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End of the line for FT-897

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Jun 9, 2014.

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  1. W1BR

    W1BR Ham Member QRZ Page

    It would be nice if any manufacturer steoped up to the plate. Since the demise of the FT-736R, there haven't been any dedicated VHF/UHF only rigs. I think it is a sad reflection of the lack of interest in VHF/UHF. Activity has been waning for years--except for brief periods during contests... and even then the activity pales to what transpired a few decades ago.
  2. AD0HT

    AD0HT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Elecraft has both a 2 meter and 4 meter (70 cm ) module (you can use only one or the other) - so both vhf and uHF capability - unfortunately low power for these mods is not solved w/ the KPXA100 amp - you'll have to use a different amp for 2/4m....
  3. AJ2I

    AJ2I XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm glad I got my 857D when I did. Like someone mentioned before, the successor I'm sure will be over $1000 and include all types GPS/digital bells and whistles I don't need/want. Look what they did with the Yaesu FT-1DR
    $400 for a 2/70cm ht, are they crazy?
  4. EA7JAB

    EA7JAB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bueno la 897 es Igual que la 857 solo con el pretexto de ser para casa y mas cara, la 857 es una radio para uso móvil, muy muy buena, espero que no la quiten, la otra (897) no tenia sentido
  5. KJ7WC

    KJ7WC Ham Member QRZ Page

    BTW, the only complaint I have about the FT-897D's operation is the rather annoying muting that occurs while it interprets a frequency change command through the CAT port; the fault drove me to build a panadapter for listening to satellites via a computer attached SDR.

    Does anyone know where I can get a genuine N connector as fitted on the VHF/UHF side of this radio in the non-US market?
  6. WA9CWX

    WA9CWX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have had my 897 for about ten years. Once I added the CW filter, I was happy. I customized the right side control through the menu, and since then I have NEVER had a complaint. It does what it is supposed to do, it does it very well, and I can take it on vacation or to a picnick with a minimum of hassels. Oh yes, If I want, I can plug in the battery cable and not worry about Power line outages ( I have a 250 amp/hr back up and it powers the 897 perfectly for hours). Bottom line, no complaints.
  7. W5WAY

    W5WAY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Too bad. About the time I learn how to use the darned thing without the manual or a cheat sheet close at hand it will break and no support options other thsan third party
  8. N4NXD

    N4NXD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I just got an 897D last month. Hate to see it has been cancelled, but Yaesu has a 1 year warranty from date of purchase. So hold onto your receipt!

    I know it is not the top performer, but I have been pretty impressed with the craptacular antenna I am using and the results on 10/20 phone which is where I will use it most on HF and of course VHF/UHF.

    Wonder what (if anything) will replace it?
  9. KD4HSO

    KD4HSO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had an 897D for several years and finally sold it and bought a KX3. It was a good rig, but the batteries were horrible, and even worse were the third party ones. Finally cut my losses and replaced the batteries with the internal supply and lugged around a deep cycle trolling battery. No excuse for Yeasu not to be using Lithium batteries in the 21st century. Hopefully they will if they come out with a replacement.
  10. SA1CKE

    SA1CKE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm a bit surprised that they don't have any base station at all except for the 897 that's able to handle both HF and VHF/UHF. They lack a competitor to the Icom IC-9100.

    To some extent it looks like it's either VHF and up or 50MHz and down equipment and that they seem to think that people don't usually do both.
  11. KO0V

    KO0V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great timing on my part. Just bought one yesterday.
  12. KB0SVF

    KB0SVF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amen Brother, Amen.
  13. K4YZ

    K4YZ Guest

    This is one of those opinions that should have been followed with "Your Mileage May Vary" caveats. I have yet to own a peice of Yaesu gear that didn't give me 20 or more hard years of service. Also, the early Yaesu rigs continue to be popular and purposeful in the used market. FT-101's in almost all derivitives are abundant on eBay, QRZ swapmeet, etc. Other than the Icom IC-730, I don't recall too many ICOM rigs lasting that long.

    As for "styling and functionality", the FT-897D is definitely a radio meant for a niche of the Amateur community, not the mainstream. It's meant for "out-doorsy" types and persons with a need for a dependable portable rig, ie: EmComm types. That it has prevailed this long is noteworthy. It's built right for the job intended, and not for the big gun contesters or the More-Money-Than-Common-Sense-DXers crowd.

    Yaesu would do well to keep the low-end of the market served with an FT-757GX-type rig, updated to latest technologies.


    Steve, K4YZ
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