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New! DMR/DStar/FUSION/P25 Digital Hotspot Nano-Spot

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KJ4YZI, Dec 15, 2017.

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  1. WY7RF

    WY7RF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can't find the 70cm power output spec anywhere. Hopefully it will be half decent.

    "Will it work on 2 meter?"
    Nope. Only 70cm.
  2. K5JM

    K5JM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have this company's Nano-node IRLP/Echolink version....its definitely a lot higher priced than this hotspot but I think the quality of the device is superb. On my analog nano node, the transmitter is a 200 mW UHF version. There's a sma connection for the stubby 70 cm antenna...but what's also cool is there is a 9 pin connector on the side for hooking it up to an external radio/repeater. I see with this version there isn't an external radio port option to boost the output...which makes sense since it covers a variety of digital modes. Looks like it could give the RFShark a run for it's money! Cool review....
  3. N5MFA

    N5MFA Ham Member QRZ Page

    D star looks like it would be fun if I could get past the sign-up stuff. It's been over two weeks and I'm still waiting to be approved. I've sent emails trying to kick this process out of neutral with no result. Any ideas welcome
  4. N8OBU

    N8OBU Ham Member QRZ Page

    would be great if you could bluetooth to it from your cell phone so i don't have to have a hot spot , its a sprint thing
    VK3XEM likes this.
  5. N8XPQ

    N8XPQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Will this unit do cross mode operations like the SharkRF Openspot does? I haven't been able to find anything confirming this.

    Regards N8XPQ
  6. K0OLB

    K0OLB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    AWESOME! Must have! :)
  7. KK6ZTV

    KK6ZTV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looks great it takes 7-10 Days turn around time to receive one.
  8. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Try the Bluestack. All 3 modes. You control with an android, an iphone or a tablet. Just go to google play store and download the app. Configure in seconds. Automatic pair to bluetooth. No messy wifi configurations or teaching the device to recognize networks. Configurations include dvmega with bluestack board (available at giga parts and combitronics and passion radio) and bluedv for windows and AMBE server. The latter two need the ThumbDV from Northwest digital. With AMBE server, your android phone can be the transceiver for DMR and DSTAR (hence no radios required). Check out have fun!
  9. WY7RF

    WY7RF Ham Member QRZ Page

    According to their e-mail, "The Nano-Spot transmitter power is 10mw." Also, "The Nano-Spot is WiFi only but a USB to Ethernet cable can be used to provide a CAT5 connection if necessary."
  10. N1NDN

    N1NDN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No, it does not. Openspot will cross mode from DMR to Fusion and vice versa. Maybe this product will do that in an update.
  11. W4WMM

    W4WMM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looking at the manual, it appears you'll need 70cm...
    From the manual: "The built-in UHF (430-450Mhz) programmable simplex radio allows easy access from your digital handheld or mobile radio."
  12. W4WMM

    W4WMM Ham Member QRZ Page

    The manual says: "The built-in UHF (430-450Mhz) programmable simplex radio allows easy access from your digital handheld or mobile radio." Does this mean you have to have a digital rig to communicate with the nano-spot? Or will an analog rig talk to the nano-spot and it convert it to DMR, D-Star, etc...
    Alan, W4WMM
  13. ND5Y

    ND5Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    You need a digital radio. That's the whole idea, it's not capable of analog operation.
    VK3XEM likes this.
  14. N0GB

    N0GB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just don't get all this. Nice video but still don't see the point. I'm all over digital HF but UHF/VHF with internet nodes is not my cup of tea. I will never understand the appeal. I really like the idea of combining several digital modes but I guess I'm not much of a VHF/UHF guy. I wish I were. looks neat. 73 and Happy holidays to everyone!
    AC2NT likes this.
  15. AC2NT

    AC2NT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Derek,

    Well said, well spoken. I, myself, feel like I am in a digital jungle. Not too long ago, I picked up an Icom IC-91A with D* board installed. If I took a week or a year to figure it out, I don't know
    if I could? I don't know. Maybe, it's a mental block. The world of communications is constantly evolving, and the ones that make the new equipment are trying to entice us with new technologies
    at higher prices.
    I think Eric put a lot of effort to make this video, and I give him a heap of credit. But, do I really have to buy a DMR, a D*, Fusion or P25 radio in order to work through this "nano-spot" gizmo?
    If I only have a D* radio, like my IC-91A(D), can I cross over to a DMR repeater, or any other modes? He did not seem to clarify that part.
    Ultimately, the way we speak and listen has not changed. I speak to a microphone and you hear me on your speaker. The concept is the same since Marconi's days.
    What this is, is a novelty. Nothing more, nothing less. If the computer geeks would like to pursue these endeavors, then let them.
    If the digital world comes to a crumble. You and I will still be able to talk on our HF rigs, even if we have to pound the brass.
    Call me "old fashioned".


    Chris - AC2NT.

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