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QRZ Security Update: 2FA and Verified Users

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jun 12, 2019.

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  1. W1MDM

    W1MDM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Do i need to provide loTW and valid gov. Issued ID?
  2. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Which part of, " . . . if yes, send me a Conversation with the results." did you not understand? I'm sorry if this seems rude, but you need to actually follow instructions if you expect anyone to help you.
  3. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    And again. Send me a Conversation if there is something you don't understand after you have actually followed each step of the instructions.

    This is my last post to you. Use Conversation from now on.
  4. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did the 2A thing - now it seems I have to have my cell phone on and in hand to receive/enter a code EACH time I log in?

    Sorry - seems like a real PITA for me.

    How do I un2A so that I can just login? - never mind - found how to disable the 2FA thing.

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
  5. N1WT

    N1WT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is there an option for those of us who don't want to install extraneous software on our computers (mine is locked down tighter than a drum with only what is absolutely necessary to prevent clutter) and who have SMARTER phones (aka a cell phone that makes calls and has SMS messaging disabled so if someone really wants to talk to me they have to call and talk to me) ?
  6. WB2LBV

    WB2LBV Subscriber QRZ Page

    If you decide to try it again-
    When you log in check the box that says "Trust this device for 30 days". Then you will only be prompted for the code once a month on each device you use to log in on, in between those prompts you can log in normally with just your username and password.
    KL7KN likes this.
  7. K8WT

    K8WT Ham Member QRZ Page

    A quick .02$...

    I stumbled upon this thread during some down time waiting on family, so had the chance to read it entirely. I was interested, surprised, shocked, let down, learned a bit, embarased, and lol'd a few times-all involving one topic/thread. We surely are a smaller population, of a whole population. FOLKS, relax!

    As a curiosity challenge to myself, I logged in and tried to setup 2 factor authentication without much instructional reading or more specifically, not reviewing all the "how to" advice. WORKED, FIRST SHOT! My secret tactic, relax, breathe, follow prompts. I'm not jumping into any debate for/against any of the technologies or arguments in this thread. More simply, I propose to those having difficulties, relax, try again, clear your head. Remember the first time you fired up the soldering iron without supervision....I was more nervous and shaky than when my "elmer" showed-explained it to me while looking over my shoulder. It was now on me to cook something by mistake and the focus narrowed.

    To those apparently "against" the extra effort for these "services," that's fine. The only thing anyone can no longer do w/out further intervention involves the swapmeet. I've only today completed 2-factor and have been viewing the 'Zed for years, logged in and off. If I wanted to sell something right now, I'd have some further "registering" to do, that's all. Change comes with age-in this case for the 'Zed on the Net.

    For those posting examples of why "this too" in not enough and things will still get hacked....I simply say "not as easily as if we didn't do it." It can't hurt adding a layer of "frustration for the hacks" as I look at it. Face it, a simple "password" is just letters/numbers. These technologies are a step up, but remain optional, so are no hinderance to you unless looking to participate in the swapmeet.

    Reference the loTW or sending a photo ID....I CAN see some of the concerns. I for one am not on loTW-so that's out. The photo verification protocol is explained by 'Zed staff in that they have a limited number of individuals with access and they promptly discard the files. You are dealing with Four (4) human, people, verifiers that might see you have a diminished hairline, or that one eyelid droops a bit (don't get #offended, I qualify for both). Try having knowledge of who the exact person is that reviews your (insert any application process) in the world OUTSIDE of the amateur community. Most people quickly hand over their ID for other things like "soda" and "chimney sticks" without batting an eye.

    Like I said, I'm not supporting/condoning the protocols any one way or the other. I just felt the thread took on a whole meaning other than the intent. Mr. Fred, carry on, it's all you can do for trying to keep things as safe as can be and as inclusive to the community as can be.

    I repeat advice that has literally taken me years in my personal and professional life to kinda sorta learn/figure out...."Relax, breathe, review, try again...". We are a .02% community based on virtues of kindness and curtousy....offering .02$ of stones thrown at a glass house doens't fit the mission. I've no intention to instigate anyone here or fuel any debate, but I accept any conversation, constructive or intelectual, as that is how we all come to be more informed. I do believe in leaving threads on topic though because eventually all the back and forth posts muddy the information for those trying to scour for the info they thought would be there.

    Peace and 73 to all...
  8. K7FLY

    K7FLY Ham Member QRZ Page

    My understanding is that in order to be verified, I need to send a copy of my driver's license with photo. In these days of unbounded surveillance and facial recognition, I am not happy about sending my driver's license with photo (especially a mug shot) anywhere. I wish this were not necessary, and hence may not get verified (which means I wouldn't be able to sell on the Swapmeet, nor even to reply to a seller). I appreciate the effort to reduce scammers (as someone attempted to scam me there, but I got the money back from PayPal), but I'm not sure that sending a copy of my cherished driver's license is the only way, because frankly, it is another way of losing security.

    And, regarding the two-factor authentication, if a person is verified, I wish it were only necessary when posting an item for sale (or wanted) on the Swapmeet.

    Just an opinion from an old geek who cares about big-picture citizen security, and who is annoyed by unnecessary computer bureaucracy.

    Reed K7FLY
    K9GLS likes this.
  9. PY2KK

    PY2KK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Friends. I have a doubt I am no longer seeing the VERIFIED image on any QRZ.COM website, any idea what this might be. Thanks. qrz_verified.jpg
  10. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

  11. PY2KK

    PY2KK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Friends. I have a doubt I am no longer seeing the VERIFIED image on any QRZ.COM website, any idea what this might be. Thanks.

    Attached Files:

  12. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

  13. PY2KK

    PY2KK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the info DAVE, 73 - Happy New Year, good luck

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