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Where Never Is Heard... ARRL Board "Code of Conduct" on HamRadioNow

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Dec 4, 2017.

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  1. W0AEW

    W0AEW Ham Member QRZ Page

    No "love it or leave it" mantra?
  2. K4TAX

    K4TAX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    First, I do support the ARRL largely as it is the ONLY organization which represents a majority of hams. They provide many services to entice those interested in ham radio to become licensed. They work to protect our frequencies available and expand others. I may not agree with every position the ARRL takes on certain matters, however I do believe for the most part its positions are in the interest of the future of ham radio and its licensees.

    If I don't agree on a point, I certainly will express my objections and why, in written communications to its elected officers, SCM's, and Directors. If there is anyone which doesn't do this, then I say you don't have a dog in the fight and keep your yap shut!

    At the same time, I view some of the Officers, Directors and Elected officials no different than the elected politicians in Washington. To a large extent, they certainly have their personal interest first and those the elect them as second. That seems to be the way of life in the world today. Our ARRL is no different.
    K2CIB likes this.
  3. N2SUB

    N2SUB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    No, they do NOT. It's not even close:
    Number of licenses: - 747,288
    Number of ARRL members: - ~170,000 (This number includes international members and non-voting members, but I cannot find a number of all US voting members)

    How do they know what's in the best interests of all licensees when they only have a small fraction on the population as members, and they can't agree on anything?

    Tried that, and was basically told to shut up and go away because nobody cared about my issue. That went all the way to my section director, and I was told that he refused to answer any further emails from me. Of course there was the 'open letter' that received a public scolding/rebuttal from the CEO himself, but the open letter was never published. They don't appear to be very receptive to feedback unless you agree with them. Lately, voicing a dissenting opinion ever in private can get a director censured or banned from seeking reelection.
    N2AMM, WH7WP, NL7W and 2 others like this.
  4. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes you do -- yourself.
    Not only does it not represent a majority of hams, and not only is not not even close, but you have the right to represent yourself and your own interests directly to the Congress, or to the Commission. When laws or new rules are proposed, many hams avail themselves of that ability.
    If this is all League-bashing, what would "legitimate criticism" look like to you?
    That number could easily be taken in ways that might bring the League into disrepute, and as such, its release isn't permissible under the rules that are the subject of the thread.
    N2AMM, WH7WP, K6ELE and 1 other person like this.
  5. W8QAS

    W8QAS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bob, I have written ARRL on numerous issues all with the same response..... go away. Its all about the power and money for them. They don't represent me or the majority of ham radio in the US. They sure don't represent our interests in it. I look at how they have dumped all over NTS until someone tried to take it in a direction ARRL should have taken it. what was ARRL's response? They took it to court and asserted their right that it is their ball, their game and they will play with it if they want. In the meantime you can't play with their ball unless they say it is okay only when they want to. ARRL has long since lost its interest in all of ham radio operators and is only interested in what the board wants or the few very powerful members. ARRL has left a real bad taste in too many people's mouths and it is real hard to get rid of that taste when they keep forcing it on you. I think it is time for a new organization to do to ARRL what was done to PAMA..... We typically agree on a lot of things, just not this one. 73 Roy
    N2AMM, K1OIK, WH7WP and 1 other person like this.
  6. K5RG

    K5RG Ham Member QRZ Page

    With Congress it is simply votes and money. Where is the money angle wrt to ARRL Board of Directors? I view it as a pain in the rear end type of job that requires a large amount of time with no associated paycheck other than reasonable reimbursement. Maybe they need to have BOD meetings in Hawaii or Venice? Ken K5RG (Maxim Society member so I am obviously biased.)
    KA0HCP likes this.
  7. W6SDM

    W6SDM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    One way to get their attention is a membership boycott. As each new membership becomes due, simply send in a voided check with the words, "Code of Conduct Boycott" written across the face of it. Someone's bound to notice.
    K3RLD, N2AMM and NK2U like this.
  8. KD0RTZ

    KD0RTZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't normally comment on these things, and what a way to be introduce to your group. I have to agree on most counts. In reading the 'Code of Conduct', it looks like lawyers wrote it as it is full of double talk. It also looks like multiple parties wrote it and it was not reviewed for context.

    1. What are they trying to hide?
    2. How can we know what our representatives think?
    3. How can we make an informed vote, if we don't know where our representives stand.
    4. All meetings should be open to all members, unless a very good reason is given for a meeting not to be. And then only if the members present agree.
    5. Members should not quit the ARRL. If nothing else, this should be a call to arms, so to speak. The ARRL represents us, not the other way around.

    I commend you for expressing your opinions. Not only do you represent us as members, but holding different positions within the ARRL helps those of us who have not, and don't understand how things work.
  9. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Excellent discussion. I know you said it is not to be a reason to quit the ARRL but anyone listening to this podcast would really feel that the ARRL is a top-down organization. I know that this is the reason I left the league among some others that have not been discussed. Trying to "move" the ARRL in a particular direction is futile. They make their decisions and then tell you what they are. It should be the other way around.

    de NK2U
    ND6M likes this.
  10. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Excellent idea!

    de NK2U
  11. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Well, this is something I've been saying for a while now, to quote you: Now they only represent themselves.

    Top down...

    de NK2U
    K1OIK and N2SUB like this.
  12. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    An excellent method for ridding the ARRL of you "troublemakers"! This will guarantee they can ignore anything you say. ;)
  13. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Of course it is, just like any major organization. It's called "leadership". Look at the few numbers of candidates for any positions. Hams are largely non-joiners. They rarely gather for regular coordinated group activities. They tend to be independent and grousing. The guys at the top have typically dedicated years to supporting the organization.

    I do think they need to be a little more open and seeking feedback on long term plans and major policies.
    WA8FOZ likes this.
  14. K3BR

    K3BR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I recommend a bloodless coup.
    NK2U likes this.
  15. K2PHD

    K2PHD Ham Member QRZ Page

    What the ARRL Board has done with its Code of Conduct is not very different from what other public, private, and government organizations have also done in the past. Thoughtful, courtious, and serious debate prior to a vote should always be demanded of our representatives. However, votes taken by each Board member should be public information. Otherwise, how do we the membership decide who to vote for.
    KG4KZG, NK2U and K2CIB like this.

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