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Recall Petition for the ARRL Southeastern Division Director is under way.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG4JSZ, Jan 15, 2017.

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  1. NI9Y

    NI9Y XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sounds like an interesting way to recall someone without saying why. I'm sure the ARRL board has in it's book of laws a rule for "cause". But it sounds unfair to the person under recall. What say members?
  2. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Joseph Ames v. American Radio Relay League Inc, et al

    Plaintiff - Appellant: JOSEPH A. AMES
    Defendant - Appellee: AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE INC,
    Case Number: 17-1091
    Filed: January 12, 2017
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit
    Nature of Suit: Assault, Libel, and Slander

    Ames Appeal 3rd Circuit (1/2017)
    AMES Complaint (7/2016)
    History of NTS, ARES, RACES (Compiled by Joe Ames, 2013)
    NTS Today by Joe Ames (2014)
    Cascadia Rising Exercise by Joe Ames (June/2016)
    ARRL to NTS and Section Official: "You're Fired!" (CQ NEWSROOM - June/2016)
    ARRL Executive Committee Removes NTS Eastern Area Chair, Eastern Pennsylvania Section Manager
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  3. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Dan, the reason for the petition by members to recall the individual imposed by the ARRL as the SE Director is because there was no election for that position as scheduled.

    Instead, very late in the usual electoral process, and very suspiciously, the rules were manipulated by the ARRL board of directors, which resulted in no vote being given to SE Div members for the choice.

    This is a long thread, but go back to page one and just read the original post, especially the last link to the time line of events. I think it will be clear to you then.

    73 de John, WØPV
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  4. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    The word politics is derived from ‘poly’ meaning many and ‘ticks’ meaning parasites.

    Reminds of 2012, when the FCC studied the rationale for ARPA and concluded "We do not believe that Congressional action is necessary to address any of these issues." Then, the club fired up the Newington lobbying-funding-membership-drive machine, and suddenly 'this is must-pass, crucial legislation.'

    ARRL>Congressman Greg Walden, K7EQI, Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman with FCC Oversight>CONGRESS

    Republican Trump>Appoints Republican Pai>Congratulates Republican Walden>For Passing 'Unnecessary' Legislation

    ARRL "represents" 20% of hams.
    CAI "represents" 20% of home owners associations.
    The majority 80% of both constituencies are never polled.

    This is called "bipartisan" legislation.

    "The Amateur Radio Parity Act, H.R. 1301, died an unbefitting death as the 114th Congress of the United States drew to a close today. After having passed the House of Representatives on a unanimous vote, the bill stalled in the Senate due to the intervention of only one member, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)."

    Regulatory capture is a form of government failure that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or political concerns of special interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
    KK5JY likes this.
  5. AI0K

    AI0K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Incorrect. The fact you will follow the HOA restrictions is a clause in the purchase contract. You must agree to following the restrictions in order to purchase the house.
    What you get in addition depends on the jurisdiction, but typically you will get a copy of the HOA's bylaws, etc. at the time of closing. You can request it before (we did before purchasing our house), but it's up to you to get them earlier.
  6. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    What is due diligence?

    Do your homework

    Due diligence means taking caution, performing calculations, reviewing documents, procuring insurance, walking the property, etc. — essentially doing your homework for the property BEFORE you actually make the purchase. If there are too many issues with the property — and that means too much potential risk and cost — then you can cancel your purchase agreement and look for a better property.

    Here are just a few of the steps that apply to both personal residences and investment properties, although some may only apply to one.

    Shop the marketplace

    Make sure you know what the market has to offer. Too many people look at just a few properties, put in an offer and purchase. You should spend several months looking at properties before you buy.

    Mortgage financing

    Make sure the mortgage deal you get is fair and in line with competitors. Probably less than 20 percent of people get two bids for their financing, so they don’t know whether they’ve received a fair deal.

    Pencil out your investment

    If you’re buying an investment property, it’s vital to pencil out your deal. How do you know whether it’s a good deal if you haven’t done the math and compared it to other opportunities?

    Property inspection

    You probably had an inspection, but did you go to it? Did you review the inspector’s remarks on all the work that needs to be done? Then did you call a contractor or go to a home repair store to see how much it will cost to put the property in the shape you desire? Renovating properties is hugely expensive and high risk, so make sure you get estimates for the work before you decide to move forward with a purchase.


    Did you check to see whether an insurance policy can be written for the property? How much will it cost? Some areas, such as fire-prone or hurricane-prone areas, might not even be able to get a policy. And even if they do, it might be prohibitively expensive. Get some bids before you’re too far along in your purchasing process.

    Homeowners association

    Do you know how to review the HOA documents to avoid communities that are in disastrous shape, out of money or have significant construction issues? This is actually a pretty complicated task, but you don’t want to buy into a total mess of an HOA. If you do, you will feel some discomfort as the years go by and you have to deal with the issues and special assessments that you will be required to pay.

    Title insurance & plat

    Did you look at the title abstract and insurance policy? This will help you see if there are some issues that should concern you. Talk to the title insurance company agent and lawyer to help you review the documents. Also look at the plat of the property, have the easements plotted by title and walk the property for encumbrances.

    Those are just a few of the many items that make up due diligence when buying real estate. Remember, you have to do these BEFORE you close escrow on the property. If you fail to do the proper tasks, problems might arise that were preventable, and might make your real estate experience less than palatable, or downright life changing! Or they might cause you to lose all the money you’ve put into the property.

    See the Ins and outs of HOAs


    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
    KK4NA and KK5JY like this.
  7. KK5JY

    KK5JY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Even completely detached from the subject of this thread, that's a fantastic thought.

    I'm going to have that printed on a bumper sticker.
  8. NW6V

    NW6V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Than, I must ask, who is?
    73 Chris NW6V
  9. N1FM

    N1FM Ham Member QRZ Page

    We'll probably see a very large reduction in ARRLs lobbying efforts this year, which might allow them to look inward at their own processes and procedures. Maybe they'll even address some of the issues discussed in this thread. It could happen. Might happen. Probably won't happen.

    The President signed the '2-for-1' executive order requiring agencies like the FCC to revoke two regulations for every new rule they want to issue. The order's aimed at dramatically rolling back federal regulations, which was one of his top campaign promises. The “one in, two out” plan will be triggered when an executive agency like the FCC, issues a rulemaking.

    That order comes in addition to a regulatory freeze imposed on agencies. For items like permitting manufacturers to introduce new products, like an amplifier, or a radio, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) or the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) will give the FCC guidance on how the executive order should be implemented.

    Executive agency rulemaking of all kinds has already slowed down, and the DOJ just fell in line to support the executive branch. Attorney General Sally Yates, head of the DOJ, was chastised in an official statement from the White House who said she "betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect citizens of the United States." The President then told Yates... "You're Fired!"

    She was replaced with Dana Boente, who said he'll "faithfully implement the goals of the executive branch." Boente then directed staffers "to do our sworn duty and defend the lawful orders of our President." Boente will fill in for Jeff Sessions until he's confirmed as the new Attorney General.

    You may have noticed Mike Carowitz is the new head of Enforcement Bureau and Travis LeBlanc is down and out in L.A., as they say. FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai has shuffled the deck, replacing almost all of the EB's top brass with new people, signaling implementation of what Pai calls regulatory humility, forbearance, a light touch, transparency, process, procedure, and the rule of law - and the end of "headline grabbing" fines "plucked out of thin air" with "no factual basis."

    Ajit Pai praised the passage of ARPA in the House, effectively reversing the FCCs analysis in 2012, without engaging in a new analysis, but the executive order may affect implementation of the bill, even if it gains passage in the Senate, where Senator Bill Nelson is the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

    Nelson already said he has "serious concerns," saying "this bill would effectively repeal parts of millions of private contracts," and he'll "look very skeptically" on the "broadly worded" legislation. He also said, "It may be that another approach to this issue could gain my full support." Unfortunately, listening has never been the ARRLs forte. The club in Newington didn't read the tea leaves and no changes were made. The new bill is identical to last year's failed attempt.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
  10. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    An FYI - The ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee Report to the January 2017 Board of Directors meeting mentions the election disqualification but does not shed any new light on the decision. Here's all it says about it:

    The report referred to seems to be addressing some complaint or other by Rehman against ARRL's counsel Imlay.

    There was nothing else in the Board Meeting Minutes regarding this episode.
  11. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    <<Dan, the reason for the petition by members to recall the individual imposed by the ARRL as the SE Director is because there was no election for that position as scheduled.>>

    There was only one qualified candidate, and he was declared the winner by default. No need for an election.

    No valid reason for a recall.
  12. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    <<Dan, the reason for the petition by members to recall the individual imposed by the ARRL as the SE Director is because there was no election for that position as scheduled.>>

    There was only one qualified candidate, and he was declared the winner by default. No need for an election.

    No valid reason for a recall.

    You can question and contest the disqualification of the other candidate, but not the the declaration of the the winner.
  13. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    <<Dan, the reason for the petition by members to recall the individual imposed by the ARRL as the SE Director is because there was no election for that position as scheduled.>>

    There was only one qualified candidate, and he was declared the winner by default. No need for an election.

    No valid reason for a recall.

    You can question and contest the disqualification of the other candidate, but not the the declaration of the the winner.
  14. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ethics rules are meaningful only if administered fairly, so I not only "question and contest the disqualification of the other candidate" but I also "question and contest" the NON-disqualification of the "declared winner by default" based upon the complaints submitted about him.

    The ultimate "qualification" of a candidate should be made by the electorate, NOT by some obviously biased small committee of cohorts with its own hidden agenda and opaque process bending the rules in the 11th hour.

    A totally valid reason to demand a recall.
  15. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

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