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New FAA regulations require towers under 200′ to be marked

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W0IW, Jul 13, 2019.

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  1. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Was I the only one who thought of this:

    W8VI, KF4ZKU, KC2YMO and 1 other person like this.
  2. KA9UCE

    KA9UCE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here we go again, MORE government control over our lives, one small bite at a time!
    What else are we going to allow, how many more bites will we need to suffer, before we put a complete end to this brain dead power grabbing?
    More laws, more NEVER ENDS! Once they get their foot in the door, the elephant soon follows!
    Oh I know, the bleeding hearts will champion anything the government does, as it is for \our\ well as those fees they will sneak in as well.
    Doesn't anybody see what is truly going on?
    The complete and total control of every aspect of everything we do, all dictated to by a crtiminal federal government...USURPATION is a treasonous crime, and it is time WE take back our powers from those that abuse ours!
    W3FHT, KF4ZKU and K0UO like this.
  3. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Absolutely. Why are they trying to stop airplanes from crashing into towers? Why, the public enjoy a good crash; the more people killed the better! Nothing better than a juicy story about a little girl with a heart failure being medevaced by helicopter being killed at night.

    Government: "Stop interfering with the right to crash airplanes and kill innocent bystanders!" Harrumph.
    W6KCS, WU8Y, N2EY and 1 other person like this.
  4. AC0OB

    AC0OB Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Height restrictions around airports are defined by the FAA in CFR 14 Part 77 as Runway Protection Zones or "RPZ's."

    Most state and local municipalities follow the FAA guidelines.

    When an airport entity wants to lengthen the runway that entity must have the proper Land Use and Zoning regulations codified in their Zoning regulations before any Federal or State funding can be issued.

    Each change in the zoning regulations require three "Readings," or three public notices and discussion.

    I know this because I am on the Airport Commission and a pilot and the whole process is slow and a pain in the jumpseat. We just went through the process for our local airport.

    Please read the fine print in the FAA tower regulations as there are many explicit and inferred exceptions.

    WD4IGX and K0UO like this.
  5. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah, this is a non-issue. It doesn't apply to most amateur towers and would not seem that hard to comply with even where it does. It's not a lighting requirement which would be a lot more expensive and difficult.
    AC0OB and N0TZU like this.
  6. KI7HSB

    KI7HSB Ham Member QRZ Page

    The sad, honest facts about government regulations is that they are full of absolutes and contradictory exceptions, to wit...

    Rule# XXO: Thou Shalt Not ever do this!

    Rule ZZZ: Remember what we said in Rule# XXO? Well, if you are so-and-so, you can forget that shit and do whatever you want.

    Note: No where in Rule XXO will there ever be a list of referenced exceptions. Good luck!

    And some people want the assholes behind this brilliance running our hospitals.... (smh)
  7. N9GH

    N9GH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Has anyone given any thought that it is being done for the Amazon drone package delivery system ?
    K0UO likes this.
  8. K0DD

    K0DD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    No Fighting in the WAR ROOM!
    AC0OB and WD4IGX like this.
  9. KA9UCE

    KA9UCE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nothing I said was to subject anybody to death, and a regulation has ever saved a life.
    People are routinely stupid.
    I am also an ex pilot an owner of a light twin. Never take chances you are not 100% certain you can live with.
    So many are mouthpieces for more federal regulations, as if only government knows the facts, sorry, but government is the last place I look for truth and fact.
    Parroting something because you think it is a good idea, have not thought it out in detail, as 99% of all laws are not thought about, simply rushed into law, and we suffer (think Obabmacare) I do not need a nanny looking over my shoulder telling me how to live, or what I can or can not do.
    Government was NOT granted the power to play my master.
    4,000 flight hours under my belt, 00.000 accidents or near misses. Safety is an individual matter, you can no legislate safety nor morality,
    don\t even try, you'll fail.
    What\s next for 'safety'...bridges and rooftops painted orange/white?
    Maybe some blind pilot can't see a tall building, so should there be a law that structures over 200' be painted with the same orange/white marking?
    How far will it go, before we see this is lunatic folly?
    Damn, think for yourself, not plaing parrot for your criminal masters.
    Fine, bow, submit and return to your quiet and safe subservient/slave status. I prefer dangerous freedom.+
    WN1MB and KC2YMO like this.
  10. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes, and it’s a reasonable response to the fact that pilots were KILLED flying into >50 ft. towers where none were expected or charted.

    Those who don’t intend to comply ought to consider the enormous civil liability if an aircraft hits their tower, which should have been entered in the database but deliberately wasn’t.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
    KA0HCP likes this.
  11. WA6VVC

    WA6VVC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure look like a money grab to me. First figure out where there all at or guess. Make it illegal not to be registered. Fine or charge a registration fee. Think of all those cell phone towers? Cash cow. How about all those power poles? Those are tall, no? My tower was there first. Porch pirates now drone swatters. TOO FUNNY
  12. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Paranoia much?
  13. MW1CFN

    MW1CFN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not if you can't see - and also do not know about - the structure in question. That's why the option of having it marked in a database and, presumably then, aviation navigation maps, is available. Then we'll know it's there, not break the law on height above structures, and avoid a collision.

    It's hardly 'big government'. It's just common sense. And an inflated headline, as earlier noted.
    WD4IGX likes this.
  14. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    One question does come to my mind, and apologies if this has been answered, but per the ARRL link this doesn't apply to towers "adjacent to a house, barn, or other building, and “is within the curtilage of a farmstead or adjacent to another building or visible structure.” So - how close does it have to be to the "house, barn, or other building" to be considered "adjacent to" it? Or, put another way, how far away does it have to be before it's considered to NOT be adjacent?
  15. K0DD

    K0DD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's nice that the ARRL went to bat and received an exclusion on ham towers and TV receiving supports.

    With the AG Pilot snagging our 80 meter antenna support rope; that rope would never have been marked on any sort of database... But then that rope and many ropes a year later were located in a location that completely made sense to a HAM needing a rope holding an antenna. BUT crossed a logical border of the farm's building site perimeter... UNLESS your tower install does something Average Joe AG Pilot doesn't logically expect don't worry about it !!!!! In our situation the farm peaked at 7 towers on the property all guyed structures... The tall one was the only one with aircraft trip wires in harms way. IF we had stayed on the farm, that 198 footer would have been painted and listed after its previous aircraft encounter... Sure was pretty though.


    What pushed things over the top with the neighbors was the 8 foot high 1000 foot long European beverage running across our farm field during the winter months. They usually walked away muttering when told it's an electric fence to stop wild giraffes from running across our field at night....

    Erika DD
    AC0OB and WD4IGX like this.

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