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Weather & Sunspot Cycle 24. Heralding a New Maunder Minimum & Ice-Age?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by GM4BRB, Aug 16, 2008.

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  1. W2KG

    W2KG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Then there are the "Canadian" geese.....

    I'm an old man and I was born and raised here on the Delaware River. When I was a boy, a duck hunter who bagged a Canadian goose would likely get his name and picture in the local newspaper. Today we have so many of them here year round that their poop has literally become a safety hazard in a few places! It seems to me that it's awfully hard to deny that nothing has changed. :confused:
  2. KC2PLJ

    KC2PLJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Even though things are not looking up as far as the sunspot numbers I still manage to make great contacts on 2, 6, and 10 with no problem. The thing that I noticed the most if you dont try you wont work em. I have a very small and simple set-up yet still manage to work the world and grab plenty of new grid squares on 2, and 6. I don't ever pay attention to the sunspots or any other garbage, I just get on and have fun.
  3. N8QWS

    N8QWS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes Billy, Man is the center of the Universe

    Why does man think he is the cause of everything??
    Lets think like the religious scientists that believe the Earth is 7000 years old and not Billions.. OR.. Lets ignore the fact that a major volcanic eruption can put more sulphor dioxide and carbon along with massive amounts of dust and other chemicals into the air than the entire history of man.. Just because the Earth has gone thru hot and cold cycles proven by climate archeologists for millions of years.. Lets all take Al Gores word for it, he did invent the internet.. Maby the RF from our radios is causing a change in the solar systems magnetic field and causing the lack of Sun spots..
    Get Over It...............
    Most everything is out of our control and we are just along for the ride..
    How about a new way to get the RF to propogate like piggybacking signals on the planets magnetic field.. OOPS, Sorry that mode is reserved for the Aliens and Al Gores new cell phone network.. There are lots of well educated people and politicians counting on your panic and tax dollars so they can get a paycheck..
  4. KG4RRN

    KG4RRN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Solar Minimum

    Now wait a minute here, your tellign us that due the sun not having a burst of sunspots that we may be heading to an ice-age?
    That is really streaching a lie, both 10m and 6 meters has been reported as open osme mornings and evening and that is the real indicator of DX.
    So, we can conclude form this Bristish missive, that the sun is not going to go ca-blooey after all of Al Gores' Global Warming speeches in which he makes mega bucks on? I need to go tell Andy and Aunt Bee....
  5. KB9MQL

    KB9MQL Guest

    probably these guys are counting government grants to feed them self so they have to research one way when it becomes old news they will get another grant and it will be the other out come. (mega sunspot cycle) ha ha just keep the radios on ,pay your taxes so scientist don't starve, and keep the bands active if no one is on then when it opens no one will be around to hear
  6. K7ZZY

    K7ZZY Ham Member QRZ Page

    See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
  7. K4KWH

    K4KWH Guest

    I'd have to agree with you there. Being in North Carolina most of my life (not native), we never had Canada Geese here. They were as foreign to us as Polar Bears or Grizzlies! Now, they clog ponds and cemetaries and create a new kind of pollution. They even flog unwary visitors that get too close to their goslings. And they are a "protected" species, fer cryin' out loud. If you kill one of them, the animal rights lefties will have you up on charges! :mad:
    (Mrs Goose, you flog me, and yer DEAD, I Gar-ran-tee ya!):D

    When I was a child in the 50's, snows were VERY common in the NC Piedmont, and we looked forward to them. We were kids, right? And this continued right up into the 80's and 90's. Snows of 8, 10, 12, 20 inches, and we had one "white-out" in January of '87 that just shut down everything. It was the first time I was actually worried about getting home that night. In March, '93 I went to the Charlotte, NC hamfest and it was pouring down rain!
    HARD! Around 11 AM, someone came to me and told me it was SNOWING like a sonufa-----! Say WHAT??????????????? We had around a foot of snow. And later, in the NC mountains we had snows of 5 FEET and drifts of 18
    feet!:eek: Since 1998 or so, we've had almost NO snow. A spitting of snow here, a dusting there, flurries, and an ice storm in '02 that knocked off power.
    Last year? A flurry. Even the mountain ski resorts suffered. So while I don't KNOW what is up with global warming or cooling, I can only say I have noticed changes in WX, animals we didn't have before, fire ants that used to be FAR south of us and couldn't survive even OUR usually moderate winters. We even have COYOTES here in the East and I see them run over on the interstates. Deer are overabundant and graze in my yard at night. And there are occasional sightings of black bears in the Charlotte, Huntersville, Gastonia areas. What's next? Cougars? (They HAVE been sighted on nearby mountains, but very rarely :eek:) while the "experts" say that cougars only exist west(?) of the Mississippi and in S. Florida!

    No argument from me, but something has (is) changed.


  8. K0WVM

    K0WVM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've got to think of George Carlin on Global Warming

    George Carlin's "The Planet Is Fine"

    Look that up on google and read the transscript. Or you can go to You Tube and watch the video.

    Intellectually amusing I must say.

    Weren't these same guys saying that 24 was going to be more active than 23? This was the prediction being preached nearly two years ago? Then just now they're saying there could be another Maunder Minimum. The weather guys can't predict with good accuracy how the weather is going to be 5 - 7 days from now.

    Either way, 20 on down to 160 is going to be the norm if we do have one of those minimums. Not too worried...
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  9. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    So . . . what's the point being made ?

    If I trade in my 18 mpg Dodge pickup truck for a hybrid car, will the sunspots come back?
  10. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh My ! As Frasier Crane would say

    "There will be a stampede to Echolink and IRLP " ! :cool:

    These are very interestng observations that need careful consideration.

  11. KB7DA

    KB7DA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well I am 33 :p And I ment S9+60dB LOL
  12. KB7DA

    KB7DA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    So . . . what's the point being made ?

    If I trade in my 18 mpg Dodge pickup truck for a hybrid car, will the sunspots come back?
    Reply With Quote
    >end quote<

    Yes and if you use wind power to power your house instead of fossil fuels more sunspots will come, and if you dont waste energy, more sunpots. :) Then you can talk the world on a wet string. LOL :)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  13. KB7DA

    KB7DA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    No one can explain global warming, as far as I seen is it is cyclic like sunspots. Along with that includes Ice ages. And one day George Carlin and W6OBB on Coast to Coast in 2000 said there was a time that the sun did something and it wiped out all life even microbial life. Just food for thought.
  14. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    I wonder if dip-weed will give back his Noble Prize?
  15. AI7AN

    AI7AN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Global warming is the result of.... Hot Air!

    Empirical data, my kneecap! Statistics are what is used by politicians & bureaucrats to prove their prejudiced presuppositions (lies)- on both sides of the aisle.

    The only REAL measure of this phenomenon being real or not will take a few hundred years more. I for one do not plan to still be walking this planet when that happens. There IS ample geological evidence that there ARE natural cycles of warming and cooling; establishing the cause & effect is WILD speculation at best- and nearly conspiratorial attention getting by any pretending to have any real understanding of atmospherics and climate. So this alarmist drivel is purely political in nature. Which is not to say energy conservation or cleaning up our air is a bad idea if approached logically rather than purely emotionally.

    BTW- the amount of CO2 emitted is downright minuscule compared to the amount of a vastly more significant greenhouse gas which gets virtually zero attention- water vapor. The CO2 thing is just plain silly. The only other viable explanation for this "global warming" is all the hot air generated by Al Gore & his minions. :D

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