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El Cajon Amateur Radio Club alive and healing despite claims to the contrary

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by NQ6U, Oct 21, 2010.

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  1. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon, California passed away on October 14, 2010. The cause of death was the massive internal division.

    Born in 1960, the ARCEC had a distinguished history of community service and will be greatly missed by it's members.

    No services will be held. In lieu of flowers, the family of former members requests that donations be sent to the ARRL.
  2. KR1SS

    KR1SS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon is alive and well

    Carl KJ6BSO, you know this is not true. On October 14th, the President of the Club was removed from office for a number of reasons. This action of the membership certainly didn't cause the Club to die.

    The members of the Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon are now picking up the pieces and starting the rebuilding website, etc.. With elections coming in December, I'm confident that our Club's new leadership team will once again strive to make the Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon the strong and vibrant Club's it's always been known to be.

    Steve Weed KO4QT
    2008/2009 ARCEC Vice President
    2009 ARCEC HAM of the Year
  3. W1CTM

    W1CTM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon is alive and well

    Carl I have to agree with Steve. The club is still alive and will come back even stronger than it was before. New (and more) lines of communication, new energy, new volunteers, etc. What you've posted about the club being dead is simply false information.
  4. WB6WSN

    WB6WSN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sleazeball Lies To All Hams; The Worst of Ham Spirit


    What incredible humor you displayed in fabricating a story of the demise of the ARCEC, due to "a massive internal division." What a humorous way you use to describe what I would call a long-overdue house-cleaning. No longer will the ARCEC be the pariah of local ham clubs, we are on the way to honesty, decency, openness, fiduciary responsibility and, oh the wonder of it all, service to club members in place of blind fealty to our "leaders."

    It's too bad that you have self-declared on the side of the problem, and not chosen to be part of the solution.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2010
  5. AF6BC

    AF6BC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon is alive and well

    Carl, I don't know what your motivation is to post such ironiouse information here, but I think it is shameful. Maybe you don't care about the club, since you have told othe members you are not renewing your membership, but why would you do something so low as to post information that is simply not true.?
    Maybe it is for the best that you are leaving the club! I know several members who are looking to the future with great expectations for this wonderful old organization as we make plans to push forward into the next fifty years. It's Going to be Great!

    Floyd Lang
    ARCEC Since 2006
  6. NF9T

    NF9T Guest

    Amateur Radio Club of El Cajon is not dead!!!

    The author of the post, must not really be aware of everything going on. Here are the facts:

    The members of the club felt that the past President was not doing his job as dictated by the bylaws of the club, so they removed him from office. This is the way things should be done to other elected officials, even in government. Some of you may remember when Gray Davis was removed from the office of Governor for the State of California.

    To be brief, the club has suffered a small fracture. It has now been stinted and is on the road to a full recovery.

    I have been a proud member of this club since 1991!!
  7. AF6LJ

    AF6LJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is how things are suppose to work, when things go wrong.
    Wish I lived closer, I would become a member.
  8. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    My post was meant to be satirical, of course. The club may live on in some respects but it will never be the same club it was. The damage done was too deep.

    In any case, it will live on without me. I will not participate in any club activities and will allow my membership to lapse.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  9. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Apparently, Floyd, satire is beyond someone who uses words such as ironiouse, which I cannot find in any dictionary I own...
  10. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    And how would you know anything about this, Sue? Your post here is pointless, to say the least, since you are not a member of the club.
  11. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, Eddie, considering how close the vote to oust the president was--one vote--I would most certainly call it "massive internal division." And if we're going to talk about a sense of decency, well, just take a look at the tactics used by the president's opponents--attacking the president's family, for instance. Paying a lapsed member's dues so she could come to a meeting to vote.

    I'm not even taking a stand on whether Mr. Rios deserved to be removed from office here. Perhaps he did. My concern is totally related to the way it was accomplished. I no longer wish to be associated with a group of people who will use those kinds of methods. If that bothers you, well, that's just too bad.

    Have fun with your little club, my friend. I will have nothing to do with it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2010
  12. NF9T

    NF9T Guest

    Carl, I guess we will have to disagree on this.

    I really believe the club, even as we knew it, will rise as The Phoenix, and be the club it once was, and even better.

    Yes, it will take some hard work by all the members, but I have known many of the members for quite a number of years. I have the faith.
  13. NQ6U

    NQ6U Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think you're going to find it a lot harder than you expect. I'm not the only person who intends to let his membership lapse; many people who have been part of the club for much longer than I have will be leaving as well.

    I wish you luck, but you should probably lessen your expectations of a phoenix-like rise.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  14. AF6LJ

    AF6LJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have known people in the club going back to a high school classmate who attended meetings until the day he enlisted in the coast guard.

    I know a lot of things about the local Ham Radio communities, have for decades.
    I just keep my mouth shut and watch.

    Oh and one or two more things.....
    Organizations have checks and balances in place in the event the organization heads off in a direction it's not suppose to.

    And wait there is More........

    Had I been living closer to where Y'all meet I would have joined the club 20 years ago.
    I can't drive and transportation is hard to arrange at night.
    And it's just a little too far to walk.:cool:

    Have a nice day.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  15. WA4TM

    WA4TM Ham Member QRZ Page

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