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St. Kitts Ham Radio Adventure: Andy N2NT and V47T

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Dec 4, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Andy Blank, N2NT, is an experienced ham radio contester who recently operated as V47T from his legendary St. Kitts station in the venerable CQ World Wide DX CW Contest. This year marked a career milestone for Andy as he achieved a first-ever personal goal: breaking 10,000 QSOs during the 48-hour event. But the drama didn’t stop there!

    On the Contest Online Scoreboard, a fierce rivalry unfolded between Andy and world-class operator Kevin Stockton, N5DX, operating as ZF5T from Cayman Brac. With just 66 QSOs separating them and a razor-thin margin of 16,000 points, the battle for second and third place in the world in the Single Operator High Power category now hinges on meticulous log checking. Will Andy’s Caribbean contesting expertise secure second place, or will Kevin’s effort claim the spot?

    In this interview, Andy shares captivating stories from his rugged mountaintop station in St. Kitts, discusses the challenges of maintaining it, and explains how modern techniques like 2BSIQ and focused practice keep him competitive at age 67. He also reflects on the camaraderie and excitement of contesting, hinting at an even loftier goal for next year—11,000 QSOs!

    Join the conversation about one of ham radio’s most thrilling competitions, and don’t forget to subscribe to W1DED Worldwide Ham Radio for more stories like this one!

    DS1MHU, PY2YJ and KG5WHQ like this.
  2. KG5WHQ

    KG5WHQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    DS1MHU and W1DED like this.
  3. W5JON

    W5JON Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    A true and dedicated contester. Andy always does a great job from St. Kitts in the CQWW contests. 73, John V47JA
    DS1MHU and W1DED like this.
  4. N2SLO

    N2SLO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    great job Andy
    DS1MHU and W1DED like this.

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