to FT-8 freqs. Antennas pics on QRZ page. Great videos Guys, keep it going, Phil N4STC
    KC5HWB and KG7HVR like this.
  15. KG7HVR

    KG7HVR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ive lived in several different states and put up many compromised loops and ive always been impressed. They say 300 ohm ladder line is closer to the actual impedance of a loop than 450. I cant recall what it actually is now. 100 or 200? Some old guys taught me that. :-l
    KC5HWB likes this.

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