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HamRadioNow...ish: K1N Navassa "The Movie" Official Trailer

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4AAQ, Nov 21, 2015.

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  1. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been AWOL from HamRadioNow since early October (except for the FlexRadio presentation at the TAPR/ARRL DCC). The reason is that Bob Allphin K4UEE hired me to edit his video of the K1N Navassa DXpedition that took place early this year. The result is a 44-minute DVD documentary that's just going on sale at (that'll link you to the DVD sale page). The price is $25 (worldwide shipping included).

    This is a K4UEE production, not really HamRadioNow, but if you're familiar with my programs (and especially my documentaries), you'll recognize my fingerprints all over this. And my voice... which is not all bombastic like in the "official trailer" above, so don't worry. Bob shot it (with some video from a couple of the other participants). So no, I didn't tag along on the DXpedition just to shoot video. That's a luxury most DXpeditions can't afford. And my operating skills aren't really up to what's needed to be a full combatant on this playing field. But having gone through all 5 hours that Bob shot with a fine-tooth comb to edit the best of the best into this show, I feel like I was there. All I needed to do was turn the heat up to 110° and to out to the backyard to go to the bathroom to get the full effect.

    Only a few people have seen the finished show so far. Early reviews say things like "best DXpedition video ever," but I'm wary of the grade-inflation we often give each other, so I'm eager for more scrutiny. "Best ever" or just darn good, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

    The DVD will make a nice stocking-stuffer, so if you have someone wracking their brain for something you don't have (that they can afford, so forget the Icom 7800 or Flex 6700), point them this way. And tote it to the next club meeting to play as the program.

    And if you missed it, Bob and co-leader Glenn Johnson W0GJ's talk at the DX Forum at the Hamvention® is on HamRadioNow as Episode 205 (along with the other presentations at the forum). Their talk is also included as a bonus on the DVD. It includes a lot of background and extra details that aren't in the documentary, including why it's easier to go to the moon than to Navassa.

    Back to HamRadioNow... now!

    73, Gary KN4AQ
    K2NCC, KB0TT and K9PLG like this.
  2. W5LMM

    W5LMM Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Awesome! Ordering.
  3. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Just ordered mine! This was a very special DX Pedition for me - a good friend K7MO arranged to have us use a commercial broadcast tower, in the middle of a swamp, at 1:30 in the morning, to work K1N on 160-meters CW!! Probably the single most fun ham radio event of my life outside of my first contact in the 1970s... we installed a tuner on the KLAY 1180 tower and ran an Elecraft K3 to a linear and three of us made that contact. For me it was the most exciting CW QSO I've had in 41 years as a ham - very late, cold, wet FUN night in the middle of a swamp!!

    My favorite DX Pedition of all time - as Club Presentations Coordinator (or whatever the hell my title is LOL), I will show this at our W7DK club meeting in two parts and I'm sure everyone will enjoy seeing it.

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
    N7ANN, K2NCC, W4ABC and 1 other person like this.
  4. K8CPA

    K8CPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    ha! very funny trailer. :p No red boobies. :D:eek::rolleyes:
  5. K9PLG

    K9PLG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes - Very entertaining trailer Gary !!!
    - love your voice work - you can sound so menacing when you want to :D Wonder if this will ever make it to Netflix LOL...
  6. DK6MP

    DK6MP Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    In the text you see the problem nicely .

    Too little honor and HAM SPIRIT

    140,000 contacts / 36,000 = 3.8 QSO for ONE Operator

    ANY MANY OM`s did get no chance !!!!

    Today the Same with Willis Is.
    So many still enrolled in the cluster that you now have the 3,4,5 band

    And others have no chance!

    I donation for DX - petitions
    But that makes me sad .

    but Away , intressting Video
  7. K2GSP

    K2GSP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    That's great. Love the trailer.
  8. N8MSA

    N8MSA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Besides that this probably isn't the best venue for this complaint, consider the following:

    Here are the statistics for K1N by continent:

    Breakdown by Continent
    Continent Total QSOs %
    877 0.6
    Antarctica 3 0.0
    Asia 8108 5.8
    Europe 44805 32.0
    North America 81807 58.4
    Oceania 1198 0.9
    South America 3211 2.3
    Totals 140009 100.0

    Here are the statistics for JX5O by continent:

    Breakdown by Continent
    Continent Total QSOs %
    138 0.8
    Asia 948 5.3
    Europe 10777 60.4
    North America 5739 32.1
    Oceania 38 0.2
    South America 211 1.2
    Totals 17851 100.0

    Notice the "60%/32%" correlation? Both activities favor intracontinental contacts, as both were dominated by "single-hop" stations. I can site other examples, but do I really need to? The real issue here is propagation and geography, not "ham spirit". You would literally be better off shaking your fist at the sun...

    Note the links above will only work as expected if you have a ClubLog account.
  9. M1WML

    M1WML Ham Member QRZ Page

    think I will wait till someone puts it on youtube...
  10. K0MD

    K0MD Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Gary and Bob - I enjoyed watching the video on K1N. It is an incredibly up front look into the K1N operation - the video clips make you feel you are right there! Please accept my heartiest congratulations for another superb video of a Top 10 DXpedition. This is the best yet! I felt I was right there working the pile-ups hearing the CW and SSB. Thank you for producing another insightful peek into what really happens on a DXpedition." Scott K0MD
  11. K4AAQ

    K4AAQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I understand the frustration. Part of the challenge is to work them on multiple bands and modes. I think that's considered legit. But if they can't work every last ham trying, it does make it harder for hams with smaller stations or bad propagation.
  12. W9MRH

    W9MRH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not here to start or add fuel to any controversy but I do have some thoughts that, as a low power (no amplifier) and no tower station trying to work DX, I would like to share. First, I wasn't licensed at the time of this operation. I only read about it QST but I did get the sense it was an amazing event and look forward to the next time the island is activated. My question is why is it necessary for stations to work these expeditions on multiple bands and modes? I wonder how many of the pileups I face are stations going for "all bands - all modes"? "Because I can" seems a bit selfish to me as does, "To see if I can". Am I right that you only get 1 QSL? There is no trophy to be won is there for most contacts throughout the expedition? All this is seeming to lead to an arms race of sorts. A tower, a bigger tower, the biggest tower. A 2 element Yagi, a 4 element Yagi, stacked Yagis. An amplifier, a bigger amplifier, the biggest amplifier.

    Alright, enough sour grapes. I have to get busy putting up a dipole for 30M and pricing amplifiers.................

    73 & best DX!!!

  13. KC9EE

    KC9EE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mike, there actually is incentive to work a dxpedition on multiple bands and modes. There is CW only DXCC, Phone only, 5Band DXCC, ect. I currently run a very modest station consisting of a K3 and a some wires in the trees. I think the EP dxpedition was the only one in recent history I failed to work. That was mostly due to high noise levels on their end.
    I do think it's inappropriate to dupe the dx station on bands and modes you've already worked them on. That truly is unfair to those needing it for an ATNO whether they be a little pistol or a big gun.

    I had friends on the K1N dxpedition so I'm really looking forward to seeing the DVD!!!!!

    Gary KC9EE
  14. N8MSA

    N8MSA Ham Member QRZ Page

    There aren't any ARRL DXCC awards for working a particular station or entity on every available band/mode combination. There are "standings" charts in ClubLog, but there's no award mechanism connected to these charts.

    The issue here is balancing any given individual's goal to achieve, for example, DXCC on 80M CW, against someone else's goal (e.g. DXCC mixed). Sorting priorities of this nature is almost impossible, including "one contact per station" methods, for the obvious reason that strong stations with good operators will always prevail.
    KC9EE likes this.
  15. K3LU

    K3LU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great Trailer... "IN A WORLD..." bravo!

    Since the beginning of DXpedtions there have always been Ops who once the tents are folded up and the antennas are torn down are unhappy with one thing or the other of how these DXpeditioners operated. Admittedly including myself from time to time. In the end it is one of the many wild card variables that I beleive keeps us coming back to the DX table for more fun and unpredictable excitement. My advise? Take a deep breath and enjoy the journey! Plus it doesn't hurt to know CW well to increase your odds exponentially to work these DXpeditions.

    Ulis, K3LU
    KC9EE likes this.

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