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Buddipole PowerMini & PowerFilm Solar | Portable Power

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by OH8STN, Aug 10, 2020.

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  1. K8CGS

    K8CGS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You are on the mark on the PowerMini is a 'integrated power distribution' "SYSTEM" that fits in a shirt pocket. I am a full timer and run top of the line solar systems, batteries, controllers etc.. I love building smaller units but you can NOT duplicate what the PowerMini with off the shelf components and not expect to carry it around in an ammo can.
  2. K8CGS

    K8CGS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    PowerMin.jpeg Its the biggest bang for the buck for portable operations battery management, solar and monitoring there is. There is no comparable integrated systems power management and small product anywhere on the market for portable ops. I would rather forget my SWR meter than my PowerMini..

    Not how you typically use a PowerMini, but when you want to drain a 2.5amp Nano A123 battery fast, just top off a 10a A123 battery, while charging up your HT...only thing not plugged in is a couple solar panels. Yep, it handles all that and manage the ends and outs for visibility into watts, amps with everything and run times and totals and nets. You always know what is going on and where you stand with your power management.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
    JF1IRQ likes this.
  3. KI7LFD

    KI7LFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Julian: Thanks for the wonderful article and suggestion. This is/was one of the best article I've seen posted. Currently, I'm working on a "Get away" system for myself. Your article gave me plenty to think about.

    One quick question ……. Do you really look as "rough" as your photo shows ?

    Thanks again for the great article.

    Rich (KI7LFD)
  4. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    So, my simple comment about doing this 10 years ago, using a PowerFilm 20W and FT817 was removed for what reason?
  5. KA1YBS

    KA1YBS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Lol Wrong thread, my apologies. 73
  6. KC9YGN

    KC9YGN QRZ Lifetime Member #750 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Excellent video. I appreciate your reviews enormously. I've been thinking of upgrading my under-powered solar/battery, and the Powermini looks like it could be an excellent choice for the new setup I'm thinking of. Thanks very much :)
  7. K0DAJ

    K0DAJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm considering the PowerMini. I really appreciate your reviews on it (and all your other very practical reviews). I looked up the specs. The only issue I have is that it's rated for 0 - 40 degrees C. Living in South Dakota, we do get lower than 0C, although nowhere near what you must experience. I would like to use it for winter ops, but don't expect to be in a heated tent except on rare occasions. I have a couple of Bioenno charge controllers that are rated to well below 0C. Any thoughts on this.
  8. K8CGS

    K8CGS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    I do not fully understand their 0C limit and it could be a couple things: Even if the unit could operate at the extreme lows you have at your QTH, it is really not the function of the charger to operate at low temps. Even though over the spectrum of Lithium Chemistry batteries e.g Lithium Ion, Lithium Iron Phosphate, Nano Phosphate etc., they all have unique over heating specs, charge specs, discharge specs...But, one thing is very common with Lithium Ion Chemistry batteries we use at home, HAM etc...charging them below 0C (32F) will irreversibly damage the batteries. So, I am only guessing like many descent lithium chargers that they have a cold temperature shut off charge to the battery. If you keep the batteries warm, keep them wrapped up when charging in temps below 32F you would be good. There are pricey Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries that have built in heaters to charge below 32F. Batteries like Battel Born have charge management system in them, you cant see them, that have cold temp and high temp shut offs too. Hope that helps.
  9. K0DAJ

    K0DAJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks. What you say makes sense. I've never considered charging my LiFePOs in cold weather before and was not aware of the lower temp limit for charging. I was thinking about it for Winter Field Day this year. I have the equipment to heat my portable shelter. I guess I'll have to if I want to test a full solar setup.

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