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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by IK0WMJ, Oct 25, 2016.

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  1. IK0WMJ

    IK0WMJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    For informational purposes: the web site has achieved a significant degree of completeness. It has comprehensive review and update of all equipment for amateur radio users with prices and features.
    Since its opening on 1 January, it has now reached about 80% of contents.
    The graph visually shows the degree of completeness

    For example:

    - 94 HF and V/UHF Amplifiers (Solid State and Tubes) – 30 manufacturers

    - 520 HF Beam Antennas – 31 manufacturers

    - 400 V/UHF Beam Antennas – 17 manufacturers

    - 192 Power Supply (Switching and linear) – 17 manufacturers

    - …etc.

    Please feel free to report any wrong and/or incomplete information.

    Note that this is a non-profit site and we hope it can be useful to all
    amateur radio users.

    Happy surfing…,

    ’73 Team HamRadioGuide
  2. KC3DRZ

    KC3DRZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I emailed the address on the site to get a username/password and all I've gotten so far is spam. What gives?
  3. IK0WMJ

    IK0WMJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dear John, thank you for having surfed the Hamradioguide. We have sent your credentials. Spam check your antivirus.

    '73 Hamradioguide staff

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