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Ham Talk Live! Episode 89 - Puerto Rico Disaster Communications with Val, NV9L

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WB9VPG, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    As everyone knows, Kein Plan überlebt die erste Feindberührung (no plan survives contact with the enemy).

    The best thing we can do is be good at the skills we have and keep thinking outside the box. I tell volunteers that it is like training for the Superbowl and when you show up it's a soccer game. We train for the big earthquake and tonight we are on alert for a big wind storm. Even the parades, marathons, bike rides, and back country foot races help us be better volunteers and better communicators.
    KX4O and WU8Y like this.
  2. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Can you clarify and expand upon this?


    Hurricane Maria is the reason I started studying for my license. As I understood it was for this community (HAM Radios) that much of the work was performed locally. Thanks to all of you that were involved!!
    KP3BR likes this.
  4. K0IDT

    K0IDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe you can comment on this
    Some of the same personalities are still involved and present for PR. Planned months in advance and still
    turned into a pissing contest, good thing it was only a SET.
  5. K0IDT

    K0IDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Either a student of history or that's a common expression in your area of expertise. Molte, I had to look it up :), did get it right though.
    You can only plan for the beginning of an event, after the opening gun it's "adapt and overcome".

    Sure can. The Cajun Navy used Zello along with various other groups and individuals to set up networks using technology most people
    were familiar with and had available. I would be willing to bet there was more traffic over the cell networks than ham radio. Most people
    have a cell phone today, not very many have a 2m HT or HF rig in their back pocket. I said it in another thread, give the disaster victims
    a way to communicate and get out of the way they'll handle the rest. Why should someone in a disaster be expected to know about hams
    and then go find one to get his message out?

    Here's an example, the local 911 service went down and the hams were activated. They were stationed around the city and locations
    announced over AM/FM stations. You had to be listening to those stations to know 911 was out, where the hams were located and
    what to do to get emergency services. Nice idea but I'm having a heart attack or my house is on fire or worse yet wrapped my car
    around a tree. Most smart people would just call the non-emergency numbers to get service or break out the weenies and marshmallows
    to make the best of a bad house fire situation.

    PR was a good indicator of what might happen during a total grid down scenario and the various NGO's and govt. agencies should be rethinking
    their comm capabilities and needs. Hams are becoming less and less needed as time goes on and that's a good thing because it means the
    primary systems are more robust today than even a decade ago, PR was a very rare incident.
    KX4O, W7RCA and NL7W like this.
  6. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    All those interested in building the future for ARRL EMCOMM ought to read the whole QNI document composed by WB8SIW. The info and opinions are probably also associative to the recent melodrama during deployment of the PR "Force". Here is a brief summary, page 26,

    "Ultimately, the League is not so much condemned by what it said or what it did, but by what it failed to do. The lack of interest in negotiation and compromise; the failure to engage in a collegial approach in which others are treated as peers and the refusal to simply pick-up the telephone to investigate the situation in good faith all lead to a difficult conclusion.

    The ARRL Board of Directors, the Programs and Services Committee and the Executive Committee are, in my opinion, devoid of any type of fraternal spirit. The evidence indicates that the leadership sees themselves as innately superior to the rank-and-file member. The lack of empathy for less powerful operating interests (constituencies) within the ARRL "family" appears as arrogance and pompousness whether deserved or not. ARRL Directors are not demigods…they are OUR elected representatives."

    Unfortunately that conclusion may not be true as even the elections appear to be rigged now.

    John, WØPV
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Who IS this officious &*%&*%*!"--NY2RF discussing W1YW
  8. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    An unfortunate exact example of "...failure to engage in a collegial approach in which others are treated as peers", "fraternal spirit"and/or "evidence indicates that the leadership sees themselves as innately superior to the rank-and-file member".

    Dave K1ZZ had a more constructive approach in getting all the parties together first on a conference calls, then in person, to iron out the issues, leveraging integrity, preserving valuable human resources in the field, avoiding embarrassing scandals.

    Too bad his successor would rather take a destructive management approach, consolidating power in HQ and its staff (apparently for their own sake) and/or kowtowing to the ever more corrupted BOD.
  9. W1WCN

    W1WCN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Gene, I'm the one who has referred to the local hams as "Rock Stars." It's intended as a compliment. As you know, they're response was beyond commendable. They had established an operational net before we arrived and provided continual assistance throughout our deployment. Their ability to operate, reestablish repeaters and care for their communities under unimaginable duress deserves our everlasting respect.

    I apologize for the misunderstanding.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    KX4O, K4ZLK, NL7W and 1 other person like this.
  10. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yep. WP3R is indeed a Rock Star:)!
  11. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    A little heavy handed: I find the dysfunction and autocracy amusing more than deleterious;-)

    I imagine some of the major donors have begun to figure out how the stupid present wording of the ARPA will kill their superstations, if ARPA passes in this form. No soft landing on that one!

    The other spin-stories don't help either...such as this one.
  12. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    And now the ARRL seems proud to report they have won the legal side of the pissing contest,

    Other then as gravy for some egos, I just don't understand their motivation to make that a news release.

    As WB8SIW wrote in the document linked previously,

    Executives normally don't go from "zero to sixty" and instantly fire an employee. ... the law may even state that employment is "at will," but the executive who fails to recognize that a human being and his family is involved in the relationship is hardly worthy of respect. Likewise, the executive who has no concern for the reputation of a man is also unworthy of respect. Here, as in other cases, the “letter of the law” departs from “the spirit of the law.”

    Let's also not forget that these unilateral actions impacted ELECTED officials. Sure; the letter of the law may allow for termination or even a change from elected status to appointed status; but the act of termination and the abrogation of the NTS Terms of Reference is a very serious action, which amounts to a form of disenfranchisement for a large group of ARRL members."
  13. KG7LEA

    KG7LEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    pour encourager les autres. (Obscure historical reference. Clarification available by private conversation)
    W0PV likes this.
  14. W1WCN

    W1WCN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well played. "The beatings shall continue until morale improves."
  15. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    No one is asking:"Why is the ARRL acting this way"?

    That's simple--to garner acknowledgement of existence with the government, which controls ham radio.

    The USG has had a bad habit of passing off responsibilities to non-profits, so much so that we now consider that as normal. Even to the point where the USG assumes that's the way it has to be. Notice that the FCC, for example, dropped licensing process/testing responsibility and left it to the League and some other non-profits. Clear example, clear trend.

    The ARRL decided they needed to be heavy hand and draw the line in the sand, as the dominant non-profit dealing with these ham issues.

    The fact that the spin, positioning, autocracy, mistakes,and wrong information is part of that only indicates they don't know how else to do it, and that the process is robust against incompetence, IMO.

    Basically, at the moment, that system works, so why change it?

    Interesting spin ahead on bad-news new QST pub format. Expect an announcement shortly on the 'new' paper format for QST. The Jan issue will look like a cheap foreign magazine, IMO.

    Yours may differ.
    W0PV likes this.

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