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FCC rule to Include Ham Radio Operators

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1KGK, Oct 8, 2018.

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  1. KA2RRK

    KA2RRK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

  2. K9HY

    K9HY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm glad their finally starting to tag this imported mass made imported "junk" which is imported hidden mass volume off inbound container ships . Better late than never. I wished they tag these 10m radios or 10/12m duo garbage as well which these sets are sold massive sales across the States in trucker CB shops , internet, Amazon, eBay, Craigslists and on and on...along also with Marine Band sets, etc. Most have 10m sets listed and @ 200 watts or better on some easily tripped, setup w/ linear's of all sizes , brag YOUTUBE vidoes of illegal setups and how 2's,QRM'ing our CW , the legal CB'ers and others... so-called illegal free band...
    Baeofeng is able to QRM Emergency freqs especially and I believe this is the main reason(s) for this. Too many cases and even a LID in NYC licensed Ham and I believe in KY for examples have done as such...
    I have a Ham friend in upper MI and many of times has said the poachers are using 2m and Marine, 10m ... whatever they get their hands on to hunt in teams... He ha gotten into on air confrontations with them as well but they get nasty and what are you going to do about it and I leave the cussing out here...




    Good examples....

    long url >>
  3. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why is everyone so upset about a Public Notice? The FCC is simply restating existing laws, and indicating that they have noticed these laws have been broken. There is NOTHING NEW here. No new regulations, no new penalties. I read the notice, and it is simply saying what all of us cannot import, advertise or sell an amateur radio that does not meet Part 90 FCC equipment certification. The "Amateur Radio Exception" is stating that a radio that only operates on the amateur spectrum does not need to be certified by the FCC as long as a licensed amateur operator is operating it.

    What we need to be aware of is that Baofeng mcan market essentially 2 versions of the same radio, one that's been certified and one that has not been certified. Sort of an "export version". A UV-82C is certified by the FCC, a standard UV-82 is NOT certified by the FCC.

    Not Certified:

    The onus is on the amateur to buy the right one. The FCC is simply restating the law (equipment must be certified to be marketed in the US) and saying the have noticed the law is being broken, mostly by online vendors. In a way, they are coming to the aid of the Amateur Service in making sure we know what we are buying.

    The technical issues with the Baofeng radios deserve much more attention than this Public Notice.
    WD4IGX and KF2M like this.
  4. N6ONC

    N6ONC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well said on all points except a lot more could be said about "ham cram" and the lack of serious involvement in the hobby. It's a good thing we're not producing brain surgeons that way!
  5. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The ARRL disagrees with the amateur radio exception in the same way I do.

    So thats what "new" in the enforcement advisory.
  6. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    So if I homebrew a 5 watt CW transceiver, or I built one from a kit that's marketed in the US, I should send it to the FCC for certification? That seems reasonable. Come on, seriously?
  7. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    FCC notice was for VHF/UHF only at this time, but still, they should clarify all these questions.
  8. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You're right, the public notice deals with VHF/UHF. What stops someone from building a VHF/UHF CW transceiver for 2 meters? I have built a 2 meter FM transceiver in kit form from both Ten Tec and from Ramsey, and the 70cm version from Ramsey. Those rigs are still operational. Should I send them of to the FCC for certification, or does the Amateur Radio Exception apply?

    WD4IGX likes this.
  9. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I couldn't say, but I think the FCC should create clear and concise notices and when there are questions -like yours above- they provide answers. I think the ARRL is helping in that area.

    I didn't really have any issue with the notice aside from that specific part of the exception. As I stated in the video, it would be creating a new precedent that I couldn't find in any of my research.
  10. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    That could be said of any Government agency. :)

    But in the end, the FCC can "say" whatever they want, but they can only "enforce" the laws on the books. There's no sense in getting upset over a loosely-worded "Public Notice". The notice doesn't change the law, and to be honest, I think the folks at the FCC are scratching their heads over the reaction to it.

    After 25 years I am no longer a member, and a lot has to do with things like this. My Grandmother used to tell me "Don't holler 'til you're hit". Nobody was hit by this, not even the vendors. The law has not been changed, so there's no need for lawyers. But again, I;'m not a member anymore, so maybe there doing something to advance the radio art that I don't know about.

    Bottom line.....if we could just chill out and put the energy we're putting into fighting a fight that doesn't exist into advancing the radio art, the world would be a better place. All the best.
    WD4IGX likes this.
  11. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sadly yes, and I try to whenever I can.

    Here is where we diverge, we should be the most upset and angry over poorly worded notices, in this case even more-so since its an "enforcement" notice. In the unlikely chance they police a ham, they could be fined, and say what you will about what is and isn't a law, try not paying the fine, I don't think they'll just go away.

    If I had to choose between tilting at windmills or not being concerned about new pointless regulation or laws (call it whatever you like), call my Don Quixote
  12. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Okay, do your thing. I don't see a proposed change and I'm not going to lose any sleep until I do. I lost that fire in the belly years ago. We need more people like you.
    WD4IGX likes this.
  13. KI6NAZ

    KI6NAZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'll let sleeping dogs lie, but I do really want to know if I am wrong here. Where before this notice has the FCC ever stated anything related to the following:

    "To operate on the ARS you must have 1. a certified radio or 2. said radio must be locked to only operating on the ARS." ?? I can't find anything like it. So in my mind, its a new precedent.
    KN4GEX likes this.
  14. N9LYA

    N9LYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    A million Hams would still come up with 1.424 Billion Contradictory Opinions.. and that's a lot of *Holes.. Most people just have one, (Big Pause) Opinion.. but Hams at least 7 Thousand each...

    Yes I agree Reading Comprehension is a lost art..
  15. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Ham Member QRZ Page



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