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SERA Wants All Repeaters Toned!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N4FV, Aug 28, 2004.

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  1. KE4PJW

    KE4PJW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Given the price of crystals, I don't see how a rock bound rig is "cheaper". For $50 you can add CTCSS to the radio. Or for $50 he can get a programmable commercial rig with CTCSS. At Shelby, a friend of mine picked up a tk-805 for $30.

    Yes, most recently on the road to Shelby I was able to access several machines using my TK-810. Granted, for most of them I had planned ahead and used the repeater directory. I didn't know the frequency or tone of the porta-peater one of the KY guys brought down, but once I had the frequency, I was able to get the tone by using tone scan on my handheld. Poof, I was able to program it right into my mobile.

    I guess I don't see these as insurmountable challenges. It's always been the way I have had to do things. Maybe it's simply a matter of perspective.

    Well, that’s the thing. They are not requiring you to add tone. Now if there is an interference issue, then yes, they are going to require that you enable tone before conflict resolution begins.

    As I have said, I have had my issues with SERA as well. They do have their problems, but I don't think it's out of malice. They are a volunteer effort, so I don't expect an ARRL quality of support or responsiveness.

    I simply don't see a problem with their policy because most of the repeaters that use CTCSS don't have the problems that I see with those that don't use it.

    I am going to agree to disagree with you guys.
  2. wd4dug

    wd4dug Ham Member QRZ Page


    Just a week ago, you said the cost was $29!!!!!!!

    Well, no one said dogs have a good memory.

    Now which statement of yours is the bald-faced lie?

    Another suggestion, FWIW-  If you SIMPLY TELL THE TRUTH, you will not have to remember your lies!

    -WD4DUG [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]
  3. K4MFD

    K4MFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry WD4DUG, I don't think we have a chance as my mom all ways told me you can't argue with some ones stupidity and that is what we are doing in this case.

    [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]
  4. KE4PJW

    KE4PJW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Here ya go, if your too cheap to buy the one with the box.
  5. K4MFD

    K4MFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well KE4PJW your last post just proves my mom is right you can't argue with some ones stupidity meaning yours. Why don't you go home and take off your red SERA cheerleader shirt and let us big boys fix the problems. THANKS

    [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]
  6. K4MFD

    K4MFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Who is the SERA any way to tell you that you have to run tone before they will act on a interference issue. They are not the FCC and they have NO POWER. If they don't want to do there job and work on interference issues then GO HOME!!!! Don't create new problems by trying to hide your mistakes. Let's all learn a lesson from the SERA here and don't try and hide from your actions.

    [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]
  7. KG4RUL

    KG4RUL Ham Member QRZ Page

    BUT, if there is an interference issue, the assignments made, not by the FCC but by SERA, are used by the FCC to censure, fine or jail you.  

    Is SERA a Government Agency or not?  

    If not, then the FCC should not be able to use there data for enforcement actions.  If they are, EVERY piece of data they have is public property and MUST be made available under the FOIA.

    Dennis  [​IMG]
  8. K4MFD

    K4MFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    When all this is said and done the FCC will take a long hard look before they use any info from the SERA in interference issue again.

    No the SERA is NOT a government agency.

    The FCC uses info from the SERA on a voluntary basis and from what I am hearing that may be changing in the near future. The FCC sets the rules not the SERA.
  9. KJ4SI

    KJ4SI Ham Member QRZ Page


    Well I was there too!!
    The two 2 meter repeaters were opperating after the tornado,147.255 got a glitch in the controller stayed transmitting but audio was ok,147.330 worked ok for awhile, also the next morning went on the hill and fixed the problem,btw the pa was and is continuous duty,power never went off plus it has back up generator and also battery back up too.
    The reason I know is because I keep 255 going.

    Some of hams had problems working 147.330 because they did not have a tone encoder in their radios,330 had to be toned because of another repeaters users getting into it. Another problem from a repeater being cooridinated too close.

    Well all you non repeater owners make all the coments as you must in favor of tone,that's not the issue anyway
    most repeater owners have hunderds even thousands of dollars not counting the hours of time invested in these repeaters for hams to use. Then you can say let SERA tell them, "do as i say mandatory Tone"!!

    Bull,support the people that have put these up,ask the repeater owners what they want.
  10. K4MFD

    K4MFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I say again if they (the SERA) don't want to do there job and work on interference issues then GO HOME!!!!

    We are taking steps to work on them and for the good of all hams not just the friends of the SERA.

    New Frequency Coordination Service For East Tennessee  ~~ Amateur Repeater Society Of East Tennessee
  11. KE4PJW

    KE4PJW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    From what I have been told by a few OM, If we didn't have organizations like SERA, the FCC has all ready said they will revoke repeater station operation. They don't want to be in the business of coordinating amateur repeaters.
  12. K4MFD

    K4MFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I say again if they (the SERA) don't want to do there job and work on interference issues then GO HOME!!!!

    We are taking steps to work on them and for the good of all hams not just the friends of the SERA.

    New Frequency Coordination Service For East Tennessee ~~ Amateur Repeater Society Of East Tennessee
  13. K4JF

    K4JF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    A. No, not "everyone has it." Simply because most do not need it. In this part of the country that is a majority.

    B. Many, repeat MANY modern hi-tech solid state rigs do not have tone because it was an option (option means you had to purchase an accessory board and install it) on most rigs until recently. And with open repeaters, many people did not purchase the board. (And you are about 20 years too far back with the "1974" remark!)

    Yes, it is a technical hobby. But we should not limit access to a valuable resource to only those with the latest toys. Especially when there is no valid reason to do such limiting.

    Just "because it is on the latest rigs" is not a valid reason to obsolete other just-as-advanced radios. And it is certainly not "trivial" to figure out the tone used. You must purchase or subscribe to a listing that may or may not be correct.

    Once again - tone is a valid mechanism if used to deal with an interference problem. Because of the limitations caused by its use, it is just simply not justifiable on a repeater that has no such problem, unless it is there for another purpose.
  14. K4JF

    K4JF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Once upon a time, you could hold many pleasant conversations with other hams as you travel about this great land of ours.  There was always a friendly voice welcoming you to an area, or directing you to great meals, or telling you of the unique features of their hometown.  A wonderful assett to the traveler.

    But now, largely because of the attitude displayed by some people, and the use of access limiting technology, you can drive for days without hearing a peep from your VHF or UHF (or both, in my case) rig.

    The repeaters are silent either because people have abandoned them, or they are inaccessable to the average traveler.  Or both.

    A real loss to the hobby.

    And SERA is demanding that the rest fall by the wayside. THAT is my objection.
  15. wd4dug

    wd4dug Ham Member QRZ Page


    Let's do it!  Eliminate ALL repeaters!  YES!!  THEN we'll be rid of SERA, 2m CB'ers- and the ham bands will one again belong to hams!

    TNX for your support, KE4PJW!  You are SOOO helpful!  What a friend!

    -WD4DUG  [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]
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