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ARRL: It's not just the bylaws that need changin'

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KL7SB, Jan 13, 2018.

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  1. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    How fine do you want to split the hair? If I'm a director and I vote against something that I didn't agree with (or my constituency didn't agree with) and the policy is passed because the board deemed it "In the best interest of the corporation", why would I tell anyone I voted against the policy? Voting against the "best interest of the corporation" is grounds for censure, removal or ejection. Why would I want to make that public?
    W0FS and VK4TI like this.
  2. KW4MQ

    KW4MQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    You need to reread the post that you were responding to. N6AA is his director. That is the gentleman that was censured. His director is one of three that seem to be doing the job in our best intetest. The other board members are the problem. He can't vote against them as they don't come from his district. He likes his director, supports him, and from the sound of it will vote for him again.
    The question he is asking is how to get rid of the other board members.
  3. KW4MQ

    KW4MQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now you are spreading the misinformation. The member that you were quoting was referring to the Code of Conduct that was voted on in Jan 2017. It is LAW now! Many of us don't like how it is written, and think it needs to be revised. That is not on the upcoming agenda, but it should be. The upcoming meeting is considering taking last year's changes even further.
    K8BZ likes this.
  4. K6DDJ

    K6DDJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you KW4MQ. Maybe there will be more understanding on the gentleman's part. However if AI0K does not know who N6AA is after all these posts perhaps he just does not understand fully what this is all about and what got this all started in the first place..
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  5. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've read the posts, but quite frankly who is whom in the Southwest division is of no importance to me. What I care about is who the director is for MY division. And yes, I DO know how this all started in the first place. And I stand by my comment - there is a huge amount of misinformation being spread around, including what was passed in January of 2017.
  6. K6DDJ

    K6DDJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    There really is NO misinformation. The wording is plain, clear, and in my opinion expresses the EXACT meaning of what was meant by the BOD. You can take what was written and word-smith it any way you wish until you are happy with it but the intent remains. BOD is overstepping the desires of the membership and it does not want the membership to know. If it meant something else, why was N6AA censured?
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
    AI7PM likes this.
  7. K4AGO

    K4AGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    When you join the ARRL, you pay membership dues. You do not buy 12 issues of QST. When you resign, you resign your membership and all benefits stop as per your resignation. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Why don't you guys let the Captain and the Crew rune the Enterprise? As passengers on the ship, you DO NOT get to sit at the helm and chart the course. Someone even mentioned legal action. Ha ha ha ha ha ha... That makes me laugh. On what grounds?
    there are now laws against frivolous lawsuits. The ARRL has done absolutely nothing wrong. Just because you don't like something does NOT make it wrong. If you don't like the way the Board of directors is running their Not For Profit Corporation, resign or don't renew your membership. That is the correct way to protest something you don't like. It's time you all start acting like adults instead of whining like a two-year-old who doesn't like the taste of peas. Every corporation in the free world has the right to hire and fire management for any reason or for no reason at all without the stockholder's consent You can vote but you cannot control the ARRL You have no right to control the ARRL. Furthermore, you have no right to know the details of why the ARRL terminates whomever they chose to terminate. A privilege is not a right. Some don't seem to know the difference.
    NN4RH likes this.
  8. K6DDJ

    K6DDJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very good words to live by! Please remember them when you wish to express your dissatisfaction about something you are passionate about.
    N2SUB, W4ABC, K8BZ and 2 others like this.
  9. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not in YOUR opinion. But that's all it is - YOUR OPINION. Others think differently.
    Were you at the board meeting? Did you take part in the discussions? Do you know what went on? If no, you are not in a position to say I'm wrong.
  10. K6DDJ

    K6DDJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    WOW, under the current policies I am not allowed to know. The only reason that I DO know is because we were informed by a person that WAS there! Anyway, it is obvious that everything is starting to turn hostile, like CNN vs. Fox News, so this will be my last response or even viewing this thread. I believe I have said what needs to be said and nothing further need be expressed. Everyone please have a good day and may our hobby exist as we wish after the next board meeting of the ARRL. Feel free to post to have "the last word" if you wish. 73
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  11. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    So you're going on hearsay. Not evidence in ANY court. And if what you say were true, the person telling you would have been in violation of the bylaws.
    Thanks but it doesn't work.
    And yes, this is getting hostile. That's what happens when you think you're 100% right and someone else is 100% wrong. Yes, I think it is a good idea for you to not post any more.
    And BTW - it's very childish to say you're "taking your ball and going home".
  12. WZ7U

    WZ7U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Explain this, taken from the website mere minutes ago-

    And from another source I can't remember off the top of my head, at least no longer that 2 years ago, since that is the age of this machine -


    While I would like to go with you in this line of thought, without finding my old copy myself, I just don't see it. So I call bs in little letters for now. Sorry.
  13. AE1P

    AE1P XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Any hope that the ARRL would seek to reconcile with its members,

    was completely dashed in my mind with just the first sentence of K5UR's response.

    Belittling the concerns of the yearly paying, blue-collar member like myself, is one thing,

    But basically calling some very distinguished, highly knowledgeable,very technical,

    white-collar members, who have done many things for amateur radio...

    some who have even held elected positions in the ARRL,.....Liars,

    ...well You all can take The response from the ARRL any way you want...

    That's how I took it... I'm glad I kept my wallet closed on Jan. 1st...and looks

    like it will be staying closed for good now.



    W2GD, N2SUB and AI7PM like this.
  14. K4AGO

    K4AGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Be passionate about something that is your business instead of something that is none of your business. Not everything the Board of Directors does is an ARRL members business and certainly, it is not your business when a Director is censured for misconduct. If you were the one censured, you certainly would not want everyone to know everything about what you did wrong. I do agree with you on one point, they are good words to live by. And when I express my dissatisfaction about something, it is always something that is my business. I don't pretend to know everything about how to run a multimillion dollar corporation that is doing an OUTSTANDING job and needs no help. I support the ARRL. The Board of Directors and middle management are doing an excellent job of representing me and protecting the ham radio spectrum. I have been a member of the ARRL for more than fifty-five years. The amount of good the ARRL has done in fifty-five years is monumental. the amount of bad the ARRL has done in fifty-five years is ZERO. That is a fact. Not a guess, not conjecture, a FACT!
  15. K4AGO

    K4AGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is no one's business why N6AA was censured except the Board of Directors and N6AA's. Why would it be any of your concern? Why should it be any of your concern? There is no earthly reason that it should be any of your concern. A ham radio license gives you the privilege to operate a radio transceiver on certain frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. It does not give you the privilege of knowing someone else's business. If N6AA wanted everyone to know why he was censured, he would publish it. The Board of Directors is NOT overstepping the desires of the majority of the ARRL members. There are only a few, a small minority, who are trying to run the show when they don't have a clue as to what the big picture is. I dare say that if they put you in the pilot's seat, you'd crash and burn.

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