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Santa Claus on the air

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Dec 20, 2001.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    N4JGU writes "Having three kids does not leave me much time to ragchew (if I did ragchew the evening away I probably would find myself soon with lots of time to myself if you know what I mean) on HF so I usually search for Special Events or try to grab some DX when I get a few minutes with the radio in the evening. Tuning around the dial on 20 meters I came across W6S (Whiskers Six Santa) calling CQ. I listened and nobody answered. He called again and with the three letter call I figured it was some sort of special event. So I came back QRO (with an Elecraft K2 QRO is 10 watts!) and promptly got an answer.

    W6S identified himself as Santa Claus and stated with the radio equivalent of the wink of his eye his QSL manager was WO6T. I put two and two together and quickly realized whom W6S was (WO6T) and called my 8 year old son to the shack (this will probably his last year of "Santa Claus"). I told him Santa was on the air. "Santa" then chatted with my son and asked him Santa questions such as "what do you want for Christmas" and "have you been good this year". Of course after we signed a pileup developed of other Hams with their kids who were eagerly waiting to talk to "Santa".

    During our QSO Carl (WO6T) mentioned to me he has been doing this for many many years. He even has his own website with a web cam so the kids can watch Santa talking live on the radio! I can hardly think of a better way to advance ham radio (esp. to kids) during the holidays.

    Thanks Carl (WO6T, aka W6S) for volunteering your time to make a child's day. I know you did with mine and hope to QSO with you next Christmas (two more kids to go!)

    Yes maybe there really is a Santa...if you have been good look for him on 20 meters!

    73's to all

    Rick Wheeler

  2. AB5CC

    AB5CC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I read the story above and it reminded me that I had heard W6S on 17m a few years ago. My 3 year old grandson happened to be here so we tuned to 14.264 and Jacob got to talk to Santa and watch Santa on the webcam as he talked with us.

    Keep up the good work,

    Kenneth (AB5CC)
  3. N9MYC

    N9MYC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I want to first thank Mickey-WO6T for assisting Santa with his ham radio contacts. The other night I was dialing around 20 meters and heard Santa. I got my daughter and we were able to make contact with Santa W6S in his "ham shack" at Santa's Workshop with the help of Mickey's Radio Station-WO6T in Bakersfield, California. The band propagation was not great and Santa had a little trouble hearing us. However, he was still able to share some kind words with my daughter. She was just ecstatic. She called her grandparents right after the QSO to tell them and then told all her friends at school the next day. When she got home from school, she called me at work and asked if we could try to contact Santa again that night. At 0100 UTC we heard Santa on 12.270 USB but he had to QSY to 14.264 due to QRM. We were able to make the first contact that night and propagation was better allowing my daughter to have a full blown 6 minute QSO with Santa. She was just thrilled and the whole family stood around listening and with big smiles on their faces. I keep a small tape recorder in the shack and was able to tape the QSO for her. The entire family was amazed when Santa asked us to help him with a little test regarding the speed of his web came. We were watching Santa have the QSO with my daughter at the web page and web cam. Santa told us he would hold a paper above his head and sure enough when the frame refreshed, we saw Santa holding the paper above his head. I was able to print the picture as additional evidence that we really talked to Santa.
    I want to thank Santa for taking the time to visit with kids via ham radio and I would like especially thank Mickey-WO6T for making it all posible. I just wish they both could have seen the utter joy and amazement on my daughters face.
    I urge you all to take a the opportunity to help a child make a QSO with Santa. Share the joy of ham radio and the spirit of the sean with a youngster. You never know, we might wind up cultivating a new generation of ham's. Check the noted web site and click on Santa Cam. It works even if Santa is not in the shack. But it also lists the times and freq's that Santa will be available.
    73's and Seasons Greetings to all.
    John Nebl-N9MYC
  4. N8YV

    N8YV Guest

    "Mickey", as he prefers to be known, was among my first HF contacts as a general licensee (AG). While at first I was taken aback by his seemingly mystical knowledge of details about my station, location and other facts, I quickly grew to respect this man and his excellence as an outstanding amateur.

    I have attempted (but will never equal) modeling many of my own operating techniques from his fine example. Mickey is a "ham's ham", a great asset to amateur radio in all his pursuits. Santa certainly knows just where to find the best location for his activities, and it's right in Bakersfield, CA!

    More information on W6S is available in QST and the ARRL Newsletter publications.

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

  5. NE5U

    NE5U Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    I count Mickey as one of my all time favorite contacts since joining this hobby less than a year ago. What a nice person. I remember listening to him for over 30 minutes before I called him. During my "listening" period I heard him talking about his relationship with Santa and I intended to try to "find" him this holiday season. Unfortunately, personal events kept me away from the rig. Maybe next year.</P>

    Thanks for jogging my memory</P>


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