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Yaesu Announces FT-70DR 5W Dual-Band C4FM HT

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LKO, Mar 21, 2017.

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  1. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    where is made this radio ? in china ?

    when coming soon to buy or is just to buy ?
  2. KE0IMD

    KE0IMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's just an announcement of a new release and is not yet available for purchase. If I had to assume, I'd say it will likely be made in Japan, but that's speculation on my part.
  3. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    its true that is NOT a complete radio C4FM... ..... rumors say have ONLY the voice for digital , but not the data and others functions ?
  4. K8MHZ

    K8MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, if you're buying, I'll take two!
    KF5VGK likes this.
  5. KE0IMD

    KE0IMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Right, and that would be where Yaesu is able to bring the cost down. I've not seen a whole lot of data/images/messages come through in my local area, so it wouldn't be a huge loss for someone like me. Your mileage may vary, of course. ;)
    KG5EXW likes this.
  6. AD0MI

    AD0MI Ham Member QRZ Page

    huh??? Oh I get it, you like DMR. Good for you.
  7. WB3ANT

    WB3ANT Ham Member QRZ Page

    now you can buy a Chinese dual band FM handheld for $9.99 now what a deal
  8. KE0IMD

    KE0IMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had to look that up for myself... you weren't kidding.
  9. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    but this cost 199 dollars is plus vat and some cost ??? i think yes..... infact here in germany the FT-70D cost 285 euro !!!

    the new
    dualbander dmr by tyt in europe ONLY 209 euro ! 73
  10. KE0IMD

    KE0IMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah, that might be true, but you're not getting a whole lot with a DMR-only radio. The FT-70D will give you analog VHF/UHF FM and C4FM and WiRES-X support, which in my opinion is much more valuable than DMR. The other night, I spoke to a gentleman (KC3IUO) in Pennsylvania and not even an hour later, my friend spoke to a gentleman in Japan using the same radio via WiRES-X Digital.

    Sure, cost is important, but you're getting what you pay for here. It's not like the TYT and the FT-70D do the same thing or are even remotely comparable in function. I guess the fact that they're both using a digital voice mode of some sort is comparable, but it's apples and oranges. If I buy a TYT MD-380, it's just going to sit in a drawer. If I buy the Yaesu, I'm actually going to get use out of it...

    Again, that's not representative of every ham out there, but you can see where the mileage will vary.
  11. W7OTG

    W7OTG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Exactly, a extra $40 gets you on system Fusion. Nobody complains about $160 on a FT-60
    The secondary market will be good after a few years to. If it's built like the FT60 it will be a winner.
    It's amazing people think $199 is a lot for a dual band HT made by one of the big three. There's tons of HTs in the $200-$300 and beyond price range, none but this gets you on C4FM this cheap. IF digital isn't your thing then I get it.
    We're starting to live in a Baofeng world! I remember people used to laugh I liked alinco! I currently use a new FT1XD so I may not jump on this. The FT1XD is loaded with features I don't utilize and a price tag to boot. I had to buy it however $159 brand new in the box lol But I've paid Yaesu $300 plus for many a HT.
  12. W7OTG

    W7OTG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I may not be the smartest but DMR a non ham protocol, verses a C4FM rig that gets you on digital right away no brainer.
    The difference between a TYT and YAESU isn't a arguement. That's like comparing a steak vs top romein noodles.
    If you own a Baofeng or TYT non of our systems here any operator will allow you on even. BFDX at least is a budget company with tight QC and specs. Their welcome but the others get da boot!
  13. KE0IMD

    KE0IMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I mean, I've spoken to many an operator who couldn't tell if I was using a Baofeng or not. There IS an argument in the cost difference, obviously. If people are buying them enough that they're becoming common, then an argument presents itself. The key here is to show what you're getting vs. what you're missing out on. Hams are willing to sacrifice quality it seems, while others are looking for an entry point into the hobby. I'm not going to give hams the boot because they're on a budget, but I will say saving the extra money is well worth it in trade.

    This isn't really the place for a Baofeng argument though, so I'll leave it at that.

    DMR is a passing fad and as you stated, isn't a ham protocol. I agree. C4FM has been around much longer and seems to be taking over in the market. C4FM and WiRES-X get you talking to hams across the world on the America Link node... you could connect to it right now and call for me, I'll answer. The closest DMR repeater to me is about 150 miles away and is quiet almost all of the time. Let anyone tell me $200 bucks is too much to pay for C4FM, right?
  14. W7OTG

    W7OTG Ham Member QRZ Page

    You may not be able to "hear" a Baofeng, but the nearest harmonic sure can, lol Maybe I should of been clearer, I'm talking the ((digital)) Baofeng. Even I'll admit I get caught off guard when I hear an analoge one sometimes. Not my cup of tea they often have terrible front ends for my area.
    I agree 110% having actually affordable radios has made a huge impact on how many operators are on the air. Ham radio should never be based on ones budget. We need not be elite but welcoming to all. I'm down for that. But tyt and digital Baofeng sorry they simply aren't allowed on our repeaters. Now Hytera CS and such is another story.
    I'm not sure if DMR is a fad or not. I love using my openspot and getting on brandmeister its pretty fun. Having one device to do C4FM DStar and DMR is sweet. I think hotspots like the openspot is the wave of the future. Allowing multiple methods to work on one device is fantastic. Things will over time be sifted out. What will stay and what will go is anyone's guess. But System Fusion gets you on the air in a few minutes talking around the world via wires x or hotspots like openspot. Just how simple it works is appealing. Personally I think C4FM seems to be the best current digital mode yet they all have pros and cons.
    I do like the idea of a quality HT in a decent price point for getting into C4FM. Baofeng I hate to say it has yet to develope it corrrectly.
    Anyway yea to Yaesu for this new HT! If digital is your thing or your thinking about getting into digital it this is a great move from a quality company. Those not into C4FM well I see how this is not appealing.
  15. W4KYR

    W4KYR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where at?

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