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Really bad Slow Scan TV Pictures

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KE0VH, Mar 19, 2002.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This thread has collected quite a "me too" section including the "broad-minded" (in waiting) claiming to be offended already! Who's kidding who here? This whole "offense masquerade" offends me, OK?

    I just wonder how many of the "me toos" have even seen the picture ("Limbo") in question? Get the facts first, I'd post it if I could! However, I do have it (for anyone who wishes it, you must first promise not to be offended). Once viewed, if you take life so seriously that you can't laugh at it, you really need to "mature your tolerance" & stop throwing tantrums over what other adults do or see. Some of us use our controls as adults to avoid offense: ON=OFF, FREQ=VFO. TV is really no different than radio thus the same applies.

    Everyone waiting around to be offended eventually gets what they are waiting around for! If the FCC doesn't cite it, keep moving, tell your stories walking!

  2. kc0msq

    kc0msq Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have not seen the picture, but I'm guessing that if you taped it up somewhere in full public view where a lot of people walk by, you'd be in in trouble. Sending it over the public airwaves is exactly the same thing, so if it does not pass the "tape it up in public" test, you should probably not be sending it over the air either.

  3. KX4TT

    KX4TT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Guess that these guys getting jailed and fined proves the old adage "It's expensive to be stupid!"

    73 de N4MVL

  4. K1ZC

    K1ZC Ham Member QRZ Page

    If it is the picture I am thinking of, most courts would rule that it is indecent but not obscene. Either way, open broadcast spectrum, be it ham radio or tv, is an inappropirate medium because young eyes should not be viewing such things. I believe adults should have wide discretion in what they choose to view, or not view, and the Internet fills that niche quite nicely.

    This is not about what is legal, it is about courtesy. If we think somebody is going to be offended, the picture should get posted elsewhere.

    As for family size, I am not sure why that is relevant to the discussion. I would rather see eight (or more) kids in a home with loving parents that think there should be some standards in our society than a family with one child that is unloved. I think those eight are probably pretty lucky.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Decency is fundamental Tom (tkinney), and I'm not looking to be a "policeman" on 20M, or with your "private" reading, etc.  Of course that is not the issue and you well know it!  You sound like an ACLU Leftist-flake who attempts to shift the ground upon which one advancing a moral position stands.  Those who selfishly advance such porno-sin (slow scan pics, etc.) and vulgarity without due regard to the tender eyes, of both children and adults (especially other women whom said pictures demean) who happen to see it, are not worthy of any defense whatsoever...

    Our U.S. Founding Fathers NEVER intended "Freedom of Speech" to extend to protect immorality like pornography, and their writings prove it.  Folks were arrested in Colonial days for swearing in public and spitting on the street.  No freedom of speech and expression in that sense, nor should there be!  Of all the causes to take up in Ham Radio Tom, can't you find more worthy things to defend or advance than pornography and population-control extremism?  Think you're the one who needs to emerge from the qth and see the light, ol' chap   [​IMG]

    K1ZC, well stated re: eight offspring with a loving family trumping one unloved child.  Be warned though:  The Marxists/Determinists have trouble with that logic [​IMG]

  6. KC2HMM

    KC2HMM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Gee...reading all these posts has given me an education n Radio, Morality, History, and the law..........I think I'll stick t 20 M QRP CW.......Alex KC2HMM
  7. W1LC

    W1LC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wrong again Tom! Pornography and other anti-family sin is more of a threat to the fabric of a nation than is your "invented" boogieman trying to deny sinners a peak at "whatever". Sin will always have an audience in a fallen world. That's not the issue here. Keeping Amateur Radio clean and enjoyable for all -- is! If we lose our privileges some day, it will be to no small extent that those like yourself -- who support or even show apathy towards abusers of the frequencies (in contravention of FCC rules) -- who are responsible. Grow up!
  8. W1LC

    W1LC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Convenience excuses Tom. You can explain it to Jesus someday, though you may want to rethink your position. The Dark Ages huh... you're a real "wanderer" through time, all over the place... Typical Lib!

    Actually, I view the "Dark Ages" as when we had a recent President commit adultery in the White House and use tobacco products in a rather unnatural way with a 21 year-young intern. Another great example for our youth! I'll take Dubya choking on a pretzel or using West Texas dialect rather than Slick Willy trying to use a tiparillo as an tampon insert... [​IMG]

    I'm glad most Hams have more sense than you apparently do Tom. Of course, there is much wisdom in not e-speaking with a fellow who thinks a family of eight in the U.S. is a threat to the eco-balance or who cannot spell correctly [​IMG]
  9. W4NOC

    W4NOC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had the same experience 4-11 at 0025z.  I left the rig on 14.230 for a while and went away to do other things.  Later, I was working some slow scan with some of the 6M ops.  I scrolled back the history, and there was a pict that I would not want my family to see.  

    My rigs are in a corner of the garage, which is a common path in and out to the back yard.  Sometimes others in the household enjoy just seeing what is materializing on the monitor here.  Now, I'll have to remember to close MMSSTV or turn off the radio to prevent such things from appearing on the monitor while I am away from the rig, or working another radio.  I had seen a few that were distasteful, but now it has escalated to porn.

    I don't need it in my shack, or my home for that matter.  It appears amateur radio is becoming another media source that must be carefully screened by parents.  Sounds like commercial TV and the internet, doesn't it?

    What a shame...
  10. AD4C

    AD4C XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    How come in the world can anyone blame a guy who's happy and proud to say he has 8 kids and he sure is capable of feeding and clothing them properly,GOD BLESS HIM for having them,no one has the right to critize this guy who as he said loves his wife and kids are a product of love,If he can afford them,let it be for God sake!! Leave him alone,and lets go to the main matters,pornografy on SSTV that is a real big deal and MUST be punished by the FCC and not If some one has or not 8 kids,its embarrasing truly to see bad pics like those on 14,230 but its more embarrasing to see people writting bad things about a nice decent guy who loves his 8 kids.This is a FREE country and you can have your own family no matter how big it be.He is just having 8 future valuable citizens who will help this country to be the best in the world.
    God bless America
    73 and good DX's
  11. N1NKM

    N1NKM Ham Member QRZ Page

    It looks like the dust may finally be settling on this issue. [​IMG]

    I was talking to a friend on a local repeater this morning, and he feels that such things shouldn't be put into the PUBLIC forum, such as SSTV. He said (and I agree) "There are PLENTY of other venues where peope can download, view, and share pornographic material to their heart's content, without putting it up in a public display, where others may not want to see it."

    He is exactly right. If people want to look at things like this, I say, "Knock yourselves out." You can use e-mail, Instant Messaging, or postal mail to send pictures back and forth. You don't *NEED* to BROADCAST that filth over the air! [​IMG]

    Let's look at this issue from a PRACTICAL angle:
    E-mail, etc. is PRIVATE & UNRESTRICTED, and the picture quality is VASTLY superior!!! WHY would anyone even WANT to broadcast it, when there are vastly superior quality, PRIVATE methods available? There can only be one answer... THESE SLOBS *WANT* to offend people!  [​IMG]

    And that's the name of *THAT* tune. What other LOGICAL reasons can they have? [​IMG]
  12. KE0VH

    KE0VH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Since I started this discussion, I have read all the entries, and I will make this my last.

    Thanks to all who have contributed, even the ones such as those who feel they must be so rediculously off topic so many times and critical of things not pertaining to the issue. They have done nothing but prove their own ingnorance,lack of common decency, and morals. And, some people do feel they live to offend and do what is wrong, in some sense of rebellion. We cannot convince them otherwise, and it is futile to try, and frankly, it is not even worth wasting the time. LID is an apt description.

    Those of us who really care about others, the hobby and what is right hopefully will be enough to keep others who want from taking the frequencies and convincing the FCC and governing bodies to give or sell them off, which is always a threat. In the meantime, it is up to me to protect mine. And that I will do. Without having to give up that which I hold in great value, the Amatuer Radio Service.

    73' to all.
  13. N1NKM

    N1NKM Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ke0vh @ April 15 2002,10:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thanks to all who have contributed, even the ones such as those who feel they must be so rediculously off topic so many times and critical of things not pertaining to the issue.  They have done nothing but prove their own ingnorance,lack of common decency, and morals.  And, some people do feel they live to offend and do what is wrong, in some sense of rebellion.  We cannot convince them otherwise, and it is futile to try, and frankly, it is not even worth wasting the time.  LID is an apt description.  [/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    I agree with your assessment. Hopefully, you'll see this last reply!

    You are right about some of these people being LIDs! One even went so far as to send me private messages, filled with insulting remarks, etc. I blocked him. His posts & e-mails are now BLISSFULLY absent! [​IMG] (Before I blocked him, I saw his posts rather frequently... almost every day.)

    He was doing his best to provoke me. I laughed at his futile attemps to annoy me! They were truly pitiful! He wasted his time, and his adrenaline... you see, I have a "code of honor" that I strive to always follow, and it is this:

    In a battle of wits, I refuse to fight an unarmed man. [​IMG]

    BTW, you *KNOW* the guy has to be a LID... he either doesn't have a callsign, or just refuses to reveal it. What does THAT tell you?

    With that' I'll say 73! [​IMG]
  14. M3JFK

    M3JFK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I object to it because it was a picture of my

    And she told me she was going out to weight watchers.
    (Thats a diet club folks)
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