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Yaesu FT-991a Review/Overview/Demo

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KJ4YZI, Aug 19, 2017.

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  1. KJ4YZI

    KJ4YZI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have wanted this radio for a long time now. I actually have the chance to check it out with you on video, and show you the things I like about it. Hopefully more videos this week on using it on air.

    SUBSCRIBE to HamRadioConcepts

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    K3DGR and KK4ME like this.
  2. NC4CW

    NC4CW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks - Good video and it answered some questions I had about the 991A

  3. NJ1S

    NJ1S Ham Member QRZ Page

    I to like the 991 Alpha. Nice rig with a lot of features. My 7100 is almost identical but without the psk31 and c4. However my Icom runs Dstar which would be nice if there were some systems in upstate a vermont or ny. 73 and thanks for the video
  4. K4KMW

    K4KMW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good video! I wished my 991 had the live scope that came out in the 991A version. The 991 scope works like the 991A but you loose RX audio while the scope is activated. 73's and keep up the good video reviews.

  5. KD5LCR

    KD5LCR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've had mine for about a month now and it's awesome.
  6. 2E0TWD

    2E0TWD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looking to order mine tomorrow.
  7. WM6H

    WM6H Ham Member QRZ Page

    Love my FT991. Used N1RWY excellent setup using the internal soundcard for the recent meteors MS144
    I need to keep a windows laptop around to update the firmware which is kind of a complex process.
  8. KB4MNG

    KB4MNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've never even considered this radio as a viable option. I know the first version was plagued with problems. Hopefully they have ironed them out...
  9. K6BRN

    K6BRN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very good review, excellent radio for HF/VHF/UHF - identical to the FT-991 except for a waterfall function that does not interrupt audio RX. A very easy to use "shack in the box". And in my opinion, very reliable - I have two - one on the West Cost and one at my East Coast QTH - neither has ever let me down. I run high duty cycle digital modes, SSB and even AM with no problem, though the recommended settings (in the Yaesu manual) for AM are flat out wrong. East coast QTH uses the FT-991 with a physically small Elecraft KPA500/KAT500 amp/autotuner to form a compact 500 watt portable station that I can toss in the car and use at a nearby lakehouse too. For digital modes, just plug in the computer and go - no external boxes needed.

    Brian - K6BRN
  10. WQ2H

    WQ2H QRZ Lifetime Member #214 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Great review - thanks Eric. Have loved this rig since the day the 991 was introduced . Never really needed the second receiver, and I've never has a single issue with it - even as a pure field radio. My only complaint was the plastic mic connector. A metal circular would have been out of the question right?

    The MARS mod is a little difficult - but not impossible if you've got an electron microscope handy.

    Jim, WQ2H
  11. W6LDX

    W6LDX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    What exactley are the reported problems with the Yaesu FT-991a?
  12. KB4MNG

    KB4MNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    FT 991
  13. KE0EYJ

    KE0EYJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    So basically, you have no answer for the "A" model.

    Got it.
    W7OMH likes this.
  14. W0AAT

    W0AAT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Never had a problem with my original FT-991(non A). Opened it, set the final bias where it should be(and that is all the final problem is!). Life goes on. Works well once you learn the menus, decent audio on TX and RX... only complaint is mine is deaf on 432 SSB. Something to be expected in a radio designed for HF with VHF+ an added on afterthought. 2 meter weak signal performance is okay but an external preamp is a big help.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
  15. N5EAL

    N5EAL Ham Member QRZ Page

    They (Gigaparts) should just tell you to keep the radio and not return. Very informative. Great job on the 991 alpha.

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