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Parks on the Air January Update: 7,702 parks activated! 49,653 QSO's

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5QBF, Feb 7, 2022.

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  1. W8KJR

    W8KJR Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Walls of QRM"
    That's called "activity" and it would seem that you'd prefer the bands be reserved only for nets and ragchews. As a frequent POTA activator and hunter, yes, some operators could use a bit of a lesson in good operating practice, but I've yet to hear a single one of them splatter, or run especially wide which is more than I can say for the nets and regular gatherings of people on 40 meters ragchewing at 5k wide. Most of the operators I've encountered in this facet of the hobby are amongst the best out there, but obviously there are exceptions.

    "And how much money is this clown making off his "contest"? I'd love to see a list of his corporate donors!"
    What gives you any inclination that it is a huge money-maker? it's supported entirely by donations and sales of products with the POTA logo on it, they have to pay for hosting and databases and all that jazz with that money.
    It costs nothing to participate, and nothing to receive and earn awards. (looking at ARRL that charges me for LOTW awards whilst also giving them $50 annually, and they've yet to update the site since its inception)
    What corporation stands to gain from donating to POTA? Why?

    It is impossible to remember where every special interest net meets and on what days. There is not a master listing or repository. Though some have tried to make such a thing it is hardly all-encompassing, and its not realistic to memorize them all.
    A gathering of 4-5 chaps that get together on 40 every Saturday and roundtable isn't a net, either.

    What I can tell you, is if I'm running a pileup on YOUR frequency, come down and let me know your net is starting in a few minutes and I'll say "thanks for letting me know, I'll move". POTA has created more activity on the HF bands than any contest or event ever has, we all need to be good stewards of our band space and learn to co-exist politely with one another.
    AE0Z, WA7RAR, KN4CQB and 12 others like this.
  2. N8TVI

    N8TVI Ham Member QRZ Page

    From the ARRL ..Contests take place on both the HF and VHF/UHF/microwave bands. On HF, contests take place on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10-meters. Contest sponsors have agreed to keep the 60, 30, 17 and 12-meter bands off limits from competitive events .... so anytime you turn in your contacts for counts it now becomes a contest .... I thiink its great to get people out and about on the air but in the same token there are people that dont want to hear that and just rag chew hence why they came up with this ...
    M1WML likes this.
  3. K1GC

    K1GC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I appreciate that, but that also does not match the ARRL rules for National Parks on The Air that I posted, which is effectively the same thing as Parks on the Air. It does appear that the ARRL did not view the program as a contest. Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think most people view POTA is not a competitive program. Just my perspective, and I don't plan on activating on the WARC bands.
    K4MID, M1WML and KZ4TN like this.
  4. N8TVI

    N8TVI Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. K1GC

    K1GC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    K4MID and M1WML like this.
  6. N5EIL

    N5EIL Ham Member QRZ Page

    By that logic working DX and submitting it to LOTW for awards should be banned from the warc bands. Just call QRL and move on if it's busy.
    N7KO, M1WML and W5NXK like this.
  7. K5QBF

    K5QBF Ham Member QRZ Page

    The SmokinApe did a really good video on considerate operations.
    M1WML and AC0GT like this.
  8. WZ7K

    WZ7K Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You gotta think outside the box! Check in to the net, then qso with 10 people also on the net.. BAM! Activate the park :D
    K4MID and M1WML like this.
  9. KV0RE

    KV0RE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very cool. Love POTA, hope to see the automatic log-processing real soon!
    K4MID, KM1NDY, M1WML and 2 others like this.
  10. N6RWC

    N6RWC Ham Member QRZ Page

    K4MID and M1WML like this.
  11. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Now we are supposed to take advice from someone on YT who is too paranoid to use his his real name or call sign….:rolleyes:
    M1WML, AE0Q and N1RBD like this.
  12. K8MRD

    K8MRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Heck yeah!! Unmask The SmokinApe!!
    KN3A, M1WML and K5YVY like this.
  13. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Go ahead. You know him a lot better then the rest of us.
    M1WML likes this.
  14. K5YVY

    K5YVY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I rarely look at the Pota awards page. For me it’s just F U N to operate whether as a hunter or a activator. I don’t see it as a contest but people can become competitive about anything. It’s so confusing hearing people saying ham radio is dying but at the same time complaining about the bands being over crowded.
    N7KO, K1CWB, K4MID and 5 others like this.
  15. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    M1WML likes this.

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