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QRP Portable Winlink station

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by OH8STN, Jul 16, 2021.

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  1. AA5BK

    AA5BK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    You know how it goes. Fads in society blend into amateur radio and that is making people lots of money or at least some sort of YouTube fame. Hell, maybe in a few years people will have forgot all about YouTube.

    Anyway... I am old and I cannot help but remember things like this when the newfangled TACTICAL aspects of our hobby rise to the surface.... things come and go.

    Children will always be children, even if they are now self emasculated MEN---
    W4CDO and WD4ELG like this.
  2. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Field day was a bust for me, as an operator fired up his winlink in such close proximity where a bunch of us set up to enjoy contacts using voice and CW, once he fired up winlink using 500 watts, game over. Bled over mutable bands with antennas only a few yards apart.

    Next year I will set up away from my radio club.
  3. N6KZB

    N6KZB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    What was this alleged operator's call sign?
    Wish to contact him, desire to verify his output power and help him.

    K0PJS likes this.
  4. VA7KWD

    VA7KWD Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's always good to have a band pass filter handy.
    KG5RKP likes this.
  5. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes it is, I tend to take the basic's with me, and that is a QRP transceiver, I have a three I use. Mountain Topper MTR 4b, a Youkits and a FT 817, but most of the time it is the Mountain Topper a Buddipole antenna, powered with a pocket radio 9 volt battery, ear phones and one of my Keys.

    Works well but not a good choice for a gathering, the FT 817 would be a better choice or the Yaesu 891 which can be powered down to 5 watts, and have pretty good filters.

    But I prefer the mountain topper small and light and only require small battery.

    Thank you for your reply, 72'
  6. KI7JOM

    KI7JOM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I second this. Bandpass filters are great. My buddies and I use them near noisy areas and it makes all the difference.
  7. KI7JOM

    KI7JOM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sounds like you could have had a fox hunt... ;-)
    N7KO likes this.
  8. K9JPT

    K9JPT Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is a good point! Those Finlanders used a lot of hit and run tactics during the Winter War and it's surprising that this guy didn't account for your point!

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