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2 Meters … The New CB Band Of Interference?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WB4IME, Nov 5, 2018.

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  1. KA1BSZ

    KA1BSZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    nothing posted for Vermont. Just like my post in the pas about these cheap vhf/uhf radio's. some are tuned to the GMR,FRS and COMMERCIAL FM BUSINESS RADIO freq's AND ham uhf freq's. Airport operators need to be informed about the issue of freq allocations . I think most people want to comply with regulations, but there are a few that really don't care!
  2. VK5AW

    VK5AW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I Live in rural Australia, and a group of these fellas were photographed getting gas in the 80's! How did we track them? They were chatting simplex while driving on our local repeater input frequency! We reported the event but heard nothing more....Adrian VK5AW
  3. M0CUS

    M0CUS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I see the problem with unlicensed operators on 2m is because of its lack of use by licensed hams. There are times I hear more unlicensed hams than licensed hams on 2m. But as someone said on a previous post its self policing and if there are no police about then this is what happens. I cannot speak for other countries but certainly in the UK the use of 2m is minimal (70cms even less). I think the old phrase of use it or loose it fits well here. If we dont start using it, the unlicensed brigade will.
  4. AA5CT

    AA5CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    The US "CB" band represents one of the worst choices for "personal" communications given the wavelength involved; short, "rubber-duck" antenna efficiency is very low for 27 MHz "portable", i.e. "HT" sized gear. On top of that, operation of a CB "HT" inside a vehicle* (think: chase teams) is doubly restrictive on account of the WGBC (Wave guide Beyond Cutoff) "attenuating" effect. You need at least a 1/2 by 1/4 WL (for TE01 mode) "waveguide" for low-loss transmission out/through an opening. This is also why 440 MHz/70 cm "portables" work better from inside a vehicle than 146 MHz/2m portables.

    * Because, no one in this crowd uses classic, installed "mobile" gear
  5. KC1HLU

    KC1HLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    When I bought my first radios (only ~18 months ago) at an HRO store, they asked for my Call but didn't check it (TTBOMK) or ask to see my license prior to selling to me. I'm certain that if my Wife (unlicensed) walked in there and bought a radio for me they would sell it to her as well.

    I've never seen anything in my short time as a ham that indicates a need to show a license to buy equipment, only to use it legally.
  6. NN0NN

    NN0NN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I’m in the Bakken oil field. Lots of “rule violators” use to be here. I’m also not the guy to continue to let them do it. Self regulation hobby means it all of our responsibility to put a stop to it. I confront GMRS/FRS violators. How can they know if we don’t tell them? Those parachute guys seem like they don’t care, so I wouldn’t care about dropping a DK all over them for 20 minutes after they ignored my information to stop transmissions without a license. Personally I’d use GMRS but I’m not the one violating rules for fun. Use too, not anymore

    If that was happening around here, I’d be there with my club (if I could talk them into it) and spread awareness of frequency uses and also setting up local band plans specifically for those people until it took national awareness for a better plan.

    I also think it’s important to remember that a locksmith didn’t start out as a business to help people!
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2018
    KW4ZW likes this.
  7. N8ZQP

    N8ZQP Ham Member QRZ Page

    After reading several posts referencing GMRS as an alternative,
    I certainly hope all are not advocating ‘unlicensed’ operation on
    the GMRS frequencies? Being involved with GMRS for many
    years as well as amateur, there are enough interfering issues and
    don’t need to add to them. As much as it pains me to suggest, it
    would seem that legitimate FRS portables would serve the purpose
    or (to me), MURS portables would be even better! Can’t we
    all just obey the rules?…..
  8. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Once upon a time, all the radio stores where I shopped all required seeing a license prior to purchasing anything that could transmit. But that was simply by local custom, nothing at all by the FCC.

    Now of course it's a moot point - the nearest "ham store" for me is a 3 hour drive :)

  9. WB4IME

    WB4IME Ham Member QRZ Page

    Correct. Most of the time it requires both hands to fly. Able to communicate hands-free is preferred.
    KQ6XA likes this.
  10. KQ6XA

    KQ6XA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry, K0NXM, but you are dead wrong.

    Para pilots were using 2 m band way before the Baofengs and similar "disposable" radios were manufactured.
    In fact, if you read the Para forums, you will find that they prefer the more expensive ham HTs by Yaesu and Icom, especially the highly miniaturized ones that have bluetooth. These expensive Yaesu and Icom amateur radio HTs limit transmit to just the ham bands. How ironic, that the mechanism for preventing out-of-band amateur transmissions has backfired, causing the present scenario that keeps the unlicensed users of these radios inside the ham bands.
  11. WW5F

    WW5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's not just using a radio without the federal government's permission. Lawlessness is permeating everywhere in American society.

    As an Air Force officer, I had to hold my folks to standards. Any standard I held them to must have met these three criteria:

    1. Universally known.
    2. Consistently applied.
    3. Non-selectively enforced.

    If it didn't meet all three of those criteria, all I did was anger them.

    Americans are getting angry.

    As the day and night comes...

    As the moon causes the tides to rise and fall...

    As the sun expands and contracts every 11 years...

    Societies rise and fall...

    America will be the 71st attempt at socialism since the writings of Engles, Rouseau and Marx.
  12. WB4IME

    WB4IME Ham Member QRZ Page

    WB5UAA : This is not an attempt to steer the conversation elsewhere ... but ... I agree. The American society, as well as the world in general,
    has become more corrupt, more evil, more willing to ignore and break rules/laws than ever before. That in itself is enough for a large percentage
    of peoples to throw their hands up in disgust and turn their backs. Another percentage simply don't care and probably never did in the first place.

    Some of the rest of us must continue to remind folks that "Right is still right and wrong is still wrong." Regardless how a large portion of society thinks.

    Are we on a "losing" side / path ? Perhaps ... but I hope enough of us refuse to submit and become sheep. Semper Fidelis !
    N3AB likes this.
  13. WQ4G

    WQ4G Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have been studying this situation for quite a while now and I have come to two conclusions as to the reason for the corruption and evil that is beginning to permeate modern society.

    First conclusion is that people have lost respect for themselves and others. If they had respect for themselves they would study up and get a license. If they had respect for others they would not bootleg in the Ham Bands. This conclusion can be extended to all manner of things like jammers, tuner-uppers, etc.

    Second, is that people have learned that you get there (the end goal) faster if you lie, cheat, and steal. Much of this is monkey see monkey do. People see their leaders (elected officials), idols, celebrities, and business people get ahead (sometimes unbelievably rich) by lying, cheating, and stealing. So it's natural to think that that type of behavior is acceptable. For example, if it's ok for the President to act a certain way, then it must be ok for others to do the same.

    Back in the day it was "truth, justice, and the American way." Now days it's lie, cheat, and steal.

    Dan KI4AX
  14. WB4IME

    WB4IME Ham Member QRZ Page

    KQ6XA and KW4ZW like this.
  15. KG7IWN

    KG7IWN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Positive postings? I don't know, I just read about 16 pages and didn't find much in the way of positivity. I think there are much better ways to be ambassadors of our respective hobbies. Most of the guys I see using 2 meter band in the ppg community have been hams themselves. I do agree that people should get a ham license if they are going to use the 2 meter band, but i dont like the "let's get these guys grounded" mob mentality i am seeing in this thread personally.

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