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What is the right response to "<my call sign> ?"

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by AF7LH, Dec 17, 2020.

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  1. AF7LH

    AF7LH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was listening to the CW Ops Test (CWT)... mostly just working on copying.

    After hearing a bunch of QSOs made by a running station, I worked up the courage to send my call in answer to the CQ.

    The running station came back with "AF7LH?" This was my correct call sign. And then I FROZE. What's the right way to answer this? And how would the rest of the QSO go?

    If there's a better forum for this question, please let me know.
  2. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    You would just confirm what he "thought he heard" and come back with "RRR AF7LH JEFF WA" - the exchange for non members is simply first name and state.

    Good job just jumping in - but it's a really good idea to copy ANY such event until you're comfortable with the exchange by just listening to others doing it and what they are sending - and if you don't know the exchange, Google it!!

    Don't stop trying - next time you'll get it spot on I'll bet :)


    CWT Site:

    CWT Exchange:

    Call “CQ CWT”. Exchange: Just send your First Name and CWops member number. Non-members will send First Name, and State, Province, or DX Country Prefix. This will allow most operators to use a general-purpose logging program or a paper log if necessary. A dedicated CWOPs module has been written for N1MM by Nick, NA3M. Other logging programs are also available. See our software page for more information
  3. AF7LH

    AF7LH Ham Member QRZ Page

    and then after that he would send something like "RRR <his name> <his nr>"??
    and then I would send maybe "RRR"??
    and he would close with "TU"??
  4. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    Yes - he would come back with something like "R JEFF NAME HR IS DAVE 54674 [not my number] TU 73"

    Then you're done.

    Again, it's always best to listen for a while - see how others are playing it and just do the same things

    CWT is a pretty mellow bunch. Definitely keep getting your feet wet in events like this before jumping into high-pressure global CW contests with more complicated exchanges!

  5. K8BZ

    K8BZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    This might not make a lot of sense without some visual reference. But most of the avid CWT operators use a logging program that uses what is known a a 'Call History File'.

    A call history file is a data file that has the callsigns and exchanges of just about all known operators who have previously operated in the contests. The exchange in this contest does not change from contest to contest. Therefore, the exchange you send in this contest today, is the same exchange you sent in previous contests, and will be the same in future contests.

    When someone is running and using a call history file with their log program, when they enter the callsign of someone responding to their CQ, the log automatically pre-fills the expected exchange for the caller from the call history file. The vast majority of participants in this contest are in the call history file. There are possible rare exceptions that I won't bother to explain now. But because there are rare exception, It's important to be on your toes and make corrections on the fly if the response is different than the call history file.

    Since this was the first time you participated in the contest, you were not in the call history file. My guess is the station you called did not see your exchange populated in the log after he entered your call, and therefore, was suspecting that your call was not correctly copied and wanted to verify it.

    KR4EE likes this.

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