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Where Never Is Heard... ARRL Board "Code of Conduct" on HamRadioNow

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Dec 4, 2017.

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  1. KF0G

    KF0G Ham Member QRZ Page

    Goto page 1
    And maybe a doc, OM
    United we stand, divided, well, you're looking at it.
  2. KF0G

    KF0G Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you Gary for all your work.
    NK2U and KD5BVX like this.
  3. W0QGS

    W0QGS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I get the fact, we as members shouldn't leave the ARRL over this one issue, as we all have a say (somewhat) on who is elected (to a point unless the ARRL makes accusations on "ethics" and withdraws a person from the election as we have seen). But my question would be, WHEN is enough, really ENOUGH?

    In my years, the only way to hurt those who are high on their pedestals, is to knock them off! Unless this starts happening, I don't see anything positive coming forth.

    The "gag order" is seriously going to ruin the ARRL if it doesn't change for the better of and for the members. After all, its the members who make the ARRL what it is. Why should I continue to dump my hard earned money ("dues") into an organization when they continue to "gag order" the Directors and not allow members to know what is going on.

    So again, the never answered question that always gets pushed aside and receives a drawn-out answer of nonsense (beat around the bush response), "When Is Enough, ENOUGH"?
    NK2U likes this.
  4. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Agree totally and did the same thing: dumped my ARRL subscription. And yes, I know that it won't hurt them much but I can't see giving them another penny while they ruin HR.

    de NK2U
  5. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Well, they should be THRILLED to be on your show and explain their actions! Why are they hiding?

    de NK2U
  6. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    I wrote to the CEO and he told me that there would be no savings to the ARRL if they offered an digital only subscription... How is that possible? If you don't print a paper issue and mail it out, there has to be some savings! Just another HARD NOSED approach by the league!

    de NK2U
    KD5BVX likes this.
  7. W1VT

    W1VT Ham Member QRZ Page

    There is also the reduction in ad revenue to consider. Advertisers pay more for print advertising. Advertising is still a big component of income for the ARRL.

    Also, there are costs associated with providing things digitally. People forget usernames and passwords.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
    WD9EWK and N4QX like this.
  8. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Well, Tom DID say that... however, what is the difference in an electronic ad and one on paper? Same number of eyeballs looking at it! I still don't see the difference.

    de NK2U
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Zack!

    When Zak speaks, please listen.
  10. W1VT

    W1VT Ham Member QRZ Page

  11. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just discovered that the ARRL does provide a QST Print Edition Opt Out option.

    Being able to do that online and with the choice to restart receiving the print edition anytime during membership is a nice touch.

    But as the Disclaimer explains, "Choosing to opt-out of the print edition of QST is voluntary and will not result in a refund or reduction of ARRL membership dues."

    Which would be OK with me, if I had a better say in how, "Any savings will be used to extend the ARRL’s reach in the areas of public service, education, advocacy, technology and membership."

    And, that statement seems to acknowledge, any print versus online ad revenue differential notwithstanding, a savings may be realized. It's all just negotiation.

    73, John, WØPV
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
  12. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Zack!

    Interesting comment contained in the link you provided,

    Jeff Wignall, Contributing Editor at Popular Photography since 2008 who has been writing for photo magazines for 40 years wrote - “Their (PP) website was very lame, they started it up at one point, and seemed like they had a lot of energy flowing into it for a while but that was several years ago,” he continues. “Then they seemed to have abandoned the website and the only way, ironically, for a print magazine to survive is if it has a good partnership with an online edition of the magazine. Without that there is a sort of breakdown in communication between the print reader and the online person.”

    In contrast I think the ARRL web site is very well developed and getting even better.

    However, the online edition of QST is a bit clunky, at least when read on a Windows PC. And I really do not understand how ad revenue can be different between the printed and the online reader version.

    Not talking about banner ad's on the web site; that's obviously a different advertising rate and structure.

    Just the display ad's in the printable copy of QST, which according to the online info seem to be sold simply by the size they occupy on a page.

    I can imagine the rate also depends on the size of the potential audience, ie, "distribution numbers" but why isn't that determined largely by total membership? (who all have the option of receiving print editions or only online)

    73, John, WØPV
  13. W7FF

    W7FF Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    To his/her honor presiding over this people's court hearing. What is the root cause of this issue? I do not believe that it is truly the Code of Ethics. I'm not trying to stir the pot, I'd just like to see what the real issue is.


    Monte, AF7PQ
  14. KJ4AUQ

    KJ4AUQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fighting with ARRL is like wrestling with a pig, you get dirty, the pig gets dirty; but the pig likes it. Save your energy, vote with your feet.
    ND6M likes this.
  15. K2EZ

    K2EZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agreed....and in answer to what they are hiding? I think someone there is taking money from the HOA lobbyists in order to push this bill that actually gives them more power, and in like my instance, with FCC rules to get pre-approval from community association takes away from me 30 years of freedom to put up, take down and modify my antennas at all by imposing a pre-approval required as a matter of FCC rules

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