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Straight Key Century Club

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KI4CIA, Jan 9, 2006.

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  1. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree, i have gotten back into collecting again because of this...its nice to adjust a late 1800's key from the old box that i havent seen in a while. im in the proccess of locating the parts i need to complete some of the keys i have that are missing some stuff, paddles, knobs, springs, etc...its satisfying to get an old key up and running again that hasnt seen action since it was used by some young GI in WWII...thats cool to me. its even better to put these great old instruments on the air.

    I am happy to see the group nearing 1000 members, and with talks of a booth at Dayton, maybe we can meet a couple of folks from the club. I havent heard this much action on the novice bands in years...i mean, a lot of years! Its great to hear a guy in CA call cq and get jumped on by 3 stations in the novice bands!! whodathunkit!

    This is real CW sent with real personality, i am starting to recognize who is who by the fist...havent dont THAT in years either. overall, this was one idea that worked.

    Just a question...when do we get T shirts?? :)

    73...Adam, N7YA #410
  2. KC8YPA

    KC8YPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    OM N1RP's really slowing down!  Why, just a few pages ago, he was taking up at least 50% of the posts per page.

    (I think he's actually a relative of Ralph Nader and secretly polishes his '59 Edsel under cover of the night.)

    KFC (Key Fetishists Club) #90125
  3. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    The only problem with being #1000 is all the dahs...and not to mention, whoever gets it will be constantly asked for a repeat. hi.

    73...Adam, N7YA
  4. KI4CIA

    KI4CIA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Member number 1004 has just been issued, along with the first SKCC Centurion Award (W4DF). Not sure who has # '1K' yet ...
  5. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    In this forum, we discuss things. We debate them. I introduce valid points and pose relevant questions. I get others to think. Once in a while I see thoughtful comments that get me to do so also.

    For those who are too lazy, too ignorant, or perhaps too couched in propaganda tactics or mean spirits, one could introduce the false assumption that I discuss for the sake of discord or loquaciousness.

    Sorry. Not me.

    So can yet another false characterization.

    Fetish with a hand key is socially deviant. It is not normal behavior. The item is merely a switch. I hope you understand that this is not how people are and I hope you will get professional help to get you back on track.

    Also, I've seen my name changed--not to mention my call. Imagine the lack of trust that engenders to emergency folks when hams can't get TYPED names and calls right--let alone ones sent on a hand key.

    Chip N1IR
  6. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looks like we got bumped down a bit, we may be wrapping this thread up soon. We are well over 1000 members now and it keeps going up. bands are a bit slow today, im hearing things but nothing strong...we are at the true bottom of the cycle, it seems. well, i think we have succeeded with this thread so im going to take it back to the SKCC site and continue the conversation in a real forum amongst invited friends...good job, everyone.

    And on a final note...i am truly amazed at how angry a telegraph key can make someone, heh heh....Skip, N1IP should just relax, its not healthy to get this upset about other people having fun without you. So Mitch, N2IJ...i am truly , deeply and regretfully sorry for the pain, agony and suffering that I, and my fellow constituents, have caused you. the pain and bereavement must be unbearable to have laid so dear a commitment as being a pioneer in the field of fractal antenna work and not be recognized for the brilliant genius that you so obviously are.

    I am no longer angry with you, i have come to know you a bit more, we all have...all your posts have done was expose you as a personal attacker of characters, an insecure man...a VERY insecure man, and someone who needs attention the point of desperately throwing out jabs to try to get respond and pay attention to you, to basically validate you... so i will be a gentleman and throw you one last bone before i leave this thread. consider it charity.

    Kim, K1IR, has probably helped the SKCC grow stronger a little least on QRZ. Folks, I hear a 'cq skcc' on the air right now...and i am going to answer....with my straight key. take care all, this is it for me on here. :)

    ...oh and Trip, N4TR...have a good one buddy, keep up the great work on that fractal antenna stuff. <big thumbs up>

    73...Adam, N7YA
    a very proud skcc #410
  7. W0GI

    W0GI Ham Member QRZ Page


    "A  Fetish with a hand key is socially deviant" If you use a hand key, "I hope you will get professional help to get you back on track".

    You are calling people that use a straight key "socially deviant"

    You have got to be the most "socially deviant" human being that I have ever seen.

    Did you hear about 9/11/01, or did you read about Normandy Beach? I'm sure you are an expert on both.


    Deviant is a word that you don't even deserve. Yes you are, but that word would be too much of a milestone for you to reach.

    What is "socially deviant"?

    Is Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden just "socially deviant"?  or "fun news" while the rest of us play "real deviant (CW) games"?

    But I wouldn't be suprised if you said, that we deserved it (9/11). Fill us in Nathan?

    Did we get what we deserved [​IMG]?? (Skip N2GR)

    I really want to know [​IMG]

    Tell us how we should pay for screwing poor UBL.

    Tell us how we should commit suicide for using a straight key?

    You are the sickest JO,that I have read on any thread.

    Using a straight key is what?[​IMG]


    In case that the wording is too hard for you to understand, I will make it real simple for your sorry ass.

    You are not a Ham, you are the anti-ham. You are everything that is in every ham's nightmare. You are someone that thinks they are God, but not quite God, now are you? You are the Nathan Ham, that knows all.

    I sure can't wait for your reply to tell me what an ass I am. Other hams are waiting as well, my Lord.

    73 - Bob
  8. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nope. I most certainly did not say that.

    But it's a powerful propaganda topic to takes someone's comments and ADD to them to make it appear that they did say it.

    Congratulations. You and the Nazis now have something in common.

    If you have an obsessive reverence for hand keys then that is very much outside of societal norms. It is a fetish for a switch.

    Using a hand key to communicate is nerdy, but that's hardly what I described sport.

    The hand key is the topic of the fetish. The use of it to exercise a skill is something else entirely. Unless you have obsessive reverence for the skill, and that would be considered abnormal.

    I don't know anyone who has that.

    I have no intention of describing my feelings on the war, other than we are at war, some believe it will last for generations, and some hear the call.

    I am a proud American. That much I will tell you.

    The 'Anti-ham'? Man, I bet you gave lotsa folks belly laughs on that one.

    Nice try.
  9. W0GI

    W0GI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Me and the Nazis [​IMG]

    You ask if I am Nazi? Maybe you are avoiding the question about 9/11?

    That's OK Comrade.

    Me and the Nazis?

    I don't remember calling you a deviant freak?

    But those that use a straight key are?

    Now, hams using straight keys have to defend themselves from you that call them Nazis freaks?

    You are the freak, my freind.

    A total freak. 100% Freak City.....


    Anyone that has a problem with folks that do CW with a straight key, and calls it a fetish, should be put away somewhere. Just my opinion.

    73 - Bob
  10. W0GI

    W0GI Ham Member QRZ Page

    By the way Skippy.

    No one defends you, as you type your BS.

    Most hams are very polite, and they don't say anything about your crap. They are much smarter then me, and just ignore your garbage.

    You really are a sorry little ass, when you have to call people Nazis.

    You wouldn't have enough horsepower to be a Nazi, let alone find anyone that agreed with you on this forum. (Please name one?).

    Stop trying to find someone to impress. Those that can read, already know you are a JA. I hope they are laughing, as what you present is something to laugh about.

    You are a mean spirited AH, that just wants to make ham radio a joke. That is a fact, and every ham knows that to be a fact. You can call us Nazis, or any other buzz word you can find, but we know who and what you are Skip.. or Chip.. or DIPP.....

    QUOTE: "The 'Anti-ham'? Man, I bet you gave lotsa folks belly laughs on that one.".... Yep, your right Chip, everyone knows that you are on ham radio's side??? What an ASS I AM SKIP...

    Just my thoughts. From the heart

    73- Bob
  11. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    I'm sure you are a nice person. That is, I'm sure you have that capacity.

    Please look back at what you just said on the last few posts and asked yourself if this is how you want others to see you.

    IMO, this series of comments does not represent the amateur radio service well.

    I stand by my Nazi allusion: your use of propaganda to misrepresent is a technique often used by that devilish group.

    Chip N1IR
  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    No one called anyone a Nazi. However, in your false imputation, you have just shown the power of that technique, perhaps inadvertantly.

    Connecting a true statement with a false one, to convey a different meaning, is an unfortunate tool, in this case used to misrepresent who I am, what I said, and what I bring to this discussion topic.

    The Nazis used this technique often. Hence my comment that W6NJ and the Nazis now have something in common. He has used the technique many times before, and after, my comment.

    It is an interesting question why some hams feel compelled to do this. It does not represent the amateur radio service in a positive light.

    A brief recapitulation on my opinions.

    FETISH interest in hand-keys: BA-AA-D

    Get? Got it?


    Chip N1IR
  13. W0GI

    W0GI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just having some fun with the Doc. He hasn't had any bait for a while. Now I have been called a nazi by K1MAN and N1IR. Do I get a badge or something?

    To get stirred up like this over hand keys is beyond funny.

    The entertainment is priceless, for everything else there is mastercard.

    73 - Bob
  14. W0GI

    W0GI Ham Member QRZ Page


    Being called a nazi freak, is supposed bring out a persons nice side? I'm a real nice person, but not to people that are rude and insulting.

    Who are you kidding, you live for this stuff, and in that way I am your best buddy. If I didn't bait you, what in the world would you do.

    By the way, this forum isn't ham radio. This is a sleazy internet bar.

    Sorry though, play time is over.

    73 - Bob
  15. KC2EGL

    KC2EGL Ham Member QRZ Page

    There is a facility for Chip located in eastern Queens county just before the NYC/Nassau border called Creedmore. They can offer lots of help for Chip. I would drive by this facility everytime I went to a club meeting, club board meeting, or to classes to learn CW for my upgrade to General. Hey Chip (or Nathan, which ever you prefer)take a trip to a great city and visit Creedmore.
    You may enjoy it.

    Now back to the friends I have made at the SKCC site.
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