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What is WARC Band Wednesday?

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by N2MAK, Jan 8, 2025.

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  1. N2MAK

    N2MAK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    A fun video my son Ben W2BMK and I did to promote WARC Band Wednesday, a new activity I'm trying in 2025. It's all about trying different things, learning about propagation, and experimenting with antennas. Leave no band behind!

    VU2JO and KF5KWO like this.
  2. KF5KWO

    KF5KWO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Excellent video, and I sub’d! I’ve been doing a lot of SSTV lately on 20 and 10, and trying on 40 and 15 but no luck there. 20 and 10 get very congested for that mode. I gotta try the WARC bands (I’ve got maybe on or two SSTV QSOs on 12). Love the #WARCbandWednesday tag as well, gotta put a sticky note at my station to remind me.

    73 de Jeff, KF5KWO, near San Antonio, TX
    WB4OFN and N2MAK like this.
  3. N2MAK

    N2MAK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks, Jeff! SSTV is something I hope to try this year too. It's helpful to know there's a lot of activity for it on 10m and 20m to I'll know where to start.
    WB4OFN likes this.
  4. KE9BDU

    KE9BDU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Awesome video! Great out takes at the end!
    N2MAK likes this.
  5. N2MAK

    N2MAK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I appreciate it and I'm glad you liked it too!
    KE9BDU likes this.
  6. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    My track record is just one CW QSO on 30m band () and a few pick spots on Reverse Beacon Network (), again on 30m. No QSOs so far on other WARC bands yet. 73
    N2MAK likes this.
  7. N2MAK

    N2MAK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm hoping to encourage more activity on the WARC Bands, so keep trying!
    VU2JO likes this.
  8. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Unfortunately when I remounted my experimental loaded coil dipole for 80m, with which I was being spotted on 30m, it seemed to be 'broken', not resonating on any band. Planning to look at it tomorrow and if it starts working on 30m, I will try a lot of CW CQ calls on 30m, which is supposed to be a CW band. My initial aim is to reach the RBN skimmer at @VU2TUM (1907.9 km) and then arrange a sked QSO with him. He is a great WARC bands enthusiast. 73
    VU2TUM and N2MAK like this.
  9. N2MAK

    N2MAK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I hope it all goes well!
    VU2JO likes this.

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