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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by YO6EX, Jun 1, 2020.

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  1. YO6EX

    YO6EX Ham Member QRZ Page

    In 1874, three officers of the Romanian Army had the initiative of a balloon flight. They found on this occasion that the balloon could be used to obtain information in case of war.
    In 1875 three balloons were purchased and assigned to the army of genius. Without any special organization during the War of Independence (1877-1878), balloons with observers on board were raised on the front line, providing valuable information on the actions of the Ottoman army.
    After the war according to the High Royal Decree issued by King Carol I, in 1893 the Military Air Force Station of the Romanian Army was established as a separate section, equipped with observation balloons under the command of Lieutenant Eugeniu Asachi.
    After the success of the flight with the plane built and piloted by the engineer Aurel Vlaicu in1910, the first military pilot officers began to be purchased in Romania and to be licenced.
    The Military Aviation became an independent weapon in 1915, when according to the Ministerial Decision no. 305/10 August, the Romanian Aviation Corps was established.
    When Romania entered the war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire on August 15, 1916, the Air Force had 44 Nieuport fighter aircraft, 97 pilots and 84 air observers. A year later, 322 fighter, bombing and reconnaissance aircraft were equipped.

    After the end of the First World War, the military aviation being considered a distinct weapon within the Romanian Royal Army, it was called the Romanian Royal Aeronautics.

    In 1941 the ARR had an impressive fleet of aircraft, totaling 3,150 pieces of which 700 were fighters and 770 were bombers and assaulters.
    This Anniversary Certificate was established in the year of 2020 on the occasion of the 145th anniversary of the Romanian Royal Aeronautics which was founded in 1875 and abolished in 1947.

    More info:

    ARR-Aniversare-sample.jpg ARR-Escadrila Alba-sample.jpg ARR-Aniversare-sample.jpg ARR-Escadrila Alba-sample.jpg

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