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"Take Your Handheld to Work Day." June 20

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KF4VGX, Jun 15, 2006.

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  1. KF4VGX

    KF4VGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    On June 20 between noon and 1 PM in your local time zone be on alert  for surprise messages from ARRL.

    ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager, Allen Pitts, W1AGP explains.
    "We encourage every ham radio operator across the country who owns a handheld transceiver to take their little radios to work if they can".

    Remember  heres your chance to introduce the general public to Amateur Radio,also the opportunity to invite them to Field day the following weekend.

    While using  modern digital radio technology such as
    EchoLink and a few other tricks, random participants from locations around the country might be spotted on the air by W1AW and you may win a prize.

    This letter was sent to my wife  Last year  .

    Dear Mary, You were caught !

    On June 21st you were heard on the radio helping show Amateur Radio to non -hams during the first " Take your HT to Work Day" The staff and the members of the ARRL wish to thank you for your support for Amateur Radio and your efforts to expand the hobby. It is only through efforts like yours that the future of ham radio continues to look bright.

    Please accept our appreciation for your efforts and the enclosed repeater directory as a gift. There will also be a report on the event in QST in witch should appear in the September issue.

    Signed by Allen Pitts ,W1AGP Media and public Relations Manager.

    We were both pleased by Mr Pitts letter . I can say we enjoyed it and support Amateur Radio as well as all of you do in this group.

    To Mr Pitts " Media and public Relations Manager " Someone in the ARRL knew you would be great in this position . This Amateur family understands why  [​IMG].  

    Do yourself and Amateur Radio a favor, Let a non - ham talk on your HT etc. You may be surprised who is listening. You may be surprised how great it feels to get others involved in Amateur Radio .

                  Join us ,June 20. [​IMG]

                                                                                      with Respect , KF4VGX
  2. W3KHG

    W3KHG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Take my handheld to work and show my fellow workers? Are you kidding me. How embarrassing that would be hearing all those hee-haws who upgraded from the cb ranks on the local 2 meter repeater. If I did that I certainly would not have the respect of my fellow co-workers any longer. And give me a break. For all this I win an ARRL Repeater Directory? A person deserves a paid trip to the Dayton Hamfest.

    Leave those HT's at home and perform at your best ability for the company you work for. Take the HT along during the company picnic and then show everyone what a moron you really are. They will certainly not have an interest in Ham Radio after listening to the local repeaters. Surely there must be better ideas for improving the image and promotion of amateur radio.
  3. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Heh. I'll be off work on vacation, but I think that day is the day I'm going to see my parents, so I'll be mobile with a mobile rig.....
  4. W0GE

    W0GE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sounds Like Fun and who knows we just might get some new hams. [​IMG]
  5. K2GOG

    K2GOG Ham Member QRZ Page

    make sure the HT you bring does not resemeble a cell phone in anyway, because that is the comparison you will get. Time to dig out the HTX-202 to really show why........

    anyone care to finish this thought? [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    *runs and hides*
  6. W9GRN

    W9GRN QRZ Member QRZ Page

    No one is forcing you to participate if it embarrasses you. If you have a better idea... let's hear it. I'm all ears.
  7. N0OV

    N0OV Guest

    Oh common folks. April fools day has passed. Take your hand held to work....................PLEASE
  8. AD5JN

    AD5JN Ham Member QRZ Page

    "All" the repeaters in your area must be awful. Maybe it's time you move to 900Mhz!
  9. WV8VFD

    WV8VFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    As I am only 15 i will just take it wherever I go and be talking on it.
  10. KI4PFF

    KI4PFF Guest

    Take my handheld to work and show my fellow workers? Are you kidding me. How embarrassing that would be hearing all those hee-haws who upgraded from the cb ranks on the local 2 meter repeater. If I did that I certainly would not have the respect of my fellow co-workers any longer. And give me a break. For all this I win an ARRL Repeater Directory? A person deserves a paid trip to the Dayton Hamfest.

    Leave those HT's at home and perform at your best ability for the company you work for. Take the HT along during the company picnic and then show everyone what a moron you really are. They will certainly not have an interest in Ham Radio after listening to the local repeaters. Surely there must be better ideas for improving the image and promotion of amateur radio.

    I think that it is a great idea to take HT's to work, however I will be on vacation in Florida, but I will have a mobile station and my HT with me. And if you think this then you need to rethink your status.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. W3KHG

    W3KHG Ham Member QRZ Page

    On second thought instead of "Take Your Handheld to Work Day" lets make it "Take Your Handheld to School Day". This would be more appropriate. I am surprised the League did not come up with this one. All the little hams in the 7th and 8th grade who have passed the Amateur Extra License Exam can do a show and tell with their HT's. This would attract more 7th and 8th graders and they could sit down with their license manuals and take the Extra Exam in 3 weeks and be on HF and all the little sprogs can talk to each other around the world. That way not only would we be increasing the population of United States hams toward 800,000  but we would be reaching Main Street and the League would sell more publications.
  12. W0GE

    W0GE Ham Member QRZ Page

    [​IMG] An O O sent you a letter for THAT! Just Keep on talking .If thats the worst thing that goes on the air he should tune in 20 M sometime.
  13. K2KOH

    K2KOH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I take my handheld to work all the's an MTS2000, which has my job frequency in it as well as a bunch of ham repeaters. No sweat here! [​IMG]
  14. W5KLB

    W5KLB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am amazed at some of the responses I see here when some mentions carrying a HT. "It looks dorky". Well, don't ever visit a hamfest. Some of those people look "dorky" and don't wear an HT. Yep, plenty of "fashion statements" there. Just don't get me started on overweight people wearing "spandex" or "speedos" to these events.

    There's the "I won't get any respect at work" excuse. For those types all I can say is if that's the problem, then carrying a HT won't make any difference. There are much bigger issues going on there.

    I'll wear an HT ANYTIME there's severe weather in my area. I listen to the repeaters on my HT because I want real time reports if something is on the ground, like a tornado, headed my direction. Information can be a very calming and safe thing to have in those situations. My HT and the repeaters can provide that.

    BTW, real men eat Quishe, use HT's and listen to repeaters. [​IMG]

    And to Tyler, KD8CPP,

    It's "73" pronounced "seven-three". "73's" sounds like "best reguardeses". This is certainly not worth getting a reprimand from an OO. Give me a break!
  15. W2ILP

    W2ILP Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is against security and EMI regulations to take a HT to most facilities that do serious electronics lab work...especially on government contracted premises. ARRL again shows that they are not in sync with their most valuable members...the engineers and technicians who also happen to be hams.

    HT technology wouldn't impress any cell phone users as anything but an ancient relic and a remider that non full duplex operation was once tolerated by amateurs.

    w2ilp (Ignorant Loony PR)
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