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Can the Reliance Bugout Mini actually bugout?

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by KN4MKB, Dec 19, 2023.

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  1. KN4MKB

    KN4MKB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I thought I had a POTA activation, but only learned after the video uploaded that I needed 10 contacts instead of 4.
    I've been refining my portable setup. I wanted a small antenna that would world well in my environment (lots of trees) for SOTA and POTA.
    I also wanted something that didn't break the bank.
    I (almost) activated park Hall-Hill/Vernon-Douglas State Nature Preserve K-7957.

    I bought the Reliance EFHW Bugout mini from here (not sponsored):

    I like this little antenna, and it's going to stay in my portable bag.

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