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The Amateur Radio Parity Act - Could become reality...

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Aug 9, 2017.

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  1. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Someone passed along an interesting point--that the reason for this urgency from the ARRL is timed to attempt passage while SENATOR NELSON is not present (vacation?)

    Anyone know the relevant facts on the Senator?
  2. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page


    I'll make you a Counter Offer:

    All of YOUR radio transceivers and test gear, minus the towers and amps (because who needs them) for fifty bucks, on the day it passes. And since I am doing you such a favour, you pay the freight: Since the Parity Act will end Ham Radio by your accord, that's more than fair, eh?

    73 and All the Best!
    DE W8LV Bill
  3. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, no.

    You are so silly...

    I maintain a rolling inventory of gear for foreign hams and foreign dxpeditions. If passage goes through, I will quickly try to get a tax right off on some gear by donation to universities, and keep some for foreign operations. Including my own.

    I suspect the 'tubing' of HF gear will happen over a 1 year period from passage (IF passed with this wording), and after the outcome of the first civil case in court.

    Your FT450D would be used for DXpditions. $50 still awaits!

    I don't have a TOWER. Go do your homework. And not a chance in hell I would give you any of my proprietary fractal antennas. You are too ignorant of facts, IMO.

    Why would I give you the 4 Copper Mountain VNA's? You don't have the slightest clue what they are...
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  4. WD8NPL

    WD8NPL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agreed this is a bad bill and was only done in haste to demonstrate the League trying to do something.

    Steve, WD8NPL
    N0EKO, KI7IZU and KK5JY like this.
  5. N4UF

    N4UF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nelson wielded his power to stop the bill last year because unanimous consent was required to consider it in the Senate. Unanimous consent was required because the end of the session was approaching.

    Depending on the parliamentary path used this year, he may have considerably less power to derail.
  6. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm a patient man, even though you're not too cerebral. Chip
    I am willing to wait a year on the counter offer.

    And when the Parity Act passes as it surely will, you won't be out.

    73 and All the Best!
    DE W8LV
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If I am not cerebral, then we are all in trouble.

    KK5JY likes this.
  8. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    The only thing Silly here is you're Stuffed up sense of Self Importance, and your Obvious Wrong stance in opposition of the Amateur Radio Parity Act, base on no valid premise. None whatsoever, Sir. Red Font, Bold Font, pictures of irrelevelency, these just don't make it.

    I'm a patient man, even though you're not too cerebral. Chip
    I am willing to wait a year on the counter offer.

    And when the Parity Act passes as it surely will, you won't be out.

    73 and All the Best!
    DE W8LV
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    That explains the ARRL strategy.

    Time to go into overdrive to kill the bill (as worded).
  10. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    "I'm still waiting for someone to indicate an actual public need for more hams using outdoor antennas at their locations."

    Keep waiting, but don't hold your breath. We don't need one.

    By Coincidence..I'm still waiting for someone to indicate an actual public need for HOA's and CC&R's to regulate hams....

    73 and All the Best!
    DE W8LV
  11. NA4DX

    NA4DX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Unfortunately the time when one could make a choice to buy across the street where there was NO HOA has come and gone. As in my city, Wentzville, MO, the city has mandated that all new subdivisions must have an HOA and restrictive covenants to be passed by the city's zoning and building department! It will only get more intrusive as time passes unless we make a stand now against this.
    W8LV likes this.
  12. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    What is interesting is that this particular problem can be fixed at the local level. You can get your city council to reverse this, or at least make an exception for ham radio.

    You can get your state to pass an exception for ham radio in CC&R. Since private property contract law is regulated by the states, its a way better solution than a federal communication regulation that seeks to preempt private contract law.

    I don't understand why so many people with CC&R "problems" are just sitting around waiting for ARRL to "do something." If the problem is in your city council, go to the council and get them to fix it. If the problem isn't the city council, go get your state legislature to go fix it. It will give all the idle, rotting ham radio clubs in the state something interesting and useful to unite and work on together.
  13. N4ABQ

    N4ABQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is true for me as well. I would love nothing more to live away from the city and not have to deal with an HOA. I did not become interested in ham radio until I moved into this house. Some on this forum don't think understand that. I have been able to "get away" with installing an R8 antenna with no backlash. My wife for a few years is waiting on a letter from the HOA. So far I've proved her wrong, but I don't think I could get that lucky with a tower.
  14. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    We do understand that. We just think the answer is a real bill that gives you some measurable minimum rights to put up an antenna, and which doesn't take away the antenna rights of HOA hams who currently have no antenna restrictions. Neither of those are part of the current ARPA bill.

    I hope ARRL wakes up and replaces their useless bill with a new bill that actually helps you with your situation.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
    W1YW likes this.
  15. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Che Sera,Sera :)


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