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RFinder - The World Wide Repeater Directory V3 released

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by W2CYK, Mar 6, 2013.

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  1. W2CYK

    W2CYK Ham Member QRZ Page

    For immediate release
    from the desk of W2CYK

    RFinder - The World Wide Repeater Directory has released it's new version. With full National Language Support we are diligently translating into the languages of the world. Spanish and French are already released on Android and is submitted to Apple for release!

    We are working on translations actively for:

    Version 3 has a new feature which will allow you to store as many points along a route as you want. Just keep overriding location and updating. Once you are done those locations will be in memory for use offline, with the most accurate data available. The map will automatically scroll across areas as you move.

    Next version will use the directions function through Google and Apple maps. Just define a route, choose update.

    RFinder - The World Wide Repeater Directory (WWRD), the world's most robust, complete and accurate repeater directory is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. Just search for RFinder. Your annual subscription includes access from the web, RT Systems and CHIRP software on Windows, Linux and MAC.

    New clients in development:
    Windows Phone coming this spring!
    Macintosh OSX
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