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Two YouTube Hams Interview Each Other Over HF - The way it should be.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB7TBT, Jun 17, 2019.

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  1. W5JCK

    W5JCK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have to agree with many others here that this act was awfully close to crossing the line into "broadcasting" and/or commercialism, and may actually have crossed the line. At any rate it was definitely an annoyance that two hams would subject the rest of the hams who might have tuned to that frequency to that kind of nonsense and hogging of a frequency to conduct what certainly seems like a business goal of getting revenue from advertisement on their internet services. Shame on them. It is bad enough we have to listen to those damn Geritol nets with old farts discussing their political and religious views, we certainly don't need this kind of commercial showmanship garbage on our bandwidth too.
    WN1MB likes this.
  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think we shouldn't be so tough on the video bloggers. They are quite well informed on many tech matters, and many folks relate to them. Its a bit off-putting to run into the truculence so encountered, but , hey, that's OK.

    Keep up the good work; just watch out for the 'pecuniary interest' issue, and help us with real news next time.

    Chip W1YW
    KA2FIR likes this.
  3. KE0OG

    KE0OG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wow. Actually YouTubers don't get royalties. YouTube runs ads when they see fit. The intent was to show a real (unrehearsed) QSO between two YouTubers. Sorry anybody was offended.
    W7GG and N2UN like this.
  4. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK; use another word. Compensation.

    Royalty applies to copyright material (in this case) and compensation for right of use.

    Your statement is incorrect. Youtube does pay royalties.

    We presume, based on your comment, that you are not compensated by Youtube on this. We have already addressed that.

    Chip W1YW
    KA2FIR likes this.
  5. K4LST

    K4LST Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let's not mislead anyone. Youtubers earn money as long as they link a Google Adsense account and enable the video to be monetized. It's a revenue sharing program. I've made videos (and earned money) off and on for over 10 years on youtube. Regardless of intent to earn money, whether it's enabled to be monetized, or crossing lines... In my opinion, it was lame and not worth watching (as are most of my videos Hi Hi). I would mind my own business if it didn't pop up on the QRZ home page as if we are supposed to care that 2 hams talked to each other. Otherwise, Congratulations on the audiences both youtubers have built and the nice revenue they are able to generate. Youtube is a tough thing to do well and it's impressive to gain any traction whatsoever with the over saturation of video makers in every niche. One day I may use my background in radio and videos to also produce some ham related videos.

  6. N8QZH

    N8QZH Ham Member QRZ Page

    GEEZUS !! Who cares ????
    These two have both made great strides in ham radio. And Dave Casler has taught many many new hams, written numerous columns and books etc..
    Kevin lives in an RV and spends his time traveling and experimenting with radio electronics 100% of the time.(who wouldnt love to do that !!!)
    Stop picking everything apart and just friggin enjoy....
    KC9ONY, W7UUU, W9AFB and 5 others like this.
  7. KD2PHM

    KD2PHM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was motivated by Kevin and David watching their videos to take the test, and became a HAM Tech, then encouraged to upgrade to General less than a year later. Now I transmit in VHF, UHF and HF. They do a great job attracting the new generation to the jobbie. Thanks Kevin and David. 73s, KD2PHM
    W7GG and N2UN like this.
  8. N1NA

    N1NA Ham Member QRZ Page

    You have an advantage over me, I was not alive then, and I cannot speeel reely gud.
  9. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oooooooooooh is karma going to get you for that.
  10. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    You're 100% correct. A historic event was Marconi talkin across the Atlantic or some ham making the first Contact to an astronaut in space, but I can't see where this is a historic contact, my gosh.

    If everybody would get off of YouTube and start getting on the Air they would be making lots of contacts, I do daily.
    WN1MB and KA2FIR like this.
  11. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's sad that it seems many here on QRZ want to interpret regulations and play FCC prosecutor or simply pound creators into the ground over every post here. Youtube creators (at least in the ham radio space) make videos to entertain and inspire other hams to learn new stuff, try new stuff and educate potential new hams. Yet every time I read these comment sections on QRZ over 50% of the comments are negative. I imagine those are the same guys who rebuff new hams for not knowing the answer or even daring to ask the question and turn potential hams off before they even get started. No wonder most of the the youtube creators have quit sharing videos here on
    News flash for the negative posters and trolls, Guys like me help other hams thousands of times a day. I've got over a million and a half views on my channel & I'm one of the small creators. If you really want to further amateur radio, be part of the solution, not the problem.
    W7GG, N4WLC, N2UN and 1 other person like this.
  12. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Think self-regulating/self-policing.

    Creators "broadcast" their videos to the masses and leave themselves open for review and critique. Some review and critique is friendly, some is constructive, some harsh - you know ... just like in real life? Surely you don't suggest special Snowflake Zones to provide safe places with all manner of support critters for these creators.

    If you widen your field of vision, you'd also notice praise of many creator's work. However, doing to would upset the narrative...
    KA2FIR likes this.
  13. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't mind criticism at all. Constructive criticism makes me and others a better creator. But, What I notice here is a disproportionate number of just plain negative comments. Much more so than any of us see on the channels. Anyway thanks for the input have good one.
    N4WLC and N2UN like this.
  14. KI5DLF

    KI5DLF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here we have two hams that go out of their way to bring Amateur Radio to the masses via YouTube, a very popular channel for information and entertainment. These two are the essence of being an Elmer, selflessly giving up thier time and resources to spread the news about Amateur Radio. Through this contact, they've demonstrated to new hams what is possible and what contacts can be like maybe sparked someone's interest to get off a couch and learn something and get a license and maybe advance the science of radio communications. We also have here what is referred to as a troll who has nothing better to do than tear down anything that anyone might have some interest in. If you have a legal problem with this contact or the videos, get off your dead butt and report it to the FCC for investigation and enforcement. If you don't, then you have no issue, shut up, and sit down. Whether it's news or not, who the heck cares? If you're not interested, move on, go to the next article and get your jollies there. Quit scaring new people away from the HOBBY by being a naysayer and kill joy. People like you do more to stifle this hobby than anything else.
    W7GG, N4WLC and W5CAA like this.
  15. KD2PHM

    KD2PHM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you K
    Thank you K6UDA your videos are among the ones that motivated me to take the test and became a Tech, then upgrade to General and now i tx in vhf/uhf/hf, thanks again, 73s , KD2PHM
    W7GG likes this.

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