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Petiton started to void HOA Antenna Restrictions.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KZ5R, Apr 12, 2012.

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  1. W3WMD

    W3WMD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


  2. K6BHH

    K6BHH Ham Member QRZ Page

    See HR81 and SB191, two bills in congress adressing this subjuect.
  3. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have seen that many of the people that live in HOA neighborhoods seem too be just as bad as the HOA's themselves.

    They think that they are much better than everyone else.

    Bunch of snobs.
  4. K0JS

    K0JS Ham Member QRZ Page

    To the best of my knowledge, the only tract in our entire city predating the HOA' s, was built with aluminum wiring and cedar shake roofing. I would not bed a family in such a fire trap! Yep, 40 years ago. There may be one other tract with an inactive HOA owing to failing a quorum for meetings over a certain number of years. Not so sure about tickling the tail of that sleeping dragon, either. Much of the dissent that I see posted here today, sounds like : "well I got mine". Not very becoming. Who knows whether or not FCC's engagement with the HOA's may further the advantages already granted to those able to invoke PRB1?
  5. KC4FIG

    KC4FIG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I appreciate the concern and antennas should be allowed but to encourage the FCC to "establish reasonable criteria. . ." is a step to far. It's a big country and local criteria should be paramount, just so communication is possible - KC4FIG.
  6. WK5X

    WK5X Guest

    If an amateur does happen to live in a neighborhood with a HOA, there are options. May I suggest a wire vertical? Bury both the radials and the feedline, and use the smallest possible wire, strung from the feedpoint, up to to a convenient tree limb. If no one knows that it's there, no one will be looking for it.
  7. K1VSK

    K1VSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Obviously not from the comments thus far. Let's try to avoid the childish cheap shot and post something substantive.

    HOA's are generally there to protect the majority for us radio nuts who want to put up quads over the neighborhood which nobody except ham could think is aesthetically pleasing. Some of the folks here need to get out from behind their basement radio and into the real world.
  8. N9JPS

    N9JPS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah, that is something new and disturbing in the language of CC&R's today. "No electromagnetic radiation". Hmmm?
    Directly from our HOA's "Rules and Regulations":
    "ANTENNAS AND SATELLITE DISHES: No exterior antennas, aerials, satellite dishes, or
    other apparatus larger than 3 feet in diameter and intended for the reception of television, radio.
    satellite or other signals of any kind shall be placed, allowed, or maintained upon any portion of
    any Lot.
    Any such antennas, aerials, satellite dishes or other such apparatus that do not exceed 3
    feet in diameter shall be permitted on a Lot only if such will be aesthetically concealed by
    landscaping or otherwise and shall be installed so as not to be visible from front elevation street
    view or constitute a nuisance or offensive effect on other Lot Owners. Under no circumstances
    shall any such antennas, aerials, satellite dishes, or other such apparatus be installed without the
    approval of the Committee. No radio or television signals, nor electromagnetic radiation, shall be
    permitted to originate from any Lot which may unreasonably interfere with the reception of
    television or radio signals within the Development
    , provided however that the Developer and/or
    the Association shall have the right, without obligation, to erect an aerial, satellite dish, or other
    apparatus or master antenna or cable system for the benefit of all or a portion of the Real Estate,
    should any such master system or systems be utilized by the Association and require any such
    exterior apparatus."
    I highlighted the interesting parts. "any portion of any lot"? Does that include internal to the house, such as the attic space? I like the part where they speak of electromagnetic radiation not 'unreasonably' interfering with the neighbor. What is there to interfere with anymore? Most people are using internet connectivity or cable television for their entertainment. What is left, DTV reception? And that is a whole other game. Different frequency range and transmission type. What about Uverse and other wireless internet routers spewing SSI? What about the cell phone that kids have their noses stuck into and get hit by your golf cart as you try to avoid them? What about these d#%^ "Smart electric meters" throwing out their nasty EMI? The whole point of the rules is about the aesthetics, not pissing off your neighbor and $$$$$! Well, I will have to take that into consideration after the next emergency and you need to let family know that you are okay and you have no other means of communicating. I also like the part where they leave themselves exempt to erect said structures for the "...benefit of all or a portion of the Real Estate...". WTH? Sounds like they are catering to a minority, eh?
    P.S. - The previous owner erected a "Dish" antenna on the "front elevation" of the property and it is still there (although not used now)!
  9. KC5MO

    KC5MO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Our HOA now allows reasonable antennas for Amateur radio. At this time I know verticals up to 35' and simple wire antennas are accepted. No towers ( not sure about other types ) and the idea is to keep it to a minimum antenna needed for communications.

    Herb KC5MO
  10. KB2UKA

    KB2UKA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's even easier. If you want to put an antenna up, just put it up. Thats why god created attorneys.
  11. K0SNG

    K0SNG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Really; I don't think K1VSK is the only one! HOA's are usually ran by a bunch of constipated non thinking people that live in their own selfish little world. If the world was ran by them we wouldn't have much except a sterile world where all worked, went into your little cozy box home, got into your recliner and fell asleep, or watched boring sports until they fell asleep.
    We pay our HOA where we live so they can lavish at their own country club and talk about how great they are.
  12. AK4QE

    AK4QE Ham Member QRZ Page

    HOAs are usually run by people who have little or no knowledge of ham radio or its significance and it's probably not important to their lives. I have a bunch of neighbors in my condo complex who all have bar-b-q grills on their patio deck. Why do they barbecue? Well, i guess it's an american past-time and part of the culture. Barbecue grills can be unsightly depending on who likes and who does not like to barbecue. In the same vein, if I had a bunch of hams who were my neighbors and they all put up mini beams and full sized beams out here on their roof, i guess it will all be justified to do so. It's all about consensus, so lets get together and drive down this point into the minds of the guys at FCC to void HOA antenna restrictions.
  13. KD2BDV

    KD2BDV Ham Member QRZ Page

    A lot of newer/recent hams long ago bought into an area with some kind of restrictions not knowing today it would be an issue for their new interest.

    Moving isn't always an option for your hobby.
  14. N8ZR

    N8ZR Ham Member QRZ Page

    the problems with HOA rules are not limited to amateur radio and that's the problem as i see it. the enforcement of HOA rules often goes beyond common sense and decency. i used to work rotating shifts which made it necessary to sleep during daylight hours. i once had an HOA rule 'enforcer' wake me up to tell me the tulips under my picture window were 17' tall which exceeded the 15" standard (heritage hills, glen burnie, md)!! i have a friend in columbia, md, who would like to paint her front door a shade darker than it currently is and the HOA refuses to allow her to do it!! an HOA rule in liberty heights (i think that is the name), near rocky mount, va, says no antennas, to include satellite dishes, may be erected where they can be seen from the main road (i have not actually read this rule but was told of it by a friend). a ham i know in boones mill, va, had it written in his 'bill of sale' and approved by the HOA committee, as it existed at the time of the purchase of his land, that he would be allowed to erect a tower. i helped to erect the tower and then take it down after a retroactive regulation was somehow allowed to pass (yes, lawyers were involved but to no avail). i had a friend in annapolis, md, who had HOA permission to build a deck with a hot tub. he also put up lattice (not in the original diagram) to have some sense of privacy. the HOA 'enforcement' committee would not accept a written waiver, he had to take the lattice down then submit a set of plans, which were approved immediately, then he reinstalled his lattice. that just doesnt make sense to me... as for me - i now live in an area where my nearest neighbor is more than a half mile away, on the other side of the ridge to my north. (talk about hardships - no pizza or newspaper delivery where i live.) but i have a 160 meter loop and two G5RVs erected. i just had a realtor/assessor at our house and she didnt notice the antennas until i pointed them out. most visitors dont even notice my antennas. so what's the big deal? in summary, when HOA rules limit more than having a junk yard on your property they have gone too far. BTW, i am planning a move five hours north of here and have looked at over 40 properties just west of gettysburg, PA, - only one did not have some sort of HOA contract. so please dont espouse not moving into a HOA restricted community as an alternative. i have moved my search for property into WV where people live and let live. cheers & 73, ka3nzr
  15. KB9YSN

    KB9YSN Ham Member QRZ Page

    The best thing to do is not buy property in those restricted areas. Also, when you start paying my property taxes and home mortgage...only then may you tell me what I can do on my property! In other words, keep your nose, eyes and feet off my place and tend to your own! This country would be a much better place if everyone stuck to this sentiment.

    Eric KB9YSN
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