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K4ZET, Charles Grant, SK

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by N4ZX, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. N4ZX

    N4ZX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am very sad to announce the passing of Charles Grant, K4ZET of Montgomery Alabama on 12/13/13 at about 0058 Z.

    Charles had been battling a serious lung infection since he got home from the Dayton hamfest in May of this year, and was in a medically induced coma for about 6 weeks this summer. His XYL, Sue, passed away while Charles was in the coma. Charles was able to return home for a few weeks in late October-early November and was on the air for a few times. Several of his friends and I were able to take him to the Montgomery, Alabama Hamfest in November, and the Monday after that, he was readmitted to the Hospital ICU with a relapse of the same condition. He did not recover from this bout with Pneumonia.

    Charles will be sorely missed by his many friends in the SSTV community, being a long time member of the IVCA and quite active with sending pictures over the air. To his friends on the 3713 SSTV net, Charles was known as "The Pope of Slow-Scan" and was an expert with Photoshop. We all learned much from Charles and had many hours of fun with him both on the air and in person at the Dayton Hamvention.

    73, Dave, WO4V
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