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Ham Talk Live! Episode 153 - Ham Radio Dating Stories Wanted!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WB9VPG, Feb 13, 2019.

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  1. WB9VPG

    WB9VPG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Since this week's episode lands on Valentine's Day, we have a special show planned! It's OPEN LINES... and we want to hear your ham radio dating stories!!! It can be good or bad.... but let's hear them! We already have 3 couples committed to calling in. So join us on Thursday at 9 pm EST at, and call in with your stories!

    Tune into Ham Talk Live! Thursday night at 9 pm EST (Friday 0200Z) by going to When the audio player indicates LIVE, just hit the play button!

    If you miss the show live, you can listen on demand anytime also at; or a podcast version is on nearly all podcast sites a few minutes after the live show is over. Some sites include Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, SoundCloud, and iHeart Podcasts; and it's also available on YouTube. A replay is also broadcast on WTWW 5085 AM on Saturday nights at approximately 6:30 pm Eastern.

    Be sure to CALL in with your questions and comments by calling 812-NET-HAM-1 live during the call-in segment of the show. You can also tweet your questions before or during the show to @HamTalkLive.

    HTL Valentine promo 2.jpg
    G4RBH, NN6EE, M1WML and 2 others like this.
  2. W8AAZ

    W8AAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am sure there are lots but I personally don't know of any that ended well. Have read of those that did.
    KD2SVR and M1WML like this.
  3. AA4MB

    AA4MB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I would like to hear about all four (4) of these.
    NV4B and M1WML like this.
  4. WB9VPG

    WB9VPG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    LOL there were more than that just on last night's show! We ran out of time!
    M1WML, AA4MB and WE4B like this.
  5. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    My wife told me either the radios go or she goes. I do miss her from time to time.
    KD2SVR, VU3JNM, N8ZI and 15 others like this.
  6. W4HM

    W4HM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I had long been a ham when I married my second YL. I told her up front that she had no say so over the amateur radio hobby, whether it be what I bought for my radio shack and antennas I built and hung outside.

    But I did agree to give her the same leeway concerning her animal interests.

    It's been 22 years and everything is still fine.
    KD2SVR, NX6ED, K9KXW and 2 others like this.
  7. K7IN

    K7IN Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I went to the Ham Radio Outlet store in San Diego during my lunch hour one day to check out the radios and see my friends who worked there. As I came in, there was a young lady with a sweet smile and long brown hair talking with the clerk about her 2m radio in her car. The clerk said they didn't work on radios installed in cars but, I was eavesdropping on their conversation. When he said he couldn't help, I offered to check it out and see what I could advise her to do. She said her name was Peggy and was happy to accept my offer to help. It was a simple wiring error that tool all of a couple of minutes to fix. We spent the rest of my lunch hour talking and this delightful lady said she had just moved back to San Diego which is where she grew up and was starting over after recently being divorced.

    We exchanged our cards and went on our way but, I was completely captivated with everything about her. I asked her to have dinner with me and she accepted. At dinner we got to hear each others' stories and found we had quite a lot in common include ham radio as a hobby. That dinner date went well into the wee hours of Saturday morning and was the most fun I have had in many years. We spent a lot of time together including volunteering to work at the (then) Miramar Blue Angels Air Shop which we did the following Saturday. It was an all-day volunteer job and we were totally spent by the end of the day.

    Over the next few months, we fell in love and were married on October 3rd. This was 1991. We moved to Reno, NV. in '96 where we still live but, are together now after what was 27 years, last October. Peggy is no longer active with ham radio as she lost her hearing and interest. I am not as active as I once was but, we have had a great life together and love the fact that it was ham radio and some divine providence that brought us together. I hope we have a lot more together! Paul Cavnar, K7IN and Peggy, N7MTL
    WA4JHE, KB1GKN, KC6KNL and 26 others like this.
  8. M0MNG

    M0MNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry that I'm a bit late with this one!

    In the summer of 2010, I proposed to my childhood sweetheart and we set a date for our marriage in July 2012. Before 2010 had finished she had dumped me without any warning or explanation.

    When July 2012 came around, I was single, lonely, lovesick and not looking forward to the actual day when I should have been getting married. I didn't really feel like going anywhere or doing anything but I realized that I needed to "force myself" and not just stay at home feeling miserable all the time.

    I have always loved Special Event Stations, and since I got my licence in 2009 I had always visited GB2WFB (Worthing Fire Brigade) which takes place every July. I figured that doing a bit of operating and having fun at the event might take my mind off things.

    One of the other operators was going out with a lady, and he introduced me to his girlfriend. I had never seen her before in my life but there was instant attraction between us, and very soon afterwards she decided to leave him and go out with me instead. It turned out that the relationship she left was coming to an end anyway.

    It would not entirely surprise me if one of the reasons he was keen to introduce us (other than to cheer me up!) was because he thought that things might turn out that way...

    Anyway we got engaged on Christmas Day 2012, moved in together in 2013, got married in 2014 and we are very much in love almost 4.5 years later.

    She talks about getting an amateur licence one day. It might happen; she always gets excited when I manage to receive a SSTV picture on 145.8MHz! We are very accommodating of each others' hobbies which means I still appear on almost every Special Event Station in my local area!

    It is very unlikely that we would have met each other just walking down the street, and amateur radio had brought me to the event where we met. So although she is not (yet?) a licensed ham, amateur radio did bring us together. Sort of.

    Have a great weekend everybody
    73 and God bless,

    Ed M0MNG.
    KF4ZKU, KC6KNL, KC5JSR and 7 others like this.
  9. KB6QXM

    KB6QXM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Missed this post, so I missed this show. 2 of my most wonderful relationships were with ladies that became hams. One became a coded general and my present YL is a non-coded General. They may not have the same level of interest that I have, but appreciates the hobby. For instance when HRO was closing their Silicon Valley location, my YL came and did a video tribute on how much that location met to her as it had foundational bonding to the "store elmers". My YL participates in field day every year. She is the food captain and people from clubs miles away come to enjoy the feast.

    The good news is that my YL and future XYL will appreciate the purchase of a new QTH that has the land to put up the towers and antennas in my retirement from the Silicon Valley.
    WB9VPG, M1WML and K7IN like this.
  10. NN2X

    NN2X XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I met my wife indirectly through Ham radio...That is sort of cool! I was having a QSO with CN8ST ,Tarrick, while I was in Florida, using a modest 2 element mono bander (Quad) for 10 meters. Tarrick asked me what I do for a living, I said, I design and sell satellite teleports for a living, He said come over. I did, and the person who translated, and help structure the deal was my future wife!

    Faith (Wife) is from a predominant family in CN8 land, (Morocco), if you go to my QRZ page, you will see what a typical Moroccan looks like.

    I say the heck with Eharmony! Try Ham radio to seek your future XYL (Wife)

    We have a son (Adam) as well)

    Tom , NN2X
    KC6KNL, KF4ZKU, VA6WWW and 4 others like this.
  11. KB6QXM

    KB6QXM Ham Member QRZ Page

    @All, In case hams thought that I am retiring from the Silicon Valley or that my YL met at HRO, neither are true. I may have not articulated my last post well enough. I have many years before I walk away from the Silicon Valley, except when I do, I will be selling my property and getting out of all of the congestion, traffic and everything that has to do with the Silicon Valley. Ham radio, classic cars and travel is what I am doing once the Silicon Valley and I part ways.
    WB9VPG likes this.
  12. NN6EE

    NN6EE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I had told my PRESENT XYL (40YRS NOW) I MARRIED THE HOBBY(56yrs & counting) before I married her!!! You know what? She GET'S IT!!! I LUV MY WOMAN!!!
    N7RQ, K9KXW, KC5RET and 1 other person like this.
  13. NN6EE

    NN6EE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    WB9VPG and K7IN like this.
  14. AK5CT

    AK5CT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    From CB to Wedding Bells to Ham Radio.....

    As much as some hams hate to admit it, many started out in CB radio, as does my story. In the late 60's and early 70's I was an avid CB'er - this was in the days that we actually had licenses and used our call signs (in other words, before CB went down the tube). I was once talking to a guy in the next county and he suggested I come over and meet some of the girls he went to school with. They were in High School and I was around 19 or 20 at the time. I eventually visited him and met two or three young ladies from his school, one of which I could have had some interest in, so I made repeated trips up there. However, he had a younger sister, Nellie, that was always 'hanging around', and although at the time I thought she was too young for me (she was just 15 or 16), she really was quite a cute little blonde. Well, to shorten the story, the more I hung around up there, the more Nellie and I talked and hit it off, and in May 1975, on a Sunday afternoon, she and I got married in a nice little country church wedding. This was actually the day before she graduated high school that Monday, I was 22 and she was 17. I'm sure many folks thought that was too young and that it would never work out. Well, we are still together and it's been almost 44 years.

    Then in 2014, I gave in to pressure from my lifelong friend Larry (N4CBS) and started studying for my Ham License. In October that year I tested and somehow managed to pass all 3 tests at that VE session - walking away with my Extra. Then last year I suggested to Nellie that she get her Tech license so we could use the local repeaters car to car if we wanted. She studied and passed her Tech in April 2018, getting the call KG5ZJO. She continued to study, and at the Huntsville Hamfest in August she passed her General test. She is now studying for her Extra. I have to say it's quite amusing to try to get through a pile up for an hour as I did for Ducie Island, then watch her throw her call out there one time and the Op say, "Hey guys stand-by let me get that lady calling in" . Anyway, we have attended several Hamfests together and as I write this, we just returned late last night from Hamcation in Orlando, after a weekend there and a week vacation at Disney (yes at our age). I have made the comment several times that with her getting her Ham license - It has now come full circle from the way it all started with us. Please check us out on QRZ: I just posted some old pictures of us, on both her and my pages, from our early days together. 73 to all.

    Curtis / AK5CT
    KC6KNL, K5GHA, K9KXW and 7 others like this.
  15. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great story Curtis :) !
    KF4ZKU, WB9VPG and K7IN like this.

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