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SATERN/NBEMS Digital Nets looking for check-ins.....

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VE3FAL, Nov 24, 2011.

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  1. KF4ESH

    KF4ESH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hmmm.. traffic that is undeliverable is that way because it's "made up"? So, mail that the post office can't deliver because heaven forbid someone moved without letting them know or possibly because the recipient has passed away is "made up" as well just to boost the post office's numbers? Interesting theory you have there. And, What you call "piece of junk traffic" serves the purpose of training hams in the handling of traffic. Even if it is "made up hooey" as you accuse, the more experience operators gain while passing "hooey", the more prepared they will be in an actual emergency event when the "hooey" becomes real. Ever heard the phrase "practice makes perfect"? No, wait.. that's probably just "made up hooey" too.

    With all of your hatred and vitriol toward ham radio and it's public service activities, why not simply turn in your license and just use that cell phone? It's obvious that YOUR opinion is the only one that matters and it's apparently YOUR opinion that amateur radio is a waste of time. So, go ahead... turn in your license and rely on your all-mighty cell phone. But, when the mainstream communication infrastructure fails for one reason or another and your all-mighty cell phone shows NO SERVICE, don't pick up that microphone for help because based on your theories, we can't provide it anyway.

  2. KC0NRO

    KC0NRO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can't understand why someone would bash another over their chosen activities within this hobby!?!?!

    There are about a million different things you can do with this hobby...and to bash someone simply because YOU don't see the importance or relevance in THEIR chosen path is asinine at the very best.

    Don't like the traffic nets??? Then don't freakin participate in them! Spin the dial and go somewhere else! But certainly don't bash our ham brethren for participating in something that actually *serves a purpose* in times of need!

    One good thing did come out of all of this though...I am gonna fire up the HF tonight and check into 2 (gasp) traffic nets here in Missouri...3.963 LSB at 5:30 Central and 3.585 CW at 7pm! :p

    73 de KC0NRO dit dit
  3. KB3FXI

    KB3FXI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Please consider checking in on the SATERN NBEMS net skeds, too. Your experience and participation would be greatly appreciated.

    -Dave, KB3FXI
  4. WZ3O

    WZ3O Guest

    Wish I had an Amp so I could check in to more nets.... What a conspiratorial thought.....:p
  5. W0DLR

    W0DLR Ham Member QRZ Page

    This subject gets more comical by the day.
  6. NG2Q

    NG2Q XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am a new ham... Tell me more info about digital nets and SATERN NBEMS net. Sounds really interesting..

    Send to

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2011
  7. KB3FXI

    KB3FXI Ham Member QRZ Page


    I'm one of the SATERN NBEMS Net Control Stations and will be running the nets tonight.

    Times and frequencies are:

    Monday and Wednesday Evenings
    8pm ET, 14.065 USB, 1500 Hz waterfall center
    9pm ET, 7.065 USB, 1500 Hz waterfall center
    10pm ET, 3.5835 USB, 1000 Hz waterfall center

    We start on 16/500 Olivia for check ins then we switch to either MT63 1k long interleave or MT63 500 Hz long interleave for bulletins and longer messages.

    Any multimode software for digital sound card operations will work but we highly recommend the use of NBEMS. The NBEMS (Narrow Band Emergency Message System) software is available for free download at We also have a site with info on setup and use of the software for emcomm nets at

    The NBEMS software consists of the main program, FLDIGI, which handles all the modes and the transmission and receive of the the text over HF/SSB or VHF/UHF FM or SSB. FLMSG is used for creating and receiving authentically formatted form-based messages (several of the more commonly used ICS forms, NTS Radiogram, HICS, and a form containing all the data for the ARC Safe and Well H&W website). The FLMSG software embeds a checksum calculation so that an unlimited number of receiving stations can independently (and automatically) verify 100% receipt or determine that there were errors or missed characters in the received message. FLWRAP is used for embedding the checksum calculation on data files such as CSV plain text database or spread sheet files.

    Right now, the goal with the SATERN nets on HF are to get folks used to the check in and net procedures, and to get them used to receiving plain text messages, form-based messages and spread sheet data. Another short to mid term goal is to build participation to the level that, under varying conditions, we have enough participation to effectively handle relays and assure that we can get error free relays to just about anyone checking in on a given net. We're also in the process of helping some groups to get the NBEMS software installed, configured and operational at EOC locations.

    Some of the longer term goals are to get as many net participants as possible trained on creating and sending the form-based messages or spread sheets, handling same band and cross band relay operations, data management, and to work with the Salvation Army key liaisons in communications exercises and actual emergency/disaster relief operations on a local, national and international basis in handling formal messaging and logistical data communications.
  8. W0TLP

    W0TLP Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Followed by:
    Why would you bash nets, then complain that people are conversing about nets on a forum, then promise to be done with the tread, only to come back and again be condescending? How does that help?

    Such trolling is the Internet version of
  9. W0TLP

    W0TLP Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm looking forward to trying NBEMS. It looks like a great traffic handling system. Thanks for the invite.
  10. KB3FXI

    KB3FXI Ham Member QRZ Page

    We're looking forward to having you. I'll be NCS tonight. I hope we have good conditions. BTW, 14.065 USB is very active today with folks sending and receiving test messages.
    -Dave, KB3FXI
  11. W4AUE

    W4AUE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Note to the new ham!

    Note to NEW HAM: Happy to have you on board. Amateur Radio has many, many avenues of participation ... from basic CW QSO's to Moon Bounce - jump in with both feet - the worse case - you might learn something new.

    On rare occasions we get an opportunity to pay society back for the privilege of protected access to the RF spectrum (commercial interest would snap our little corner of spectrum up in heartbeat) - events that standout in my mind - The Alaskan Earth quake, Hurricanes Camile, Katrina & hundreds of others, Tornado Alley - (too many to count) - in every event, Amateur Radio played a part in helping those personally affected and protecting public property.

    But to do the most good, like the Boy Scouts, Amateur Radio needs to "Be Prepared" and practicing how to EFFECTIVELY communicate is an absolute necessity. 10-4 good buddy doesn't get it when band conditions are down and critical traffic is winding its way thru the national traffic system. There is nothing more satisfying than to call a worried family to deliver a message from son or daughter - ARL 1, ARL 7, ARL 2. (look them up)

    Now a word about S.A.T.E.R.N and the Salvation Army. I have worked with a number of agencies since 1957 mostly ARC. But when it comes to a no BS, get it done, and make a difference for those who need it .... The Salvation Army is the best - hands down. On more than one occasion they are the first on the scene with serious aid and support ... and even more important - they are usually the last ones to leave the scene - long after the lights and cameras are gone! And I can tell you there is no better sight than climbing down from your 15th broken power pole for the day ... in the snow and ice.... and see a SA truck with hot coffee and a sandwich.

    Lastly, in the earlier days, we got thru with a good wire, 100 Watts, and CW ... 99% of the time.. and we still do! May have taken a while but we got thru.

    But today, the newer digital modes are simply fantastic. With a condo attic antenna, 10 watts, and Olivia 16/500 I can pass traffic, contest, or QSO, all with a CW station on top of me and local KW lids splattering all over the band.

    Download FLDIGI and join in - you will be astounded!


    CU 2N BK
  12. KG4FET

    KG4FET Ham Member QRZ Page

    SC digital (sound card) are all usually USB. The exception is RTTY which is of course LSB so yes it is in the DIGITAL sub band Not cw only sub band
  13. N2NOV

    N2NOV Ham Member QRZ Page

    The reason that USB is used for any of the soundcard based modes (even including RTTY) is that it is easier to read your position on the waterfall display which shows your position in the passband in hertz from the left of the screen (0 Hz) to right side of the screen. If you need to invert the mark and space for RTTY, you can do that within the softwware. We find the FLdigi software a very useful tool in our repetoire for NYC-ARECS, the NY-NBEMS net (7.036 Sat. at 10AM ET) or the USeast-NBEMS net (7.036 Wed. at 7PM ET). Thanks to KB3FXI for being a mentor this year.
  14. AC3DB

    AC3DB Ham Member QRZ Page

    David, nice talking to you the other day.

    You mentioned us increasing the digital presence during the upcoming winter field day.
    Winter field day is Saturday January 28th at 5pm and I think it runs for 24 hours. The web site is

    I'm having my tonsils out the week before that I'm sure my voice won't be up for any transmitting at that time, but I'll be all over digital modes during my recovery, and I'll be staying warm inside too.
  15. KF5FEI

    KF5FEI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looking forward to catching ya'll next Monday. Got FLDigi set up and working with my 817 last night and verified I could at least receive PSK, RTTY and a few other modes. Just wondering, are the frequencies listed in the original message the normal watering holes for Olivia, or just where the nets take place? I'd like to get the messaging stuff working before the next net.
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