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Introducing the Morserino-32, a New Way to Learn Morse Code

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M0FEU, Feb 22, 2019.

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  1. M0FEU

    M0FEU Ham Member QRZ Page


    The brainchild of Willi Kraml (OE6WKL), the Morserino-32 is an entirely new way to learn Morse code. Developed in conjunction with the Graz Morse Code School, the prototype was unveiled at Friedrichshafen 2018 and the first early bird production run has now successfully shipped. Below is a short video taking a closer look at the echo trainer mode: one of the most important functions offered by the Morserino-32 and a very powerful tool for anyone hoping to improve their ability to copy Morse code in their head:

    Echo trainer mode is, however, just one of a very rich set of features available on the Morserino-32, for more information please see the official website:

    The firmware is completely updatable and the first official update should be available in the next few weeks. The developer is also very flexible and will supply PCBs and a parts list to clubs and societies who wish to use the Morserino-32 as a construction project. Below is a link to the presentation by the Graz Morse Code School at Friedrichshafen 2018, where the Morserino-32 was shown to the public for the first time:

    The Graz Morse Code School (and associated members) receives no financial benefit from the sale of the Morserino-32. The Morserino-32 in the video was bought at full retail price by Matt (OE6FEG) and will remain his sole property. The entire Morserino-32 project is conducted according to 'Ham Spirit'. A quick look at the Kickstarter project page shows clearly (to anyone with a knowledge of electronics marketing) that there is no profit being made on this project and certainly no remuneration for the many thousands of hours that Willi Kraml has spent working on it.
    KE0GXN, VU3JNM, K2NCC and 7 others like this.
  2. KD0YMG

    KD0YMG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Since I continue to struggle with learning the code, I'm always interested in new training aids. But stopped the video shortly after the actual demo started. I don't know if that's a square wave they're sending to the speaker, but ear fatigue would surely prevent me from using it. Too bad, because otherwise, it looks pretty cool.
  3. VA2SS

    VA2SS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I really find very cool the fact that we may practice decoding without any paper then pratice transmitting at the same speed into the same learning session.

    73 de Jeff | VA2SS
  4. W8HOG

    W8HOG Ham Member QRZ Page

    GOTA We need more Code OPs
    KA8UGB, N7KO and W1YW like this.
  5. KC9TNH

    KC9TNH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Concur with W8HOG and applaud their efforts - whatever gets more people off their CW derriere and onto the air.
    N7KO likes this.
  6. HB9HFB

    HB9HFB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi M0FEU!
    Nice little video - thanks a lot! I already bought a kit and built it. I‘m not too keen on the paddles and tried it with my MFJ-564. The latter key hasn‘t lived up to its Bencher copy reputation either and I was trying to work out which key you use in the video, it looked nice and sturdy! Could you let me know maybe? Thanks. I was wondering whether to get the Kent Dual Paddle.
    Best 73, Chris HB9 HFB
    WA5M likes this.
  7. WB3HAK

    WB3HAK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Where can I buy one .
    Just turned 75 and and even though I haven't been on CW hardly I want to get to speed and use CW.
    73, Carlos, WB3HAK.
    W1YW likes this.
  8. VP9KF

    VP9KF Ham Member QRZ Page

    IW3ILM likes this.
  9. 4Z1UG

    4Z1UG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am curious to understand who this method works, if you are repeating the characters that you hear by retransmitting them with the key. Is there more information on this method and its success for training high speed CW operation?
    NJ1S and WA5KM like this.
  10. M0FEU

    M0FEU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm not a fan of capacitive paddles either, but I think these work better than most. As stated above, the paddle is made by Alberto Frattini, I1QOD. I'm afraid they are not cheap: €380 including postage in the EU. My advice is go for the Kent paddle, I used one for years and they work fine (imho). I also use the Morserino-32 with a Palm Paddle Mini when out of the house, which works very well. There is currently an issue with the dit timing which becomes noticable at speeds over 25 wpm. This will be dealt with in the first firmware upgrade coming in a few weeks. There is a slight typo in my original post: Willi's callsign is OE1WKL. I should also point out that the unit has both headphone and line out outputs, in case you really can't live with the built in speaker. For orders, please email Willi Kraml:
  11. M0FEU

    M0FEU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Firstly, we are all big fans of the Morse Fusion website at the Graz Morse Code School:

    Rick has been very astute in picking up on how we need to learn to read words in a completely new way if we are going to be able to copy Morse code in our heads. Whilst Willi cannot yet replicate that method in his device, he has sought to augment the learning process in another important way. Whilst the method is not currently backed by hard data, it is based on the idea that to recognize whole words, it is necessary to be able to hold several letters in your memory for recognition to take place. Even after the recognition of (individual) Morse characters has become reflexive, students still find it hard to recognise whole words in their head. A simple analogy would be the comparison of a serial process to a parallel process. We hear Morse one character after another (akin to a serial process), but we read words in books by recognising the specific groups of letters (akin to a parallel process). To read in Morse code requires us to learn to read in a completely new and unfamiliar way. Thus, we believe that what must be developed here is a kind of very short term memory, so that the students can hold enough characters in their brain before the next word comes to allow them to recognise the word. At the Graz Morse Code School, we try to include exercises that involve recognising simple 2 letter abbreviations from the very first lesson. As students progress, we add a third letter, and then a fourth and so on. Our aim is to gradually increase the students very short term memory capacity, allowing them to gradually go on to understand words (after the recognition of letters has become reflexive, of course). The Morserino-32 replicates this process by beginning with short groups of letters (or callsigns) and gradually increasing the lengths of the groups. Because there is no time to write anything down, the student is forced to try to remember what he/she has heard. We are currently integrating the Morserino-32 into our lessons at the Graz Morse Code School, and we hope to be able to give much more feedback on how effective they have been at Friedrichshafen 2020. Willi Kraml is not able to come to Friedrichshafen this year, so we all agreed that it was a good opportunity to collect more data on just how well the Morserino-32 works and how best to integrate them into a wider Morse learning program. It's a bit of a work in process if you like.
    73 de OE6FEG
    AK5B likes this.
  12. 4Z1UG

    4Z1UG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dear Matt,

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply. I will pay attention to this method as I myself would like to master CW after almost 50 year of not doing it.


    M0FEU and (deleted member) like this.
  13. K7KBN

    K7KBN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Clever and probably useful to increase one's speed AFTER having learned the code itself.
    Koch, Farnsworth and Morserino-32. For those who try to learn Morse (to no aVail).
    KF7LCH likes this.
  14. K3RW

    K3RW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd like a Morse tutor that could work with an Android phone--you know, plug in my straight key to a USB adapter or something, and have it check my sending/spacing/etc.

    Does that exist? This is a really neat thing too. I might get one.
    M0FEU and K9KXW like this.
  15. W7EAZ

    W7EAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    So, when will Morse code be reinstated as a license requirement? This seems to be aimed at a very narrow market.
    K9KXW likes this.

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