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New! DMR/DStar/FUSION/P25 Digital Hotspot Nano-Spot

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KJ4YZI, Dec 15, 2017.

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  1. N0GB

    N0GB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Exactly Chris!
    I give him a lot of credit for posting his video. I like watching these and get a lot of enjoyment learning about different AR modes and whatnot. I guess it just boils down to "strokes and folks" I truly love ham radio in all it's MANY flavors. I would never want to leave a negative impression about any mode. I admire SAT operators as well. It truly amazes me what us ham ops can do as a group. And, I have to agree, pounding the brass is always the bottom line OM. KN.

    VK3XEM likes this.
  2. KK6ZHZ

    KK6ZHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I bought one earlier this week, they are a little backed up due to recent publicity but I'm hoping to see it before the New Year. I wrote them and asked for a delivery timeframe and got a quick response.

    Cool product!
  3. N4TTN

    N4TTN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    What kind of time frame did he give? I ordered one Monday this week and no replies to emails.
  4. N2MDX

    N2MDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    just make your own hotspot buy a Raspberry PI-3 and case you will have the same thing!
  5. N6NLX

    N6NLX Ham Member QRZ Page

    There is a plethora of these types of interfaces showing up. From the DV4 mini to the Zumspots to the MMDVM Pihats or USB. They all pretty much do the same. It's not for everyone. I used to listen to hams that had D* and wondered why anyone would want to listen to that weird audio. But, it got me to buy a D* radio just to try it out. The configuration was a nightmare to figure out. Especially coming from the analog world. It is not intuitive. I sold the D* shortly after.
    Now, a few years later, I've jumped into Fusion which I really like the audio and a bit easier to setup. I used it with a DV4 mini and raspberry Pi and had it wirelessly tethered to my cellphone when mobile. It worked all over the country and was fun. Then I noticed there was more hams logging into the user rooms but no one was talking. It's like everyone was just monitoring so the channels were mostly quiet. It wasn't long after that I sold the Fusion and DV4 mini. Awhile later I decided to try DMR.
    Now I have the Zumspot Pihat running on the RPI Zero W and recently purchased the Scott Zimmerman MMDVM MULTIMODE controller board. I was able to connect that to an old Motorola M1225 40 watt radio. There is no support documentation for this board so I spent quite a few hours trying to make it work with the M1225. I run it on low power due to the duty cycle it gets hot. It's a 25 watt hotspot. It too will do D*, Fusion, P25 and DMR. There is a lot of traffic on DMR.
    My point here is that it is part of the hamming hobby. Experimenting, building, figuring out how to make it all work. It's rewarding when you can figure it out and be able to use it. Another plus is it's getting less expensive to jump into DMR with the flooding of Chinese radios.
    Isn't that what the hobby is about?
    Too many folks want a plug and play solution anymore. It seems the experimenter- tinkerer is dying.

    KF9EM likes this.
  6. N3CAL

    N3CAL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I ordered one as well and have not received any answers to my email inquires???
  7. N4LPK

    N4LPK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I currently use a Shark RF Open Spot to use with a DMR radio. The difference between the Open Spot and the Nano Spot is this. The Open Spot allows you to use one radio with it to do DMR, Fusion and DStar. The nano Spot uses DMR, P25, Fusion and I believe DStar. However you need each type of radio to utilize those modes. I think the Open Spot will eventually with firmware upgrades may be able to add the other modes still using one radio. They are priced about the same however if you add the cost of each of those radios you will have allot invested in it.
  8. N7NXL

    N7NXL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wait, what??? Am i to understand you correctly, in that, you're saying if I own a DMR radio, and i purchase the NANO-SPOT, I cannot talk to a friend that's on a fusion repeater and fusion portable radio?

    In other words,... I need to purchase a fusion radio to communicate with NANO-SPOT --->INTERNET --> fusion repeater and fusion portable radio he is on?
  9. WS4E

    WS4E Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't understand why so many people seem to be able to make these hotspots thatg can do DMR/Fusion/DSTAR/P25 etc all in one but we can't get a transceiver that can do it.
    VK3XEM and W9LRM like this.
  10. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I ordered one on 12/15. I emailed twice and got absolutely no response. When I posted on their Facebook page, I got a response within minutes saying that the lead time is 7-10 days and my order would definitely ship on 12/26. That date came and went and I got a hold of them again on Facebook. They stated they're now about 3 weeks behind and that my order would absolutely 100% ship today (1/5). Guess what? Hasn't shipped. It's still showing as "Processing" and I'm sure there will be another date I will be given in a week or two.

    Wanted to give them a chance, but I'm really close to cancelling my order. I needed this for a trip in December. Would like to have it again for another business trip in a couple weeks, but I don't think that's going to happen. :(
  11. N3CAL

    N3CAL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    My order placed a week before Christmas has not been received either! They did not respond to my emails directly. I had to contact them via Paypal and only then was told they were behind 7-10 buisness days. They told me my order would ship NLT 1//5/18 but that date has come and gone as well.
  12. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just shipped today. I actually have a tracking number. Supposed to be here 1/9. So 3 weeks and a day. N3CAL, yours should be shipping shortly I suppose. Probably another week?
  13. N3CAL

    N3CAL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bryan, good luck with yours when you get it! I've cancelled my order.
  14. N3FAA

    N3FAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    :( Yeah, sorry to hear you had to cancel, but it was definitely taking way too long.
  15. KB2UEW

    KB2UEW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Erick thanks for your information

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