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HRD Software, LLC Announces Departure of co-Founder, Rick Ruhl, W4PC

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by HRDSALES, Dec 30, 2016.

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    Press Release

    HRD Software, LLC


    Tampa, FL; Dallas, TX; St. Paul, MN — December 31, 2016

    HRD Software, LLC., producer of Ham Radio Deluxe, the world’s leading software application suite for ham radio operators, announces the departure of co-founder, Rick Ruhl (W4PC) to pursue other interests. This change becomes effective as of December 31, 2016.

    “After twenty years, I’m retiring from the ham radio market,” stated Ruhl.

    Co-founder, Michael Carper (WA9PIE) continued, “Ham Radio Deluxe software would have been abandoned in 2011 without Rick’s partnership. Over the past five years, we have introduced many new features and resolved many long-standing defects in the software. Rick’s day-to-day leadership in running the business has contributed to the vitality and functionality of Ham Radio Deluxe.”

    Co-founders Carper and Randy Gawtry (K0CBH) expect that there will be a transition period that will begin in early 2017.

    “On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank Rick for his contributions over the past five years and wish him well in his future endeavors,” concluded Gawtry.

    HRD Software, LLC expects to release a revised End User License Agreement shortly to modernize and renew our commitment to our customers.

    About HRD Software, LLC

    Founded in 2012, HRD Software, LLC. produces and sells the Ham Radio Deluxe software suite for the amateur radio industry. Ham Radio Deluxe is the only fully integrated software suite for amateur radio that includes rig control, logging, digital modes, rotator control, and satellite tracking.

    As always, Ham Radio Deluxe is free to try before you buy for 30 days.


    HRD Software, LLC
    (813) 434-4650

    Purchase and download Ham Radio Deluxe 6.3 at
    HRD Customer support:
    HRD Peer Support Forum:
    HRD YouTube Channel:
  2. W4GOK

    W4GOK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am a paid user of HRD. It was disappointing to see the alleged disrespect that Mr. Ruhl showed subscribers. His excuses, namely Diabetes, were vapid and unbelievable to me. So... I'm pleased with the news of his departure.
    Now... Dr. Carper, I strongly suggest that you and your remaining Cadre' have a "Come to Jesus" meeting.

    You guys have a great thing going here. DO NOT WASTE THE OPPORTUNITY! Ham Radio Deluxe has the potential to be a global leader in its field. CARPE DIEM! Figure out how to capitalize on the JT and the other rising-in-popularity modes. Address the mistakes between you and the JTAlertX developer. If you initially wanted to devise an all-inclusive platform for us operators, here's your opportunity.

    It's clear to me, at least, that Mr. Ruhl had to go. And if that statement has any weight from an outsider like me, then it must have been obvious to you, as well, for a much longer time. So why did it take so long? Loyalty is one thing. Self-destructiveness is quite another.

    I keep paying every year for support. A hundred bucks isn't much in the long run. However, as a guy who has devoted his life and career to mass media, Ham Radio Deluxe is on the cusp of suicide. You had better get your act together and get current with the new operating modes and your emphasis on Customer Satisfaction. If not... Well, somebody's gonna knock you off the hill. And you will have nobody else to blame but yourselves.

    Steve Wiggins,
    W7XLR, KG4VWY, VK3AMA and 20 others like this.
  3. WB5JJJ

    WB5JJJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Over the years, I've had a couple of head-to-head's with Rick about the direction HIS software (his emphasis) was taking and avoiding (ignoring) the underlying core program problems.

    Mike on the other hand, was a very pleasant person to chat with and appeared to me to be a problem solver (mediator).

    One Tech Support guy was getting very frustrated that his comments about software problems from customers were falling on deaf ears and left unresolved.
    KG4VWY, WA5VYK, NK2U and 1 other person like this.
  4. AA6RE

    AA6RE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Change, especially in personnel, can be traumatic for all involved. Let's hope all weather the change with good health and good spirits.

    HRD has some great potential and I hope this is a bump in the road. Although they offer a Ham product is became a business and the development of any commercial package has to be difficult.

    Over the last year I think the product has had, at least for me, some bugs that became annoying. I still use it but did not renew my paid support for new versions. I will reevaluate in coming months. I do not want to change.

    Dave, AA6RE
    NK2U likes this.
  5. N4ST

    N4ST XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Is it a coincidence that JTAlert is dropping support of HRD V6.x at the same time W4PC is leaving?
    KT5OT likes this.
  6. DO1IP

    DO1IP Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    very good to hear, that W4PC will leave the company. Time to look forward and talk to the JTAlert-X developers now!!
    KG4VWY, VK3AMA, VK5FR and 1 other person like this.
  7. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    sad but welcome news for some
    NK2U likes this.
  8. K2BEW

    K2BEW Ham Member QRZ Page

    As a long time customer and happy user of HRD I have to honestly say I'm glad. I would second what w4gok said, you really need to look at all the new and upcoming modes specifically jt65 and the past promises to add it to HRD that never materialized, and of course I second the need to work again to incorporate JTalert with its developer, it's a great program. Bottom line your in a very small specialized market and you need to make friends and work with other companies and developers, not compete with them. Take a good look at the free DX Lab and the developer's awesome support and interaction to his users, and he does it all for free!, a great guy and a great software suite! 73, Tom
    K4HYJ, KG4VWY and CE5NK like this.
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    You guys are vicious--I mean, really: wish W4PC well and drop the rest.

    Take the high road.

    And Rick, I wish you the best and safe management of your diabetes.

    Chip W1YW
    WW3JR, K3EY, KG4Y and 5 others like this.
  10. WP2ASS

    WP2ASS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    KM4IY, NK2U and K3SX like this.
  11. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

  12. NT1K

    NT1K Ham Member QRZ Page

    As I stated elsewhere, I hope they don't think by getting rid of Rick and editing the EULA will 180 what HRD did. I doubt other staffers at HRDsoft were unaware of the workings of one of the co-owners. They knew exactly what was going on and their silence only supported it.

    In order for them to succeed, they need to separate the support side from the development side of the company. They need to repair as many bugs as possible and have a stable product before moving forward. Then they can focus on wanted features. All while maintaining a mutual relationship with their user base. Treat critics with respect and listen to them. Who know, maybe you can learn from them to make a better product.

    I know they can't win them all. There are some flat out cranky, stubborn, incompetent and extremely cheap hams out there. Some will never be satisfied no matter how far they go out for them. But hopefully they take the high road when dealing with it instead of "blacklisting"... Errr I mean "Deactivating" them with rude replies, banning, deleted threads/topics/support and legal threats.

    I do wish the best for the company and I hope they succeeded. I guess time and their future actions will tell. Who knows, it might work out for the best and they become even better. Good luck HRD, I hope to purchase your software someday.
    NK2U likes this.
  13. NT1K

    NT1K Ham Member QRZ Page

  14. NT1K

    NT1K Ham Member QRZ Page

    JTAlert dropped support because of W4PC and his actions. This has been a year in the making. Now that he is gone, hopefully JTAlert and HRD make mends and have a mutual partnership. Everyone will benefit.
    NK2U likes this.
  15. K3JAE

    K3JAE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I find this pres release to be a lot misleading...

    1. Contrary to what the press release eludes to these money grubbers are NOT the founders of HRD... Simon is.
    2. HRD is not the only "all in one" software suite. They are the highest priced software bundle out there, that is not in dispute. DXLabs, in my opinion is, by far, a FAR superior software suite and has everything HRD boasts to have yet DXLabs' support is 2nd to none and by the way cost absolutely nothing.

    My dealings with HRD stopped shortly after release of v6 went paid. Not because I had to buy the software, but the absolutely horrible customer service and serious lack of acceptance that they made an error in something when brought to their attention. They would rather pass the blame on the user as being an uneducated idiot rather than admit they had a software bug... some of those, by my understanding, still exist to this day.
    K4HYJ and NK2U like this.
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