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Alexloop Review redux, an update on the TH-D74a plus something new K6UDA Radio Episode 32

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K6UDA, Oct 28, 2016.

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  1. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just 900 more subscribers and I'm giving away that new Elecraft KX2. Help a fellow ham out and subscribe today. It’s Halloween and you’ve never seen a ham radio show like this one before. This week I’m re reviewing the Alexloop Walkham Magnetic loop antenna. Next time, I’m shooting out with the big three loops. I’ve got a short update on my Kenwood TH-D74a and… well, Ask Bob Anything.

    NL7W, KB0WZH, K9PLG and 12 others like this.
  2. K3RW

    K3RW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ever done any work with the MFJ-933/935/936 loop tuner boxes? I have the 935 and I'm curious how that stacks up against these others.
  3. 2E0HPI

    2E0HPI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Always like using the KX2 and Alex Loop amazing kit together

    Keep up the videos
    K6UDA likes this.
  4. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I haven't used any of the MFJ loops. maybe someday.
  5. VE3WMB

    VE3WMB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    BTW, there is a reason that Alex uses the Gold Plated PL-259/So-239 connectors on the loop. Gold is just slightly less conductive than Silver but it doesn't tarnish. Tarnished Silver is a much, much worse conductor than Gold (there seems to be an old wives tale that claims that tarnished silver is more conductive than silver but it simply is not true). So unless you clean the connectors on a loop that uses Silver connectors, over time you will see a degradation performance.

    Michael VE3WMB
  6. K6UDA

    K6UDA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Interesting. I hadn't thought about it before.
    K9PLG likes this.
  7. K9PLG

    K9PLG Ham Member QRZ Page

    When did Ham Radio cease being Great ??
    IMHO it has always been Great and always will be !!
    Another enjoyable video ! Thanks Bob !
    73 de K9PLG
    NL7W likes this.

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