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Amazon Alexa as a Shack Companion

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M0PSX, Nov 22, 2017.

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  1. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    By no means get one if you don't want one. You just rob Amazon of creating a perfect behavioral based profile of you to make sure
    the right ads are presented at the right time :).

    3rd party attacks are certainly one concern especially when looking at Echo connected to other services like Nest, IFTTT, you name it. Where and how are
    the respective credentials stored? How are they exchanged? Is data stored encrypted at rest? We can assume encryption in flight, at rest is something
    so many devs just don't wrap their head around.

    Which holes does the device pole into the network? The first gen devices have already been p0wned, I wouldn't be surprised if next year in August we will
    see at least one talk at DefCon showing some more shenanigans.

    How good is the network security of the device? What happens if Wifi access is breached (pretty simple in most households)?

    Does the NSA already have a remote exploit to control the device? I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to achieve that already, but I also
    may give their skills more credit than due.

    One thing many commenters here don't seem to take into account is not that somebody will listen purposefully immediately to their conversations but
    that agencies like the NSA will just gobble up whatever they can and then go fishing.
    VK2WP, K4HBK and W7UUU like this.
  2. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    How do you know that? Which sites on the dark web did you check?
  3. W5JPT

    W5JPT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    No one has stolen my identity. That's proof enough for me.
  4. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    In other words you don't know, let alone where or what this dark web thing is you speak of or how to get to it .... LOL
  5. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Yikes.... serious stuff to ponder.

  6. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just ask: Alexa, would you ever betray me or listen to me? Would you ever sell me out to the feds?

    She'll tell you all she knows ;)
    K9ASE and W7UUU like this.
  7. W5JPT

    W5JPT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Those are your words. Not mine. My words would be that I'm not a conspiracy theorist and therefore, don't care.
  8. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't believe in conspiracy theories either. But I also tend to not make good sounding statements based on something I don't understand to make me sound smart in a
    discussion and then can't back it up upon which I then try to divert the attention and of course not answering the question.

    I get it, you paid Experian or one of the other cos some money so that they protect your data from this nasty scary dark web and their notification didn't tell you anything
    nefarious has happened yet, thus all must be fine. Got it. Sleep well.
  9. W5JPT

    W5JPT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Again, your words not mine and not based on any "good sounding statement" by me. You seem to place a lot of your opinion on inferences and not actual statements or facts about me.
  10. W4AAX

    W4AAX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure, I'll put a wiretap device in my shack. NEVER!
    N8ZI, K9ASE and W7DAZ like this.
  11. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    K9ASE likes this.
  12. W5JPT

    W5JPT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I see Amazon has their Echo on sale for $79. I'm thinking ordering two of them.
  13. WN8Z

    WN8Z Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've developed a test Alexa skill so I know the specific Amazon tech somewhat, and I'm going to develop an Alexa skill to interface with my radios.

    I'd be interested in seeing your skill when it's released...
  14. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    My "Alexa Skill": "Alexa - stay the hell out of my house" :)

    Pretty cool, eh? ;)

    W4AAX, N7ANN, M0REU and 1 other person like this.
  15. N8ZI

    N8ZI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Screenshot_20171128-192726.png Screenshot_20171128-192650.png Google, Facebook and numerous others can and do use your cameras and microphones anytime they choose without your confirmation.
    W4AAX likes this.

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